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  1. xalex75

    Mini nvr questions

    I'm still fighting with motion detection. I'm now using i12 protocol, camera are all working ok. By using i12 protocol, motion setting in nvr are saved and don't reset anymore. Motion detection is enabled in cameras. Motion recording in nvr never starts...
  2. xalex75

    Mini nvr questions

    I'm testing nvr+qd300 (all 2016 firmwares). Motion detection looks ok during the day, but in the evening it starts just sometimes. Onvif protocol. So I should expect better results using i12 protocol?
  3. xalex75

    Mini nvr questions

    Hi. I own a Escam K508 NVR and a couple of Escam QD300 cameras, four more are coming. I installed a 320GB hard drive into the NVR. NVR software is 20160707 out of the box, and as far as I understand, it's the latest one. I'm having some problems with motion detection. Sensitivity does not stick, if i increase it and save, when i check it went back to stock. Detection works sometime, but recording starts late and sometimes stop early. I left it recording full time all night long and in the morning everything was fine. Did anyone have success with motion detection? Other question... how can i switch off NVR without monitor and mouse connected? The only "shutdown" command I found is in its interface, I didn't see it in the web interface or app (goo link).
  4. xalex75

    Mini NVR motion detection

    Hi. I have a escam K508 NVR (20160707) and some QD300 cameras. Hard drive is installed inside NVR. Yesterday i tried to setup motion activation and I got exactly your same problems. More, if I change motion sensitivity and i save, when I check it's reverted to default value. Did you find any solution?