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  1. Turbine-Wine


    Problem solved I put down every possible combination of password I ever used. One of them was right and I am IN! If you are wondering how I was able to do that, I use Roboform for my passwords. So anytime I am not on a computer and need a password ie, bank card etc, I use about 10 variations of the same sort of password. Well it appears I used 11 variations and had forgotten this other one, I tried it and I am in. So its not a Frizbee any longer. Thanks for all help, have a great New Year
  2. Turbine-Wine


    I can't find the manufacturer. I have no doubt he exists but it may be DNT in Chinese or it may be like Westinghouse who makes various name brands by rebranding.
  3. Turbine-Wine


    The DVR is a 16 Channel, BNC type connectors. Its been running steady for about 3 years which is amazing considering its a Chinese cheapee. I had to replace the hard drive and it formatted and everything is working fine. Except, like others, I have forgotten my password for the Admin access. Now, I personally do not believe I have forgotten it but it thinks I have So I opened the box, removed the coin battery, let it boot, and "assumed" it would go back to the default. I have the default password in the manual and it says its "blank" So this is what I have tried blank as in nothing blank because I thought it would be funny if it was, it wasn't 123456 654321 000000 111111 222222 admin Admin User user farkin pissed off Irritated beyond all compare Getting ready to bring out the big reset which is a 15 pound hammer None of those seemed to work? Now the book says, its supposed to be left blank. So I can only presume it has my old password and will not let go of it. Even with the coin cell out, rebooted and run without the coin cell?????? Now I know there are many forums that ask the same questions but for different models. I know the model I have and downloaded the User Manual....it lies So the question is, do I have a very poor frizzbee or have I missed something? Thanks in Advance and Happy New Year