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What type of computer is it?

Speed should be the same.


Anyway, you could change the "LAN" to "MODEM"

Set to quality of 2 as you have


You can also disable direct draw and that speeds it up just a tad:


Replace: (all WebCamX's)


EnableDirectDraw True




EnableDirectDraw False


It is a tablet pc running at 1000MHz. The wireless connection gives me a speed of 54 Mbps. Did the changes you suggested and I still don't see anything. I have it set right now for just 1 camera so not as much data would be coming through.

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Is the idea behind this script to have a single accessable web page that will display all cameras at once?


Is this different than your LiveVue?


BTW - What happened to your website?




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Is the idea behind this script to have a single accessable web page that will display all cameras at once?


Is this different than your LiveVue?


BTW - What happened to your website?





Sorry for the long, long delay in replying.

This is just another method, using script inside a web page.

Website is back up. Ive been having some health issues.


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This has been working fine for me on my computers. Thanks for your help. Trying to get it working on my laptop now and I think I am missing some ActiveX, JavaScript or something and it has been awhile so I can't remember and don't see anything in this thread. So it gives me an error msg and I can't see any video.


Error I am getting is:

An error has occured in the script on this page.

Line: 43 (this the code on line 43 - "camx.ChangeCamX(camera);")

Char: 5, Error: Oject doesn't support this property or method., Code: 0


Need your help. On IE 8 now and Geovision 8.5.



since im feeling generous today .. right before I goto the dentist LOL ..


place this in a HTML file and change the IP and user and pass etc ..


---------------- HTML REQUIRES IE as it is VBSCRIPT METHOD -------------


<script language="JavaScript">

// add sites here

function PlayX(){

   // ID, Control, Camera, IP, User, Pass, DataPort, CommandPort, AudioPort, BandWidth, Quality

   LiveXPlay (1, document.WebCamX1, 0, "","demo", "demo", "4550", "5550", "6550", "LAN", 0, "480", "360")
   LiveXPlay (2, document.WebCamX2, 2, "","demo", "demo", "4550", "5550", "6550", "LAN", 0, "480", "360")
   LiveXPlay (3, document.WebCamX3, 12, "","demo", "demo", "4550", "5550", "6550", "LAN", 0, "480", "360")
   LiveXPlay (4, document.WebCamX4, 10, "","demo", "demo", "4550", "5550", "6550", "LAN", 0, "480", "360")

// add above sites here also

function DestroyX(){   
   LiveXStop (document.WebCamX1)
   LiveXStop (document.WebCamX2)
   LiveXStop (document.WebCamX3)
   LiveXStop (document.WebCamX4)


function LiveXPlay(id, camx, camera, ip, user, pass, cmdport, dataport, audioport, bwidth, quality, w, h){

   camx.ChangeCamX(camera);           // CAMERA - 0=cam 1, 1=cam 2, etc.
   camx.ChangeQualityX(quality);      // QUALITY - 0=High, 1=Med, 2=Low
   camx.ChangeSizeX(w, h);            // SIZE
   document.getElementById("X"+id+"Quality").innerHTML = quality

   camx.CommandPort = cmdport         // COMMAND PORT
   camx.DataPort = dataport           // DATA PORT
   camx.AudioDataPort = audioport     // AUDIO PORT
   camx.BandWidth = bwidth            // BANDWIDTH - normal="LAN", low="MODEM"

   camx.DisablePWD = "True"           // AUTOLOGIN PART1
   camx.UserName = user               // USERNAME
   camx.Password = pass               // PASSWORD
   camx.AutoLogin = "True"            // AUTOLOGIN PART2
   camx.IpAddress = ip                // SITE IP/DDNS

   camx.PlayX();                      // CONNECT
function LiveXStop(camx){


CONST iCount = 3

'// **** 4 WAY ONLY *******

sub WebCamX1_OnConnect()
   WebCamX1.EnableDirectDraw True 
end sub
sub WebCamX2_OnConnect()
   WebCamX2.EnableDirectDraw True 
end sub
sub WebCamX3_OnConnect()
   WebCamX3.EnableDirectDraw True 
end sub
sub WebCamX4_OnConnect()
   WebCamX4.EnableDirectDraw True 
end sub

