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  1. Sent you a pm with my link. Thanks
  2. Dan321

    Brandless H264 access streams

    Cannot find the RTSP link there for my sunluxy (same as the one pictured in the 1st post on this thread) Ideally i'd like to get it working in webcamxp. Will post back with any findings. Thanks
  3. Hi Thanks for your reply. rtmp:// works in VLC, but one minute it works, the next it doesn't and it's more still images. I have to click play, then pause and play again to restart the stream image. that same rtmp URL doesn't work in webcamxp at all. Any other ideas? Thanks
  4. Dan321

    Brandless H264 access streams

    Hi Did you get any further with this? Thanks
  5. Hi Please can anyone tell me how I can stream to a web page? At the moment I can go to and it will bring up the dvr's own client/software page. I'd like to ideally open up the dvr's cam streams with webcamxp. Cannot find anything to do with the brand Sunluxy and the manual doesn't help that much. Thanks