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Qvis cameras? Qvis EYE-E36-V2W-N

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I have installed a couple hundred of QVIS' eyeball domes. All in all I think they are great quality for the price. Blows anything else away in that price range.


Couple of issues:

- their effios are much better than Nextchip. Bought a batch of Nextchips that had a bug in the firmware that would make the image go totally white and stay white if the sensor detected too much light.

- the WDR isn't great. It's actually D-WDR, so that explains it.

- the white body scratches VERY easily when putting the camera up and aiming it. Just be slow and careful and don't let the metal pieces rub together as much as possible.


As mentioned, the OSD controls are great. Cameras all come with power connector which allows you to screw power cable in cleanly.


Not bad camera at all.

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