'// **********************

sub WebCamX1_OnLButtonDown()
   Call left_click(WebCamX1, 1)
end sub
sub WebCamX2_OnLButtonDown()
   Call left_click(WebCamX2, 2)
end sub
sub WebCamX3_OnLButtonDown()
   Call left_click(WebCamX3, 3)
end sub
sub WebCamX4_OnLButtonDown()
   Call left_click(WebCamX4, 4)
end sub

sub WebCamX1_OnRButtonDown()
   Call right_click(WebCamX1)
end sub
sub WebCamX2_OnRButtonDown()
   Call right_click(WebCamX2)
end sub
sub WebCamX3_OnRButtonDown()
   Call right_click(WebCamX3)
end sub
sub WebCamX4_OnRButtonDown()
   Call right_click(WebCamX4)
end sub

'// dont edit below here

sub super_res(camx)
   If camx.ChangeQualityX(130) = False Then
       If camx.ChangeQualityX(128) = True Then
           Exit Sub
       End If
   End If
end sub

sub right_click(camx)
   If camx.FixWidth = "960" Then camx.FullScreenX
end sub

sub left_click(camx, cam)

   Dim OriginalQ
   OriginalQ = document.getElementById("X" & CStr(cam) & "Quality").innerHTML
   OriginalQ = Cint(OriginalQ)

   If camx.FixWidth = "480" Then
       Call hide_all(cam)
       camx.FixWidth = "960"
       camx.FixHeight = "720"
       document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(cam)).style.display = "none"
       document.getElementById("cover").style.display = "block"
       Delay 0.00001
       document.getElementById("cover").style.display = "none"
       document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(cam)).style.display = "inline"
       camx.FixWidth = "480"
       camx.FixHeight = "360"
       document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(cam)).style.display = "none"
       document.getElementById("cover").style.display = "block"
       Delay 0.00001
       document.getElementById("cover").style.display = "none"
       Call show_all(cam)
       document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(cam)).style.display = "inline"
   End If	
end sub

sub hide_all(cam)
   Dim i
   for i = 1 to iCount
       if i <> cam then
           document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(i)).style.display = "none"
       end if
   document.getElementById("br1").style.display = "none"
end sub

sub show_all(cam)
   Dim i
   for i = 1 to iCount
       if i <> cam then
           document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(i)).style.display = "inline"
       end if
   document.getElementById("br1").style.display = "inline"
end sub

Function Delay(nSeconds)
   Dim nStoptime
   nStoptime = timer + nSeconds
   Do While timer <= nStoptime: Loop
End Function


<body onLoad="PlayX()" onUnload="DestroyX()" bgcolor="navy">
<span id="X1Quality" style="display: none">0</span>
<span id="X2Quality" style="display: none">0</span>
<span id="X3Quality" style="display: none">0</span>
<span id="X4Quality" style="display: none">0</span>

<!-- CHANGE IN EACH CONTROL: id="WebCamX1" name="WebCamX1" -->

<object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="cover" name="cover" width="960" height="720" style="display: none">
<param name="_Version" value="65536">
<param name="_ExtentX" value="7938">
<param name="_ExtentY" value="5583">
<param name="_StockProps" value="0">
<param name="FixSize" value="-1">
<param name="FixWidth" value="960">
<param name="FixHeight" value="720">

<object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="WebCamX1" name="WebCamX1" width="480" height="360">
<param name="_Version" value="65536">
<param name="_ExtentX" value="7938">
<param name="_ExtentY" value="5583">
<param name="_StockProps" value="0">
<param name="FixSize" value="-1">
<param name="FixWidth" value="480">
<param name="FixHeight" value="360">
<param name="AutoReConnect" value="1">
<param name="MaxRetries" value="100">
<param name="RetryInterval" value="40">

<object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="WebCamX2" name="WebCamX2" width="480" height="360">
<param name="_Version" value="65536">
<param name="_ExtentX" value="7938">
<param name="_ExtentY" value="5583">
<param name="_StockProps" value="0">
<param name="FixSize" value="-1">
<param name="FixWidth" value="480">
<param name="FixHeight" value="360">
<param name="AutoReConnect" value="1">
<param name="MaxRetries" value="100">
<param name="RetryInterval" value="40">

<span id="br1"><BR></span>

<object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="WebCamX3" name="WebCamX3" width="480" height="360">
<param name="_Version" value="65536">
<param name="_ExtentX" value="7938">
<param name="_ExtentY" value="5583">
<param name="_StockProps" value="0">
<param name="FixSize" value="-1">
<param name="FixWidth" value="480">
<param name="FixHeight" value="360">
<param name="AutoReConnect" value="1">
<param name="MaxRetries" value="100">
<param name="RetryInterval" value="40">

<object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="WebCamX4" name="WebCamX4" width="480" height="360">
<param name="_Version" value="65536">
<param name="_ExtentX" value="7938">
<param name="_ExtentY" value="5583">
<param name="_StockProps" value="0">
<param name="FixSize" value="-1">
<param name="FixWidth" value="480">
<param name="FixHeight" value="360">
<param name="AutoReConnect" value="1">
<param name="MaxRetries" value="100">
<param name="RetryInterval" value="40">


<input type="Submit" name="Disconnect" value="Disconnect" onClick="DestroyX();"> 



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Hi, can send me the 16 Cams Version of this??






since im feeling generous today .. right before I goto the dentist LOL ..


place this in a HTML file and change the IP and user and pass etc ..


