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Everything posted by VST_Man

  1. I am using them in several different places with non-powered mics..........work pretty good. I run RG59 cable as the microphone cable.........adapt the connects as needed.
  2. skip the static and use DDNS with http://www.no-ip.com save 10 bucks and give your client a unique url name.
  3. VST_Man

    Viewing IP Cameras on TV

    some put a PC at the tv so they can do things on the PC via the tv screen. That makes sense to me.......... decoding a IP camera to view it on TV is expensive and is a single use type thing. A PC like mentioned above allows for you to use it for more. ALL NVR manufactures have the same problem.....no IP cams via video output unless a added card is purchased.
  4. some routers have a "enable" check box that needs to to checked or the setting you save are not ENABLED.... and, use http://www.no-ip.com or some other port checker to verify your router & ISP are all agreeing......... and, if your really wondering, a better way to do networking is to BRIDGE the modem over to the router..........I've found routers are happier if they have more control of all................. Bridging a modem basically makes yourmodem transparent and your router assume the modems WAN settings.....your LAN still remains the same. One thing, you need to contact the ISP and have them BRIDGE the modem for you since they own it. Most ISP's will allow you to do it via a phone call.
  5. ahhhh! I forgot to mention the internet police, the "doc", and the red light district.
  6. you are right. simple as in/out look at it this way; you have a sky scraper (PC) with over 65k rooms in it. each has a door, numbered 1 to over 65,000. You need information from outside the skyscraper to get to room 80 inside the skyscraper, which is the common internet HTTP port. The guard at the front door has a "port forwarding list" that allows or turns away data. If that list allows data to room (port) 80 the guard allows the data in........the only door the data can gain entry into is 80, all others are locked. The guard is basically the FIREWALL. and..........all data moving within the sky scraper is automatically allowed access to all doors....... and several skyscrapers (any IP device like a PC, ) in a city (ie. your house) create a larger networl called a LAN Local Area Network. Several Cities create a WAN, Wide Area network. Each skyscraper, city or groups of cities can have one guard or multiple guards....depending on how you set things up. hope this helps..........
  7. change the codes to see if it's a codec issue. go into the camera record settings and choose any other codes to record too. Then see if that improves the problem. I've seen this before and it wastraceable to the codec used being corrupted by a microsoft update................. what version of software are you using? VJ240? VN series? the above codec change will get you over until tech support gets back to you. VI is very good at resolving issues. and, once you get it settled down you most likely won't have any problems again. I've got several VI servers out there, several with 32 cams, and all have been inplace recording video for over 3 years with little or no problems. Whenever I see a "odd" problem, it is usually due to a forced update by Microsoft..........or ActiveX
  8. VST_Man

    Wiring Question (inteference or not?)

    alos, be careful of powering all and the distance of wire.......you may run out of amps when everything is running.
  9. VST_Man

    Wiring Question (inteference or not?)

    obviously the 18/2 is for power......what kind, ac or dc? voltage? also, why not power cameras closer to the camera?
  10. VST_Man

    Remote Viewing with Static Address

    did you check your portsto MAKE sure they are open? I am sure.......is not checking.
  11. Avermedia & Video Insight. Video Insight is more Coorporate or large scale, has more bells &whistles. Avermedia is budget.
  12. no experience with NUUO, other than I DL'd a Demo once. I'm sticking with VI because they are a decent Company based in Texas and they write the software there. All-American Baby! I do Demo other Manufactures stuff here and there but I have not found anyone else Ilike more.
  13. another approach is to creat a "kill zone". if you can't get closer to your car, move the car to a fixed location that you can concentrate your camera's on. Then just wait it out and you should get something to use as evidence. ps..a civil law case does not need 100% proof evidence.
  14. I suggest you download Video Insight Demo IP camera software and do a comparrison. Demo version is a 30 day trail. Also, the netter CCD on the market are Progressive Scan. Other CCD's hav a motion effected blurr effect that can destroy a Megapixel Image. Blurr effect is 10 times worse in low light no light. The othe t thing to try is to set your camera's for best frame rate rather than best picture quaility. Best picture rate will produce a great pic but motion turns into blurr........... I now use the Acti ACM-7411 and they are very good for they money spent. Blurr is still sometimes a issue but it is very minimal for the price involved here. I also have a 3130 and that camera has almost zero blurr so it just depends on how muchie you want to spend on reducing blurr.
  15. VST_Man

    Remote Viewing with Static Address

    your dvr network settings are set to your Local Area Network (LAN) Routers DHCP settings, not to your new Wide Area Network (WAN) IP address. Next, set your routers "port forwarding" to the IP address of the DVR. Port 80, ect. all get poited at the dvr.............opening a path to the dvr. Then, use a port checking web site to see if your ports are open or blocked. I use no-ip.com to check my links BEFORE I try to view them over the internet. If you Port Forward and the ports are blocked.............your ISP has blocked them. This Router your have. Is it a Embarq by chance? Embarq routers are poor routers to use with video. Hard to program and no DNS settings available.............but you have a static now so DNS does not matter. IMHO, Embarq designed their new DSL Wireless Router without DNS so that they could and can charge you for a static IP address. With my clients, I toss the Embarq router in the trash and install a Linksys. My clients don't have to buy a static, nor should they........
  16. VST_Man

    Advice needed.

