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Everything posted by toughman

  1. Hi, I am buying these connectors from RS for my camera installation. However, it is too expensive from RS. Can anyone tell me where I can get less expensive power connectors? The connectors I need are female and male. (tip size: 5.5mm OD X 2.1mm ID) TIA Roger
  2. Thanks! guys. I will check them out. Roger
  3. rory, Thank you for your information. I think you were talking about Dual-Row Barrier Strips from RadioShack. However, the camera I imported doesn't have this kind of terminal. It only accept "Inline Plug DC Power Connector". RS part numbers 274-1569 and 274-1577. http://www.radioshack.com/search.asp?find=power+connector&site=search&SRC=1 Roger
  4. Thank you very much for your replies. RS is Radio Shack. The connectors will be used to plug DC power into CCTV camera with 12VDC. These are male. In addition, I need female connector for DC power adapter for the power spurce. BTW, does anyone know the good source of 12VDC(about 500ma ~ 800ma) power adapter? Roger