---------------- HTML REQUIRES IE as it is VBSCRIPT METHOD -------------


<script language="JavaScript">

// add sites here

function PlayX(){

   // ID, Control, Camera, IP, User, Pass, DataPort, CommandPort, AudioPort, BandWidth, Quality

   LiveXPlay (1, document.WebCamX1, 0, "","demo", "demo", "4550", "5550", "6550", "LAN", 0, "480", "360")
   LiveXPlay (2, document.WebCamX2, 2, "","demo", "demo", "4550", "5550", "6550", "LAN", 0, "480", "360")
   LiveXPlay (3, document.WebCamX3, 12, "","demo", "demo", "4550", "5550", "6550", "LAN", 0, "480", "360")
   LiveXPlay (4, document.WebCamX4, 10, "","demo", "demo", "4550", "5550", "6550", "LAN", 0, "480", "360")

// add above sites here also

function DestroyX(){   
   LiveXStop (document.WebCamX1)
   LiveXStop (document.WebCamX2)
   LiveXStop (document.WebCamX3)
   LiveXStop (document.WebCamX4)


function LiveXPlay(id, camx, camera, ip, user, pass, cmdport, dataport, audioport, bwidth, quality, w, h){

   camx.ChangeCamX(camera);           // CAMERA - 0=cam 1, 1=cam 2, etc.
   camx.ChangeQualityX(quality);      // QUALITY - 0=High, 1=Med, 2=Low
   camx.ChangeSizeX(w, h);            // SIZE
   document.getElementById("X"+id+"Quality").innerHTML = quality

   camx.CommandPort = cmdport         // COMMAND PORT
   camx.DataPort = dataport           // DATA PORT
   camx.AudioDataPort = audioport     // AUDIO PORT
   camx.BandWidth = bwidth            // BANDWIDTH - normal="LAN", low="MODEM"

   camx.DisablePWD = "True"           // AUTOLOGIN PART1
   camx.UserName = user               // USERNAME
   camx.Password = pass               // PASSWORD
   camx.AutoLogin = "True"            // AUTOLOGIN PART2
   camx.IpAddress = ip                // SITE IP/DDNS

   camx.PlayX();                      // CONNECT
function LiveXStop(camx){


CONST iCount = 3

'// **** 4 WAY ONLY *******

sub WebCamX1_OnConnect()
   WebCamX1.EnableDirectDraw True 
end sub
sub WebCamX2_OnConnect()
   WebCamX2.EnableDirectDraw True 
end sub
sub WebCamX3_OnConnect()
   WebCamX3.EnableDirectDraw True 
end sub
sub WebCamX4_OnConnect()
   WebCamX4.EnableDirectDraw True 
end sub

'// **********************

sub WebCamX1_OnLButtonDown()
   Call left_click(WebCamX1, 1)
end sub
sub WebCamX2_OnLButtonDown()
   Call left_click(WebCamX2, 2)
end sub
sub WebCamX3_OnLButtonDown()
   Call left_click(WebCamX3, 3)
end sub
sub WebCamX4_OnLButtonDown()
   Call left_click(WebCamX4, 4)
end sub

sub WebCamX1_OnRButtonDown()
   Call right_click(WebCamX1)
end sub
sub WebCamX2_OnRButtonDown()
   Call right_click(WebCamX2)
end sub
sub WebCamX3_OnRButtonDown()
   Call right_click(WebCamX3)
end sub
sub WebCamX4_OnRButtonDown()
   Call right_click(WebCamX4)
end sub

'// dont edit below here

sub super_res(camx)
   If camx.ChangeQualityX(130) = False Then
       If camx.ChangeQualityX(128) = True Then
           Exit Sub
       End If
   End If
end sub

sub right_click(camx)
   If camx.FixWidth = "960" Then camx.FullScreenX
end sub

sub left_click(camx, cam)

   Dim OriginalQ
   OriginalQ = document.getElementById("X" & CStr(cam) & "Quality").innerHTML
   OriginalQ = Cint(OriginalQ)

