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Posts posted by ronhithcox

  1. I have a Speco TL-4 DVR, and I am using Speco's CMS software (both V2.0.0, and V2.2.2)


    Heres my issue...

    Speco video images are recorded in a ".drv" format (which is great ... no problems there) but I have a customer that needs to convert some footage from time to time , over to a ".avi", which the CMS software claims to be able to do.


    The conversion seems to be successful at first, until you try to open the .avi, or do anything (even viewing properties). At this point there are windows error messages and the pc locks up/ viewing or editing software locks up/shuts down. There are some issues with this and it has happened on 7 different PC's so far with footage downloaded from different Speco TL-4 DVR's (to include a demo setup through Speco them selves). The most I can get it to do is play in Windows Media Player (and even then, there are some minor glitches)


    OS has been Windows XP sp3 with most recent version of windows Media Player.

    Have installed Divix codec packs and updated all Divx software. All DVR's tested seem to work perfectly. The problem seems to be in the CMS conversion.


    Any help. Any ideas... I'm very interested to see if anyone else out there has seen this problem.

    Thanks so much!!!

  2. hello to all, heres my fix, I have installed many cameras in comercial/industrial settings but have only done a few resi. the manufactures of the higher end cameras I install are really not priced well for most home owners. The manufactures that I have used for resi (advertising great quality and low price are usually only correct on the low price side of the ad) ....SO.... what I am wondering, is there that magical one vender who sells cheap (homeowner affordable) cameras that do preform well, and offer good tech support if there are any issues?


    the last install that I did (resi) out of 16 cameras only 7 worked properly. Vendor did admit (finally) that they had manufacturing issues and they finally replaced the cameras (nice of them but I'm out labor)


    I'm just looking for a "cheap" option for my customers that preform consistantly.


    I know this is broad and vague, but,

    based on exp...any suggestions?




    thank you so very much for your time and opionion

  3. Camera is a CNB V-1810-NVR

    camera has great daytime image, but as night approaches, image goes out of focus. the camera is an IR camera, but the camera goes out of focus long before the IR kicks on. there are 7 other cameras on this site...all same cameras...other 7 work perfectly. Any clues?


    and does anyone out there have any expirence with "CNB"? this is the 2nd time I've installed this brand and had probs both times....maybe just my luck.

    Thanks [/b]

  4. using "CNB" dome IR cameras. getting what I believe is RI reflection from inside of dome which obscures image. have made some adjustments and had about a 25% improvement (2 out of 8 camers) but halo still appears in other 6 cams. What would eliminate this reflection but not the "throw" or effective distance of the IR's intinsity at night? (And no, I didn't remove the foam protector around the lense)


