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Everything posted by Squiffy

  1. Anyone know of a source for this remote (or any generic version which works with the AVTECH AVC787)? I'm in the UK and the only source I've come across doesn't ship to the UK. I would require the IR receiver also. TIA
  2. Many thanks. I found it, but I could see no sign of the matching IR receiver which I also require.
  3. Squiffy

    Micro PCs

    Perhaps not quite what you're looking for, but worth a look anyway: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.20383
  4. Squiffy

    Attempted Burglary

    Yes, the problem is one of inadequate resolution, rather than blurring. At least it's useful experience, you can perhaps install another camera (or redeploy an existing one) to eliminate any blind-spots and so that you will get a clear image of the suspects if there's a next time. Having a general view is obviously useful, but reserving at least one camera for a close-up view of entry points is key.
  5. Sometimes it's not the RF that directly causes a problem but (with digital systems) the switching transients. For example, the familiar noise if you place a mobile phone too near most audio equipment during 'handshaking'. Systems like TETRA also have LF components which may again cause problems. But with adequate camera and cable screening, all should be fine. Some additional ferrite beads/rings on the supply lines may also help if you do encounter problems.
  6. Squiffy

    Attempted Burglary

    Okay, yes it sounds like you'll need to upload both files then, unless there's a save to AVI function or similar.
  7. Squiffy

    Attempted Burglary

    A good idea, something like 10MB will be a bit easier to download, bearing in mind only a few frames will be required. Which format is the video in?
  8. Squiffy

    Attempted Burglary

    I'd suggest using a free file sharing site for that, such as: http://www.rapidshare.com/ But don't upload a *huge* file, as no-one will bother to download it. If you can, retain the original file resolution and format rather than compressing/converting to another format.
  9. Squiffy

    Attempted Burglary

    Unless you think it's futile, if you'd like others to have a go at enhancing the image, then upload the highest resolution image(s) you have available. I'll be willing to try.
  10. Squiffy

    AVTech AVC787 IR receiver?

    Okay Pete, thanks, I will do likewise. I'd expected to hear back from the UK firm by now to inform me of a price, but nothing as yet.
  11. Squiffy

    AVTech AVC787 firmware upgrade?

    Thanks, yes, I'd realised that. There are pros and cons to this, the obvious con is that HDD space may be wasted and you don't have a neatly time-compressed series of events on a particular camera. On the pro side is that other activity, which may be relevant to that of what's motion triggered the single camera, will be recorded.
  12. It's currently v1.0.9.8, I'm wondering what is the latest version? Is there a version history (knowing AVTech I doubt it...)? I usually avoid upgrading firmware unless there's a tangible benefit, so if anyone can shed any light on bugs that may have been fixed, I'll appreciate it. I've downloaded firmware named "AVC787_1066" - is that v1.0.6.6?
  13. Squiffy

    AVTech AVC787 IR receiver?

    Well it may indeed require three rings - I only tested with a stereo 3.5mm plug. I would *guess* that the circuit here is what's required, (*just* the RE148S part): http://www.piclist.com/images/www/hobby_elec/e_pyro1_1.htm > both are the same person and will not ship to the UK Yes, I did ask but he didn't respond when I asked if he'd make an exception for such a small item. I've a friend in Canada who'd have been able to get it for me, but with shipping and customs, the cost would be getting ridiculous. I'm waiting to hear from a UK firm who may be able to help, but you'd probably have to buy the remote control also.
  14. Squiffy

    Attempted Burglary

    Unfortunately the magical zooming (with remarkable clarity) abilities as seen on TV shows and films doesn't exist. Images can be enhanced digitally by anyone, although it helps if you know what you're doing. Take a still image (the clearest you can find) and try various options (sharpening, unsharp mask, contrast, brightness, histogram adjustments, black/white levels etc.). You may be able to at least get a partial plate which may still be of use when coupled with the make of car and colour. If you have more than one image of the vehicle when stationary then you can overlay them (place them on top of each other) as another layer (select multiply when mixing, or whatever appears best). This may help, but if it's a very blurred plate then there's probably not much you can do.
  15. Is there not a DVR option to record deinterlaced? As the previous poster mentions, you can do this with post-processing also, for Windows there's a free program called VirtualDub for AVI files (or VirtualDubMod for mpg) with lots of filtering options. Some imaging programs will also deinterlace still images.
  16. Squiffy

    AVTech AVC787 firmware upgrade?

