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Everything posted by DoorMan

  1. DoorMan

    Sanyo VCC-HD4000

    And it does come with some client software but with limited functionality ie no record. The most useful function of it was to change the ip addy which can be done with the osd ond side buttons anyways. You do have to go into the IE app to configure the camera properly as Luxriot simply cant support all of the features this has to offer. I mean this thing has onboard everything.
  2. DoorMan

    Sanyo VCC-HD4000

    It can only transmit JPEG, Nothing else. It will only send JPEG to Luriot for recording. 3.9 MP is available only in JPEG both stream and record...period. I know it stinks but those are the parameters. In addition to this you have H.264 only mode which will give you the nicest picture to view but no quality stills to record. 1820 * 1080 HD only available for recording on SD or USB HDD. In short ypu will have the prettiest most efficient video to view but the recorded is not so. This device is leveraged technology from the Sanyo HD1000 video camera, nothing more. Having said that it is a really nice piece in it's own right!
  3. DoorMan

    Sanyo VCC-HD4000

    Hrere's the last of the pics. No trick stuff like long shutter only EIris option. This is the best that it gets. Full Res. 300Watts of Halogen lighting, 21 yards to back end of car. That's my evil twin. Full view and 6x zoom for your viewing displeasure... http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/3536/snapshot1a.jpg http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/7933/snapshoto.jpg http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/4280/snapshot2ab.jpg http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/9265/snapshot2w.jpg
  4. DoorMan

    Sanyo VCC-HD4000

    Yes the only way to record in H.264 is to record to the SD card or USB hard drive. And that is a real bummer. But atleast the recorded video from the local drivs can be brought in based on alarms or time so you dont have to download all of the storage device. Still very cumbersome. A great little standalone system, no DVR required, but not really the best for my needs. Fun though...
  5. DoorMan

    Sanyo VCC-HD4000

    Hey thanks for fixing the links Rory. It is night challenged. I am throwing some pretty decent light out near the street here (12 yards on some cars) and unless I zoom to say 4x facial recognition is poor. I can get it to look like daytime color what with all the sense-up and long shutter settings but it is very smeary and defeats the purpose of using megapixel at all. I'll post some night shots tonight.
  6. DoorMan

    .5 Lux Lighting ?

    Done! Look in the IP Camera Section
  7. DoorMan

    Sanyo VCC-HD4000

    Here's some shots from mine. All Auto except plate shots at 1000 short shutter. I could do better with all the adjustments this thing has but here goes... Sorry not at 25 posts yet but Rory to the rescue! The big picture, alot of Dynamic Range in this neighborhood. It's windy here today too... http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/5605/bigpicture.jpg Here's the neighbors place...it's at 40 yards full view full res.... he don't mind this either, he's a saint with nothing to hide. http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/9947/house1p.jpg Here I'm trying to see just how saintly he is...judging by his electric meter that is....it's just a little too far for this camera...this is in the front right corner of his house in the above picture. Full view, full res. Zoom in and you can almost read it. http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/6510/house2d.jpg Here is a car travelling 45 MPH on the main road (which can be seen in the first picture all the way down in center of picture). This is 140 yards away. http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/3451/carplate.jpg Not too many colorful cars so it seems This guy is gonna have some fun today. http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/1423/kayak.jpg All in all a pretty decent camera except at night. I'll post some night shots before long. They need to improve upon the frame rates and availability of H.264 resolutions on this camera... Only JPEG can be transmitted which blows... These were all taken at a measly 3 ips.
  8. DoorMan

    .5 Lux Lighting ?

    Hmm look very carefully at 1231 and 5601 under good light in his garage for example at vacuum cleaner box 1231 kinda sucks low light agree 1231 is better Yes I'm mostly stuck on the low light performance. I'm presently using Sanyo VCC-HD4000 . it is a beautiful camera and can even reliably read license plates on cars travelling 45 mph at 140 yards and 30 degree angle. But at night it sucks...period. Now I am trying for clean night vision upto 20 yards with facial recognition. These comparisons are very usefull as I've all but given up on analog cameras for this application. The new Acti 1.3 MP CCD camera looks like it may fit the bill.. Look at the Arecont 3130..... Probably the best low light performance of any megapixel camera..... much better then ACTI You wouldn't believe how many times I resisted that camera. I dunno why but there is a reason Avigilon uses CCD's so I'm still torn. I know I'll have my run-in with the 3130 or 3135 when it's out. Thanks!
  9. DoorMan

    .5 Lux Lighting ?

