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Everything posted by HeadsUp

  1. HeadsUp

    GV 1240 not rebooting after restart

    thankyou kindly for your help It is working again. I actually tried earlier what you suggested above but that didnt produce a change What seems to have got a result is that i cleared cache , deleted some desktop files that were taking up C drive spare space , deleted some cookies , did a disc defrag and rebooted and lo and behold the system is now starting automatically I only had 1.5 Gig spare space on the 20 Gig C drive prior to doing this but i dont know if that was the issue or if it was a cookies / cache issue thanks for your time and best wishes
  2. HeadsUp

    GV 1240 not rebooting after restart

    do you see the geovision program in your start menu under startup? if you go to start, run, type 'msconfig' w/o quotes and press enter and click on the startup tab, do you see it in that list with a check in the box? yes it is in the menu with a tick in the box i can start the application manually from the start menu without a problem but i want it to start up automatically after any power outage , with or without a UPS hooked up to it . It had rebooted without a problem for ages. any other suggestions ?
  3. HeadsUp

    GV 1240 . best motherboard ?

    I am about to upgrade the motherboard and CPU for my GV 1240 what are the recommended BEST motherboard and CPU to use ? all i can find on Geovision support page is that ATI and VIA chipsets are not compatible i will be using V 8.5 The system is too slow currently when playing back at 8X speed or higher , it freezes up current system is Gigabyte GA 945-GZM motherboard , 2 Gig DDR2 , Celeron 3.08 GHz CPU , windows XP or should i just upgrade the CPU to a Core 2 Dual Core ????? will that be enough ? thanks people.
  4. HeadsUp

    GV 1240 . best motherboard ?

    need to use separate physical HDD to the system and to archive the video, do not use the green series discs. one of the fastest (and in the work proved to be reliable) WD FAEX drives series. yes i use separate HDD , 3 Tbyte connected via USB cables , hopefully that is not the bottleneck , would firewire connection to the external HDD be better option to speed things up ? both drives are WD cant recall the model type ~ i have assumed the Celeron CPU is the problem , and maybe the motherboard ??
  5. HeadsUp

    Geovision router ports for remote view

    okay . my mistake . i thought i would be able to use any public computer and log in to center V2 to get full functionality which it seems cant be done unless i change port settings and install CV2 on their PC. i will still try to get it working as remote view so i know my system is set up right , but my eventual goal is to use our android phones to log in , as we dont always take a laptop when we travel away for work. I will advise you guys here if i find the error in my DVR setup / router
  6. HeadsUp

    Geovision router ports for remote view

    not sure if this is progress but when i log in from WAN ( another computer from a different site ) using http://name.dipmap.com:80 it takes me to the router page , not to the DVR or Center V2 page
  7. HeadsUp

    Geovision router ports for remote view

    thanks Harrar but i cant get 5550 , 5552 , 5611 to register , the router says " application invalid " yet the other settings are the same and yes the IP i put into those boxes was as for port 81 , it wouldnt work but port 80 did when using the DNSClient IP address with it , i changed HTTP to port 80 in Geovision but no video feed i tested DNSClient with port 80 in http://www.canyouseeme.com and that port is open and working , but still no video thankyou kindly -------------------------- edited i got some ports to forward properly by enabling UPnP Framework in network settings network connections > right click > properties > advanced > settings > exceptions tab > tick box and click okay then go back to main DVR system screen , click network button > webcam server > server tab > detect UPnP > search > click router type > click configure tab it automatically configures the ports with the router i can see all my ports now on www.canyouseeme.com but i still dont have video feed i must be close ..... a small setting somewhere is hiding behind a tree laughing at me
  8. i have a CAT5 cable which runs over the top of a steel roofed building i know its not ideal to run cable that way but its due to a dispute over access between occupants in rented factory units the cat5 is inside glued PVC conduit and laid over the roof , with blobs of silicon every 10 feet to hold it down during windy days My question is . can i use two lightning surge protectors on the same cable , one at the camera and one at the DVR ? i want to protect both items from lightning strike even though the PVC conduit would be a good insulator , the camera body is screwed to aluminum window frames which are screwed to structural steel and roof cladding thoughts ? thankyou.
  9. HeadsUp