    > there does seem to be a bug whereby manual record is mysteriously enabled without me doing so. I normally just use event record only. After a reversion to defaults (but not a hardware reset) I'm still getting this. It's not a major problem but it is irksome. If anyone else has the same DVR model, I'll be interested to know if you also experience this bug (if set to motion record only) and your firmware version (I'm still using v1.0.9.8 ). Thanks
  17. Self-amalgamating tape will do it. It's usually black in colour, which may look a bit ugly, but it works very well.
  18. Squiffy

    AVTech 787 - Troubleshoot

    It maybe a fault on your DVR, but if not, then I think this may resolve your problem: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=11788 To quote from the thread: "To change the camera image layout during live view: 1) Go to the live view 2) Press "SET/ENTER" - one of the camera images will go green 3) Use the Up/Down/Left/Right buttons to move the green box around to select one of the cameras (or an empty channel) 4) Use the + and - buttons to select a channel number. The channel numbers are in white. 5) Press "SET/ENTER" again." Note however, on my AVC787 the images don't go green - just a white-ish overlay. Press "Set" to invoke the select camera no. option, then press "Enter" to move that camera image to that part of the display.
  19. Squiffy

    AVTech AVC787 IR receiver?

    I've just found a 3.5mm stereo jack plug in my 'junk box' so was able to find out that it does use a stereo connection. There is no voltage on the tip but there's 2mv on the other connection. At such a low voltage this would be just for a sensor device.
  20. Squiffy

    How to find a hidden camera?

    If it's a wireless camera it can be detected with a simple and very cheap "RF sniffer", e.g.: http://www.vk2zay.net/article/192 Or a much more sophisticated (and expensive) frequency finder device: http://www.optoelectronics.com/scout.htm http://www.optoelectronics.com/videosweeper.htm If within the 2.4GHz allocation it can be seen using existing 2.4GHz receivers. If you want to make your own, it's quite easy using these Comtech modules: http://www.13cm.co.uk/ If it's not wireless, the on-board syncs (line sync frequency) may just be detectable using a dedicated device in very close proximity. If it has an infra-red emitter then this will be visible by using a camera capable of seeing IR.
  21. Squiffy

    Strange question of the day: Why coax cable?

    The MAC variants were along the lines suggested by the OP: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D-MAC The audio was the only part digitized, the video remained analogue with the multiplexed system. The systems have been phased out (but maybe still in use in some parts of the world) and replaced by digital systems.
  22. Squiffy

    AVTech AVC787 IR receiver?

    It's an option but more definitive information is really needed. I haven't a 3.5mm stereo jack plug I can test with, to see if there's any voltage present. If there isn't, then hopefully any IR sensor would work. The IR receiver should be available from here: http://www.weclonline.com/tchi/productdetail.asp?id=50128515 Although I'm not sure where they ship to. However when I registered there (necessary to even find out the price!) I didn't get an email response (yes, I checked my spam folder), which doesn't inspire confidence.
  23. Squiffy

    AVTech AVC787 firmware upgrade?

    Thanks, I didn't have to go to the lengths you suggest, closer scrutiny reveals it's doing what I thought - recording on all cameras if motion is detected on any of them. Your suggestion reminded me of this though http://www.mediashed.org/files/sniffin/VidSniff%20%280-00-15-12%29.jpg See here if you're wondering what that's all about... http://www.mediashed.org/?q=videosniffincom FWIW, my 787 hardware is Rev 05A, dated 13/10/2005
  24. Squiffy

    Complete Noob

    I would think the PIH-0143P8 will probably be adequate for your requirements. I'm not sure how the "special OLPF" is implemented though - I suspect it's just an IR cut filter with less attenuation than normal. While this may resolve some issues that would reduce its IR sensitivity also.
  25. Squiffy

    AVTech AVC787 IR receiver?

    See here: http://jap.hu/electronic/infrared.html Unfortunately, unless you have the circuit diagram it's difficult to know exactly what's required. Some may just require just the sensor while others may require active electronics also. Depending on sensor type it may require a voltage, in which case a 3-wire connection would be needed.