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  1. SytemsInstaller

    HID edge and Infinias sytems

    Nothing but problems with infinias intelli-m access module. The final iteration we ended up with is still a joke at best. The Admin calls it Dora (after the cartoon) and consistently emailing with errors and freeze ups. Wish I had seen this forum back when all this was still fresh, 09 thru 10 could have given a dissertation on the failings of the hardware/software. Even more frustrating the inflexible, non-responsive, network/server, O/S ignorant applications wonks(maybe salesmen??) at the apparently bought out or merged original company? Bleeping SQL engines consistently locking up, disabling handicap access button... Hundreds of man hours, thousands of dollars wasted on systems/software/hardware and unnecessary upgrades due to their complete lack of operational side knowledge, experience, or skill. Uncommunicative and ignorant of real world operational systems at best. Buyer beware very aware. Don't waste valuable time with these clowns and don't let some reseller (who knows even less) sell you this shine-Ola.