    your would be recording digital if you did it via USB. and a simple VCR would also work.just harder to manage tapes. also, make sure you restrict the save folder/location as it will fill your hard drive up quick. all windows pc's need a virtual drive space to operate and if you fill it up your pc will have a heart attack and slow to ice.....
  17. VST_Man

    IE 7 issue

    open ie, goto tools, internet options, click on your security tab, click on custom level teb.......scroll down to ActiveX settings and enable all. now try to open the DVR browser via IE.......it should allow you to install the activeX..... after you get it to load reset your activeX settings.......
  18. VST_Man

    Security business in Mexico

    it's funny til you live it...........then it's makes sense. back in SC where my biz is based, networking and CCTV is "exspensive gotta have it stuff"........and construction rates are cheap, approx. 65 a sqft. to build a spec. out here in Idaho...everyone is still on dial-up, your somebody if you have highspeed and HD....and a CCTV system is something they don't need here because people don't steal here..not yet atleast...and the gun laws here keep things in perspective, if ya know what I mean. So, networking and CCTV are inexspensive here and labor to build anything is carzy..........I requested quotes to build a 3 car garage here..........nothing special, 2x6, shingle roof, couple windows & the doors. I was going to do the electric and everthing after it was built. They wanted 85k to build it...................how funny is that..............no insulation, no siding..............just a box with a roof. So, my Honey and I built it for less than 20k........crazy world we live in......... But, economy has slow drastically here.......and the old days of 30 bucks an hour to put siding on a garage is over........I hope. My Honey watched over another neighbor's ranch here over Dec.he went on vacation. She did it for free and expected nothing, but he came by with a bred Hereford hefer as a gift for doing his chores for 3 weeks. My Honey loves it, I smiled, and we'll have another addition to our ranch..the gift that keeps giving. So, in return, we are going over for super this week and I have a brand new spanking color laser printer that we are going to give to him.he has a small office that he works from and still uses dial-up and a very old dot matrix printer..........older as he is, but still uses it. He'll get a kick out of the new thingie.......... Green Acres is very nice to have..............we are happy. Mud & Hay gets into our toes once and awhile but the mornings here, surrounded by the Cabinet Mountains & Selkirk Mountains...........can't be beat! Sometimes small & simple is nice..........and now you know why I take a hand shake or a persons word as a promise. it still works out here
  19. VST_Man

    Security business in Mexico

    you can also use a "leasing" type arrangment. Get a smaller deposit and then charge a monthly fee..........or trade your stuff for theirs? we call that "country living" up here in Idaho. we trade beef for pork, computer networking assistance or installs for free dog/cat medical things, and the list goes on........it's not cash but it opens up the neighborhood and allows all to contribute to eachothers needs and not have to write a check.
  20. VST_Man

    Security business in Mexico

    my experience with those that do not pay any advance is to walk away. Your a small company and you need to work up towards the big fish on your terms. But don't under estimate the smaller installs and retail sales...........if you do it right you can build it............anything is possible if you follow a well planned route. stick to it and things will come to you. the best part of this business is "our" labor rate is $00.00 when the boss does the work..............ha ha ha
  21. VST_Man

    Security business in Mexico

    tough times for all, worse for Mexico..new paints a bad game down there? If it were me I'd try to get clients with money. I guess that leaves you with 2 choices. Connected and not. And either way you go you have to impress them with technology before they even think of urchasing. And then you'll have issues with getting equipment across the boarder. again, tough times. Also, small cheap "gadgets" would provide you with a reoccuring baseline of customers until you got bigger........camera pens, stun guns, audio devices, motion detection devices like the Voice Alert 6, mace, pepper spray, ect. I feel for ya...........things in Mexico are not very favorable right now and your goals are impressive.........just keep the arsche against the wall......
  22. VST_Man

    Outdoor cabling issues

    your choices are; - go around via direct bury cable, either CAT5 or RG. CAT5 using a blun is smarter. - wireless with IP cams. ie. Linksys router and Axis 207MW's indoor and Acti ACM-7411's with a small wireless network client, and/or access point with switch. wireless client; http://www.ubnt.com/products/picostation.php the above pico is a back order thing right now..so plan it buy it now. I order mine a month ago and it has yet to ship.
  23. VST_Man

    Back up Drive customer can take home?

    why do "clients" & "owners" always want it to work fast? You can only watch 8 hours of video in 8 hours. I would try using a remote access program like Logmein or VNC viewer..if it is compatable with Geo? I'm not a Geo guy........using a remote type service will give them a better speed since the video is retained on the server and viewed via remote......no downloading outside the streaming remote connection. I went thru this with another client. I spent the money on a 500Gb USB drive so they could "take it home", but..after all my help it turns out they thought the reviewing of 8 hours would be faster at home? You can do aggressive object type searches if dealing with the video on a local device but the overall effort is a waste of time. I tell my clients that the recorded video is recorded for a reason. To review IF something happens that requires evidence of facts. Anything outside of that is not how DVR's were designed. I use Logmein on most of my servers since it has a quality setting which you can set based on interet speed. Again, if your client is doing this at 5 pm they are hitting peak and speed is going to be crap. VNC sometimes has issues passing the video......
  24. you have a video card issue. try loading 5.0.0017 I had to upgrade my video card to a known/tested video card......my video was exactly the same as yours is...I have a 6480e and I purchased a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814139031 which works fine.