    Hmm look very carefully at 1231 and 5601 under good light in his garage for example at vacuum cleaner box 1231 kinda sucks low light agree 1231 is better Yes I'm mostly stuck on the low light performance. I'm presently using Sanyo VCC-HD4000 . it is a beautiful camera and can even reliably read license plates on cars travelling 45 mph at 140 yards and 30 degree angle. Can we see samples pix from Sanyo please ? Thx Yes I'm working on getting 25 posts so I can post some. I really do want to show what it can do ( and can't do very well). About the Asian 1.3 MP camera vs Arecont post above, it that a CCD 1.3 or a Cmos? Thanks.
  10. DoorMan

    .5 Lux Lighting ?

    Hmm look very carefully at 1231 and 5601 under good light in his garage for example at vacuum cleaner box 1231 kinda sucks low light agree 1231 is better Yes I'm mostly stuck on the low light performance. I'm presently using Sanyo VCC-HD4000 . it is a beautiful camera and can even reliably read license plates on cars travelling 45 mph at 140 yards and 30 degree angle. But at night it sucks...period. Now I am trying for clean night vision upto 20 yards with facial recognition. These comparisons are very usefull as I've all but given up on analog cameras for this application. The new Acti 1.3 MP CCD camera looks like it may fit the bill..
  11. DoorMan

    .5 Lux Lighting ?

    Thanks for the Acti comparison! The 1231 is much better so it appears. Quite a bit of barrel distortion but still fine. I think I'll pick up one to try out.
  12. Some of my contracts also require this. The reason was described to me as being a security blanket amount to ensure coverage "beyond imagineable circumstances". The argument could be made that transit to and from the job site, on a service call say, in that company's own behalf i.e. warranty service, would make that company liable for any circumstance that may arise port to port. Their own policies are cheaper if they require this provision.... A by-product of our lawsuit crazy, large settlement amount society. Just add-in the cost of this policy to your Quote and pass the buck like everyone else does.
  13. HA! Thanks for saving me the headache!
  14. Educate your child, equip him with a locator. A good fence, a good dog, a great alarm system, good lighting and some high end cameras. Couple this with a 1911 and dare him to cause harm...seriously. Geez man around here us neighbors chuck the bird at each other as a sign of affection! A little balls and preparation will allow you to live where you want and still be secure. Arm yourself with the tools to do so, don't leave yourself as naive and defenseless as the 13 year old he took advantage of....... let him know this and don't be covert about it. All this is a small price to pay for your home and dogs are cool anyway. Report your concerns with police before you do any of this so the purchases are post dated to your complaint. It'll look better in court. Naw man don't move, stick it out and then go visit him in the nursing home in 10 years
  15. [quote name="rak313" One final thought' date=' I haven't noticed a play @2x speed or 5x speed on the LR. Seems pretty basic and simple. Am I missing it? Rick[/quote] On the bottom right of the archive playback screen just above the clock there is area like [], click this and drag it to the left to open the jog slide. Also make vsure jog is enabnled in "view" toolbars
  16. Avigilon is well protected around here. You must go to a local installation company and be quoted on the installation of an entire system installed in your home.....only. No other way to purchase them online and such?
  17. DoorMan

    Glad to be a member

    Just joined this excellent site. I've been browsing it for a while and it is my best resource for security vdeo to date. I'm an overhead door company owner and am often solicited to place lights and cams on commercial buildings, mostly out of doors. Finally took one on recently and feel confident in doing so. With the knowledge gained here and some IT knowledge from my company's systems itself. So keep it up fellas, there relly isn't alot of other sites to shake a stick at this one...
  18. DoorMan

    Sanyo VCC-HD4000

    I ordered one of these as well. Not much info on the web about it at all. I'll get my feet wet with this one I'm sure. Will be here next week.