   If camx.FixWidth = "480" Then
       Call hide_all(cam)
       camx.FixWidth = "960"
       camx.FixHeight = "720"
       document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(cam)).style.display = "none"
       document.getElementById("cover").style.display = "block"
       Delay 0.00001
       document.getElementById("cover").style.display = "none"
       document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(cam)).style.display = "inline"
       camx.FixWidth = "480"
       camx.FixHeight = "360"
       document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(cam)).style.display = "none"
       document.getElementById("cover").style.display = "block"
       Delay 0.00001
       document.getElementById("cover").style.display = "none"
       Call show_all(cam)
       document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(cam)).style.display = "inline"
   End If	
end sub

sub hide_all(cam)
   Dim i
   for i = 1 to iCount
       if i <> cam then
           document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(i)).style.display = "none"
       end if
   document.getElementById("br1").style.display = "none"
end sub

sub show_all(cam)
   Dim i
   for i = 1 to iCount
       if i <> cam then
           document.getElementById("WebCamX" & CStr(i)).style.display = "inline"
       end if
   document.getElementById("br1").style.display = "inline"
end sub

Function Delay(nSeconds)
   Dim nStoptime
   nStoptime = timer + nSeconds
   Do While timer <= nStoptime: Loop
End Function


<body onLoad="PlayX()" onUnload="DestroyX()" bgcolor="navy">
<span id="X1Quality" style="display: none">0</span>
<span id="X2Quality" style="display: none">0</span>
<span id="X3Quality" style="display: none">0</span>
<span id="X4Quality" style="display: none">0</span>

<!-- CHANGE IN EACH CONTROL: id="WebCamX1" name="WebCamX1" -->

<object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="cover" name="cover" width="960" height="720" style="display: none">
<param name="_Version" value="65536">
<param name="_ExtentX" value="7938">
<param name="_ExtentY" value="5583">
<param name="_StockProps" value="0">
<param name="FixSize" value="-1">
<param name="FixWidth" value="960">
<param name="FixHeight" value="720">

<object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="WebCamX1" name="WebCamX1" width="480" height="360">
<param name="_Version" value="65536">
<param name="_ExtentX" value="7938">
<param name="_ExtentY" value="5583">
<param name="_StockProps" value="0">
<param name="FixSize" value="-1">
<param name="FixWidth" value="480">
<param name="FixHeight" value="360">
<param name="AutoReConnect" value="1">
<param name="MaxRetries" value="100">
<param name="RetryInterval" value="40">

<object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="WebCamX2" name="WebCamX2" width="480" height="360">
<param name="_Version" value="65536">
<param name="_ExtentX" value="7938">
<param name="_ExtentY" value="5583">
<param name="_StockProps" value="0">
<param name="FixSize" value="-1">
<param name="FixWidth" value="480">
<param name="FixHeight" value="360">
<param name="AutoReConnect" value="1">
<param name="MaxRetries" value="100">
<param name="RetryInterval" value="40">

<span id="br1"><BR></span>

<object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="WebCamX3" name="WebCamX3" width="480" height="360">
<param name="_Version" value="65536">
<param name="_ExtentX" value="7938">
<param name="_ExtentY" value="5583">
<param name="_StockProps" value="0">
<param name="FixSize" value="-1">
<param name="FixWidth" value="480">
<param name="FixHeight" value="360">
<param name="AutoReConnect" value="1">
<param name="MaxRetries" value="100">
<param name="RetryInterval" value="40">

<object classid="clsid:DA8484DE-52DB-4860-A986-61A8682E298A" id="WebCamX4" name="WebCamX4" width="480" height="360">
<param name="_Version" value="65536">
<param name="_ExtentX" value="7938">
<param name="_ExtentY" value="5583">
<param name="_StockProps" value="0">
<param name="FixSize" value="-1">
<param name="FixWidth" value="480">
<param name="FixHeight" value="360">
<param name="AutoReConnect" value="1">
<param name="MaxRetries" value="100">
<param name="RetryInterval" value="40">


<input type="Submit" name="Disconnect" value="Disconnect" onClick="DestroyX();"> 



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What happened to rory ?


And what happened to the zip file needed for the code .


Can't make it to work.


Please help.



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I am using the code from http://www.bahamassecurity.com/geo/GeoWebCam.zip to view my Geovision cameras via webpage on another computer. This has worked great but I just upgraded my computers to Windows 7 and now when I open up this webpage I see nothing. What am I doing wrong? I think I had to install the ActiveX Controls on the computer that is doing the viewing but I can not download those anymore. Can someone help?

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