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Posts posted by shawn2000

  1. When you say picture, the whole thing, or just the video? I mean do you get any Text from the DVR on it, or theres totally no video?


    If all video, then could be a loose BNC connection to the board inside, and you should send it back, they can get damaged in shipping, normally from improper shipping or handling.


    No, it's the whole picture, dont get no menu options. However when I got it first working the menu text or the bit that says "booting" was all fuzzy and not readable, but then the menu appeared ok.



  2. most certainly a faulty unit. Even without the hard disk, it sometimes does not show a picture.


    I managed to get it working again (with the hard disk installed) and gave it a gentle bump and it cut the picture right out again, so faulty for sure.


    So, thanks for the great advise, will have to read around here more



  3. I have just purchased an Avtech 780W DVR from a UK shop (online). Was really looking forward to getting it all set up and ready to record (mainly motion detection). This is the first DVR I have owned.




    I installed all the wires and camera and then powered up but nothing seemed to really happen. I had no picture on the TV. Took me ages to find the problem. The instructions book is useless that comes with it. I removed the hard disk and noticed that the pins were not alligned with the rack, so I adjusted this and re-installed. It then worked, the quality seemed fine and the motion detection appeared to work nicely. Thinking I had now a working DVR I started to play around with it a little more but only to find that the picture would cut out and I would not be able to get it back. Even after turning off and then back on (which in itself takes ages to turn off!) there was still no picture output.


    I removed the hard disk once again and pushed back in thinking it might be the disk not connecting properly I managed to get it working again, but the slighest movement to the unit would break it again! Some times I would get the HD light always on after re-installing the disk sometimes with a picture, sometimes without, but with no recording (hard disk problem message.) It's driving me mad, do I have a faulty unit or is there something that I should do that is not described in the instructions?


    Any help would be great. Also... if I have to send this back then I might not want to get the same one again (depending on what you tell me about it), so is there a better one available for around the same price available in the UK?


    Many thanks.