    lightning protection both ends of cable

    The Cat5E ethernet cable runs through a BNC balun - see further notes below Yes , inductive effect alone could easily put a zap up a signal cable (of 25 - 100 volts+ _at a guess_) . enough to fry the ass of a sexy DVR card and PC can you elaborate ? I think it better if i run a 4 - 6 sq mm earth cable from the device earth , to a ground stake so i dont create a risk of fire inside my walls from frying the standard earth from the wall outlets twisted pair ethernet protectors are available , however i am using one pair for video signal which connects to a RJ45-BNC balun then will connect through the protector mentioned . i didnt think a twisted pair protector would like it if i put 24 VAC through the other 3 pairs in the ethernet cable , so i use a separate protector made for low voltage for those other 3 pairs carrying the 24 VAC camera supply . The other 3 cameras running through the 4 channel protector are all on coax cable and are not fixed to conductive window frame like the other , so i run those direct to the protector
  10. HeadsUp

    lightning protection both ends of cable

    Best protection is a wire connected directly to earth ............... So an ethernet protector connects all eight wires as short as possible to protection - earth. Only then does lightning use a path that causes no damage.............................................Your ethernet wire must first route down and connect to single point earth ground before rising back up to enter the building. Other solutions also exist. thanks everyone for the many replies Westom , how do you connect all 8 wires of an ethernet cable to earth without shorting them out ? as far as protection goes , i do know from experience that unearthed suppression does work , presumably by having proprietary components to limit voltage or current flow in them on every conductor and hence a less attractive path. ( see my previous reply to soundy above ) So , protection has to either provide a better path for the lightning to take to ground , and / or probably also create increased resistance to conductivity towards the protected device. From memory the pannamax device i have was rated to 100,000 volts and " X" joules and had a connected equipment warranty. however i have ordered the following surge protector and some others which are only el-cheapo varieties - they are all i could find after searching local suppliers so the jury is out if they will do anything . note the earth wire is a light gauge but hopefully for my DVR it will work successfully by internal suppression as mentioned above. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/280779999041?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  11. HeadsUp

    lightning protection both ends of cable

    Cost of installing pvc pipe was probably much more than the cost of a superior and earthed protector. Maybe, but the chance of damage to the wire by sun, weather, birds, animals, or other environmental factors is about a million times higher than the chance of lightning damage. Yes . damage from mice , rats , weathering , birds and UV rays were the main reason for using conduit I have lost equipment from lightning once , and after installing a pannamax unit on the mains supply we lost nothing from 3 subsequent lightning strikes , one of which was so close to the house that i felt static electricity in the air around me causing my hair to stand up when this occurred i was sitting in front of the computers and not one of them showed the slightest sign of surge the pannamax unit mentioned protects the mains power , phone line and TV coax from the antenna it was well worth the $ 290 i paid for it.
  12. DYNDNS is no longer free is it possible to set up a free update client that emails or texts the new IP address to me every time it changes ? it might be annoying if it happens frequently , but i cant find a free DNS service that appears to be honest clean and reliable yet . there are plenty advertising "free" or cheap but once you get in there the extras could cost $ 28 - 65 per year i want a set and forget system any suggestions ?
  13. HeadsUp

    lightning protection both ends of cable

    not sure if that stain on the ground was blood . might have been other bodily fluids ? absolutely amazing .
  14. HeadsUp

    lightning protection both ends of cable

    ouch so that was a fatal ? was he holding a mobile phone or umbrella in that raised arm ? i have had equipment damaged from a lightning strike to a tree about 40 feet away , yet it found its way into the wiring of our building , could this have occurred by the strike coming up the earth wire into equipment ?? i wouldnt mind so much losing a camera , but the DVR cost is around $ 2500
  15. HeadsUp

