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Thanks for the information. I have a customer who has been driving me nuts about this. However, when I went to the site: http://www.apple.com/iphone/iphone-3gs/app-store.html , I typed averdigi (as well as several variations just to be sure) into the search box and there were no results. I hope this isn't another example of you tea sippers getting preferential treatment over us coffee guzzlers here in North America.

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Thanks for the information. I have a customer who has been driving me nuts about this. However, when I went to the site: http://www.apple.com/iphone/iphone-3gs/app-store.html , I typed averdigi (as well as several variations just to be sure) into the search box and there were no results. I hope this isn't another example of you tea sippers getting preferential treatment over us coffee guzzlers here in North America.


hi WRS_mark.


you have to do it from the phone. or go to itunes and search for averdigi iviewer.


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Thanks Tom,


I don't have an iPhone and figured that might be the case so I forwarded that information to my supplier in New Orleans and they loved it! And nice to see there are people with good taste in the UK.

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The AverDigi iViewer app works well. Of course there's lag. Had to reduce the quality setting to 50% at the highests resolution.

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FYI, AverDigi advertises the application saves connection information. This is not the case. Their programmers need to update the app to be able to save a few profile connections.

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Well, the application only has live view feature and nothing else, basically. No multiview, no audio, no PTZ, no playback, does not save connection information and so on. Whereas, Geovision's iPhone G-view shows 6 cams at once, controls PTZ and IO, saves connection information, playback function. Though, does not have audio, neither. But since this is the first step into iphone view, I think it is normal. I think Avermedia is pretty good on Windows Mobile phones (except quadview quality). Let's just wait, there should be more of it coming...

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