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Posts posted by Livin

  1. [


    I have yet to see anyone give a make/model that may be a good choice for my usage.




    That is not True I did contact you and offer Plug and Play IR cam

    live demo and phone call at my cost


    Sorry, your cameras did not work with a regular internet browser, they were not that inexpensive, and they are not name brands either. If I'm going to get a no-name I might as well get them from ebay, at least I have some recourse with ebay & paypal.

  2. On your Home Theater and Automation forum, you are discussing consumer items where you can find a number of users for each product.


    Not really... Have you heard of Homeseer, XLobby, CQC? How many users use X10, Insteon, and the thousands of different combinations of equipment plus Russsound, and many more. This is NOT common, buy at Home Depot or Office Max.


    Actually it is


    Here, you are discussing cameras from ebay that no one on this forum would likely use.


    this may be true... I did not know and no one said up front - "there may not be many people on this forum that has experience with these cams, most here typically use high-end professional units"


    Then you take offense when you are told that no-name Chinese cameras sold on ebay tend to be junk.


    I did not take offense, they are not my cams, I don't care if they are crap.


    But I don't want speculation - if you have not used them, you don't know if they are good or not.


    Then you take offense when given practical advice for suitable cameras for your intended purpose.


    I have yet to see anyone give a make/model that may be a good choice for my usage.


    It seems to me that you might try asking your questions on the Home Theater and Automation forum.


    This is an appropriate answer given what I now know about the focus on this forum.

  3. Reasons why I want use an IP Cam as a baby monitor...


    1) The IP cam will give better quality video & audio in most cases - All 'made for' baby monitors get bad reviews in one or more areas (video, audio, distance, interference, etc)


    2) IP Cam gives easy and instant viewing over any device that uses a browser - monitors are 'closed' systems


    3) I can re-purpose the IP camera later if I want to as a front door monitor, etc.


    I posted before about doing this and got very little response. I was hoping that people on the forum who are pros or hobbyists would have some solid advise about a good $200-$250 cam for my purpose. I'm into Home Theater and Automation and on our forums this happens all the time and people give really good help. So far, I have not gotten any usable advise that would point to to specific cameras based on user experience, unfortunately.

  4. I like honest... but I also like useful facts which, at first, you gave none.


    In your last post, while unnecessarily sarcastic, there was useful info.


    What you also fail to ask, or account for, is the intended use. I don't need professional quality and it does not need to last through abuse... it will be a baby monitor and needs to be decent quality and have decent night vision and audio... nothing fancy.


    So, if a el'cheapo ebay will last me a year or 2 and do what I want... great.


    But... I have started looking at Acti - ran across them accidentally - so if you would have simply taken 2 seconds to try to be a nice guy you could have stated that in your "25 yrs experience" you think that for my purposes the Acti would be a good choice given the use of the cam and the price range I've shown interest in (~$200).


    I guess that was too much to ask, sorry for bothering you.

  5. Ebay looks to have many reasonably priced (under $200 shipped) options.


    I need a cam with IR to light up a 10x10 room and good res from 10' up & away - for a baby cam. PTZ not required but would be nice.


    Anyone have experience with any of these or others...


    New Night Vision PTZ Surveillance IP Networking Camera


    40 IR Day/Night Internet IP Camera


    Wireless Pan Tilt IP Network Camera w/Alarm System


    Sony CCD Dome CCTV IP Camera with Audio 24 IR Led

  6. I know the human eye can not see the entire range of IR light, however can anyone confirm that this is truly safe, is it at all possible that this spectrum could cause a human Iris to stay open when staring directly at a camera in turn causing muscle damage to the eye.


    I would certainly check this out first


    Your post is OT... and the camera will be 10' away from the baby... does not matter.

  7. just get the one from babysrus, youre going to want the audio and it has a button where you can kill the video but still hear the audio and then hit the button to see the video again when the rugrat makes a strange noise


    i thought for a second about making my own with a cheap ip wireless cam, etc but then my mother in law bought us the one from babysrus, and its worked fine


    good luck and enjoy your new or existing nugget


    I would but I want something that I can use over the Internet.


    Many IP cams have 2 way audio so that will work just fine and I'm sure I can kill the video if I wanted to - turn off screen or minimize window
