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  1. From my experience Gmail blocks Hikvision emails. You might want to try another email that is not gmail and see if it works.
  2. You need to forward the ports on your settings assuming you haven't done so already.
  3. Dmontanez58


    Try Using this. http://www.avtech.com.tw:8181/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=165&Itemid=311
  4. Dmontanez58


    Which one has he purchased? Send Link.
  5. Dmontanez58

    power supply for analog cameras

    The Power Supply from ebay is at no use without the split power adapter. You would need to buy this http://r.ebay.com/TOTekO. I myself have one of these http://r.ebay.com/20fvQt. I think its easier you have the power in one safe place, not dangling around. Each camera will be dedicated and if circuit goes it will only blow one, you can identify quickly. Hope this helps.