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Everything posted by destro_23

  1. destro_23

    Anyone have Dahua cameras working with NV5000?

    i wonder if thats just a cheaper lens issue? or just need to focus a little better?
  2. destro_23

    Anyone have Dahua cameras working with NV5000?

    Awesome can you do a possible screenshot of quality of camera? And how's the video playback? As crisp as origional?
  3. destro_23

    FS: 48016AMX Chance-I divis DVR Card

    I do still have it... if you want it send me a pm
  4. I have a 48016AMX DVR Card thats been sitting around from a client that backed out about a year ago. I got it for about $700 i'll take $500 for it.
  5. destro_23

    HD over coax dumb questions

    Hey guys i see that there are some HD cams over coax if i have a regular avermedia NV5000 how do these hook up? any special hardware? connectors needed? and how are these in quality and have you put any in the field? thanks! Destro
  6. destro_23

    HD over coax dumb questions

    to answer my own question... looks like you need special dedicated hardware recorder like an everfocus.
  7. destro_23

    Any Trick to get two nv7000H cards to run?

    update: one card works by itself with no problems... the other doesn't... one seems to be hosed. I'll contact Aver
  8. i've tried multiple machines and multiple OS's and i can't get two of these cards to work together.. Has anyone does this before? are there any cables that need to physically connect the cards? every time after a fresh install it sees all the devices and on reboot... Boom.. program hangs on "starting" I throw in a NV5000 and it works like a champ. Any ideas on how to get 2 of these going at same time?
  9. destro_23

    Any Trick to get two nv7000H cards to run?

    Hi. what is your pc setup for having too cards ??? RAM / graph cards. the H is a Hardware Compression card. so will need alot more than the standard NV5000 software Compression. no you dont need card connection cables like some software compression cards do. but before setup of a H card you do need to go into BIOS settings and switch off Hyper Threading The machine i'm putting them in is a Q6600 intel quad with 3 or 4 gigs of ram.. (i only say this cuz i have an image of XP running right now. I"ll go into the bios right now and change those settings... see what happens. thanks!
  10. I have an epson TM-T88III ethernet network printer and was wondering if the avermedia POS overlay software can grab those print requests? and overlay them?
  11. Any CNB dome you guys would recommend for an applebees type bar/light? ceilings are about 9-10' i think non IR would be better but not 100% sure... i'll get a current screenshot of the regular Chinese cameras he has in now.. they are non IR and you can still see whats going on.. but he wants to update them. D2867NVF - discontinued but on sale or DBM-24VF for a little more any other ones i should look at? or does anyone have a screen shot of something they installed? Thanks!
  12. destro_23

    Low light for bar CNB - what do you use?

    thanks guys.. since they are only $10 difference i'm going to get one of each then take it from there.. or should i just go for the V24? anyone have any screen shots? thanks for quick replies i'll order today
  13. destro_23

    eSATA for 1008 - what format?

    what format does this drive have to be in for the 1008 to see it?
  14. destro_23

    1008 can't connect to vivotek

    i have a 1008 that i'm installing and when i autosearch for ip cameras it finds the vivotek 7138 and and an Acti... the acti 4201 connects fine.. the vivotek does not connect at all... even though it sees it. With the system i'm replacing a NV5000 card.. the same ip/port works just fine. any ideas? i have latest updates installed
  15. destro_23

    1008 can't connect to vivotek

    ok after just letting it sit there for 20-30 min... it connected... and after a few reboots it still connects.. so who knows? lol i'll leave it be.
  16. destro_23

    1008 can't connect to vivotek

    ok it worked on my home network... now i plug it back into my comcast business router and to doesn't work... i'm really stumped here.. my home is typical 192.168 and my business is 10.1.10 and both times the 1008 can autodetect the acti and vivotek with no problems. It can always connect to the Acti on both networks It detects the vovotek on the 10.1.10 but can not connect.. WTF?
  17. i'm pretty sure it actually connects to other avermedia dvr card then shows camera system... what are you trying to do? if your trying to find a cheap IP solution... maybee buy a nv3000 card and use that for ip cameras?
  18. destro_23

    Windows 7 & NV5000

    is UAC off? UAC needs to be off when you install it
  19. destro_23

    Avermedia & Win7

    VST_man... http://www.averusa.com/surveillance/download/IP/RemoteConsole.zip download and install this on any win box... it works if you can't get IE running properly. I have connected to a 1008 box and an Nv5000 DVR card with this software on win7 and win7 64bit let me know
  20. Being that i also own a small restaurant... i say get a small dedicated cctv system.. the POS video camera stuff that is built into mine (aldelo for restaurans) is basically only made for usb cameras that plug into the station. Reasonably priced POS software usually only does usb cameras only... If you get a AverMedia NEH1008HN for 443.79... hard drive +100 + $500 for 6 cameras is about $1000 for a great system or a NV5000 card that goes into PC for about $300 this can also do IP megapix cameras in future. Again... double check with the software i could be wrong but i've only seen usb vga cameras being supported just poked around and found this link http://www.pointofsuccess.com/videosecurity.htm basically you need a regular dvr system... i would email them and ask for a picture of the back of that unit. i haven't downloaded the demo.. but my educated guess it... it is NOT built into the system. if so its only for usb web cams.
  21. destro_23

    1008 can't connect to vivotek

    i reset the vivotek to stock... and it worked... turns out the camera needs to stream in mpeg so max of 800x600 as opposed to jpeg 1024x768 with this specific camera.
  22. just wondering if there is a way to view cameras from Palm/HP WebOS phones or Tablets.. i managed to get a tablet to for $99 during the firesale of all the hardware. i'm using the /mobile address... Anyone have a modified /mobile web page? or maybe i should modify it with newer/updated javascript ??? hmm.. maybee make it webkit compatible? and put 4 channels on one page?
  23. Just got a hold of an Arecont AV5100- how do i get the ip address? or reset to factory defaults? thanks! googling everything now
  24. if i close the iris more... the faces of people become do dark to see and the camera will then adjust to the bright outdoor when that's not where i want to clean up... because of the very bright outdoor lights it's making it hard. I'll try and play around with it today if i'm not to busy. i might just move this camera somewhere else and put the 1.3mp vivotek back. Anyone have a wdr Acti they wanna trade for? can't be worse right?