    lightning protection both ends of cable

    hi Headsup. lightning protection will not work in your case. sorry i should have mentioned that the camera CCD board is screwed to a plastic plate inside the camera body and has about 20 mm air gap away from the aluminum body . does that change things ? i know lightning generally takes the shortest path with least resistance , but it can also blow the guts out of anything attached to its path too the surge protectors would be earthed the DVR has lightning protection on its mains power supply , and also on the mains power input for the camera power supply have i covered enough or do i need to insulate the camera body away from the aluminum window frames thanks
  16. When did you autoback focus? At dusk when switching modes, or when it was dark? It may perform better at dusk. Also, one nice feature of the Pana is the ability to set day and night focus presets, so you might try that as well once you are happy with the focus. Best, Christopher Neither, I test in a controlled environment. Either way the image was bad. Something had to be wrong with the camera, Ive used the Pano before and It worked fine, never used that Autoback focus though, but even the Manual Backfocus did nothing. i had a similar problem with a cam that wouldnt focus , pulled out the lens and removed a tiny bit of dust from the back lens problem solved . nice when the answer is a simple one
  17. would be a good comparison if there was a number plate or a sign in the middle ground of the shot and as rory said though in post above , a shot from the beach might be visually edible nyum nyum
  18. i agree . avoid a camera with built in IR for a long range shot you will either get white outs up close where anyone within 30 feet of the camera will have no visible facial detail , or at the end of shot you will have poor visibility ( or both ) how high up would the camera be mounted ? is there power along the field of view of the camera so you could mount at least 2 IR panels at intervals , say within 60 feet of end of shot , and another close to where the camera is so you end up with evenly distributed illumination ? if no available power supply along the field of view , then consider using 2 IR panels mounted close to the camera , one with 45 degree IR that will give 40 - 80 feet range tilted down , the second IR panel would be 15 degree beam tilted up higher and would illuminate 100 - 200 feet . If its essential to get CCTV for a distant object an " expensive " option is to use wireless transmitters and a camera mounted closer to the target area If there is no power supply then a solar panel , charger and battery can run a camera . it has been done before but its a last resort unless the client can afford it sounds like you cant afford to spend that kind of money but i mentioned it in case it helps someone else reading here
  19. can one of the gentlemen among you advise me on this please. If i have a 50 meter CAT 5 / ( RJ45 ) cable run to a camera (400 mA) and want to also run an IR array (1000 mA) Is that too much current to put through the 50 meters of CAT5 cable and run both camera and IR ? Is it likely to cause any interference in video signal ? i have BNC/RJ45 baluns to use marked 100 // 75 Ohm second question , if i need to run RJ59 coax for the first 4 meters and last 2 meters to the cable , will that cause much deterioration of signal ? I would take CAT5 all the way but a junction box for the balun will attract attention to the discreet camera if i do that. thanks people.
  20. Hi there, How are you going to do the voltage conversion? Is that 24VAC for the camera and 12VDC for the LEDs? Sounds like a good solution. the camera ( 300 mA ) and IR panel ( 900 mA ) are both 12 VDC i didnt want to put voltage spikes into the camera every time the IR panel switched off and on , thats why i have run 24 VAC up the CAT 5 and put the 12 volt PS close to the camera , i might even put a capacitor across the DC supply to the camera as well to smooth out the supply. i could have got a camera with built in IR LED but i find that IR attracts flying insects , which attracts spiders to build spider webs in front of the camera by putting a separate IR panel a couple of meters to one side away from the camera it avoids the insect issue and gives better facial recognition due to the side lighting It also gives better night vision when its raining , decreases frequency of motion activation by rain drops or insects and the HDD is not full of pretty pictures of sparkly raindrops on the topic of the capacitor across the power supply , anyone got an opinion on what value electrolytic cap to put across that ? 16 volt or so ? , 0.01 uF ?
  21. what i meant was , out of the 3 pairs available for power , do i connect in parallel one wire out of each pair so for example i connect orange brown and green wires together as one 24 VAC connection , and the Orange/white , brown/white and green/white wires tied together as the other , as i have drawn in the bottom sketch of the two above ? my baluns have pin 7 and 8 connected to the power terminals on the outside of the balun , but i am using 3 pairs for power to reduce voltage drop so i have to put jumpers to use all 3 pairs for power. you probably have an easier way to do that ? thankyou
  22. I have decided to go with 24 VAC up the CAT 5 and then put a reducer down to 12 VDC at the end and run Fig 8 cable for the last 2 metres which is the better wiring method to use the 3 pairs for power out of the two options in the attached sketch so i reduce any signal distortion ? thankyou folks.
  23. HeadsUp

    HDcctv Cards

    HDcctv cameras have the same problem as IP megapixel cameras in this regard: as the number of pixels goes up, for a given sensor size (1/3" or 1/2", typically), the pixels themselves get smaller, and thus can collect less light. thankyou for your quality guidance there The storage angle is okay , i would only have to double the storage to still have acceptable capacity ( cheap to do these days ). The lack of clear night vision though puts them out of my consideration on that fact alone , we dont always have partial illumination from street lights as most city environments have. best wishes
  24. HeadsUp

    HDcctv Cards

    another HD question whats the comparison with HDcctv storage to analogue ? for example i get 75 days on 1.3 tB from 8 cameras on 720 x 576 what would HD storage requirements be on comparison do we have HD cams yet with good night time IR resolution in zero light ? i have looked at a couple from emailed promotions but they only had 0.2 - 0.5 lux minimum where i want 0.005 levels with clear night vision to 20 - 30 meters like i currently get on my analogue cams. thankyou folks.