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Posts posted by WRS_Mark

  1. Thank you for the information.


    I think if I can get 3-5 years out of a standard housing before the thing looks as though it has been there since WW1 then everything is fine. The idea of spending, what? $500/housing for stainless steel (prices found online) versus less than $30/housing from my supplier for an aluminum housing on 32 cameras does seem a little crazy. I will just make sure to replace the fasteners with stainless steel before I perform the install.

  2. It will be interesting to see how well the standard IP66 rated aluminum housings last. Thinking about it, I suppose it is tough to tell how well they will stand up in an environment with such a high salt content -much worse than ocean spray. I know this might sound nuts (and make you question whether I might be the guy connecting Bushnell binocular lenses to an IR camera and using it to zoom in on objects), but I was thinking even if applying a layer of heavy duty shrink wrap to the camera housing just to help protect the finish and improve the chances of the seals lasting by applying a seam of silicone where the housing clamps down. I suppose if the housings begin to prematurely corrode I could replace them with a stainless steel housings. It is a long term project with the plan to install at least 32 1.3MP IP cameras over the next little while so I will have the opportunity to change things. Still, it would be nice to do it right the first time out without going totally overkill.

  3. The 3512's hold up reasonably well, and you may want to check the price comparison for stainless stuff, last time I checked, you could replace the 3512's a few times, with labor, and still break even on cost...


    BTW, the washer/ wipers tend to scratch the heck out of the front window, you should probably just plan on a regular cleaning schedule.


    Yeah, I did some looking around and you are correct about prices on the stainless steel housings. They are more expensive than the cameras. But this is one of those installations where the customer is not concerned about cost as the system is being used to monitor equipment for break downs, equipment becoming jammed or critical areas where machine failure is imminent, so if the system can save them from sudden downtime it pays for itself very, very quickly.


    And good point about the wipers. The way the areas is cleaned is by having a guy walk around with a pressure wand washing things down. I was thinking that if there is some left over residue on the window then the washer/wiper could be used to remove it.

  4. .

    Well, I found the installer had used a balun at the camera... but not at the VCR. Wow, no wonder the picture was shyte. Put baluns at both ends, slapped in the new camera... and man, was he impressed. (Actually, probably would have been happy with the old camera once it was connected properly, but no point in going there )


    Always being honest does not mean having to divulge ALL the unnecessary details.

  5. yea there was another opening into that crawl space at the DJ booth for some reason .. handy for them I guess. I dont know if anything actually took place in the crawl space or they just used that opening as a place to throw their used condoms


    I think I will just take my chances with electrocution instead. At least if someone finds me unconscious, I won't be lying on a bed of pre owned French Safes.

  6. Thanks for the ideas. The Pelcos are very similar to what I am going to try first, with an application of silicone spray on the top, back, and sides just for good measure. They will get sprayed with a pressure washer from time to time as well (IP66 rated). The stainless steel housings definitely look like the way to go for the next phase. Especially the units with the washer/wiper combination. Appreciate the suggestions.

  7. I going to install some ACTi 5611's in standard weatherproof housings next month at a potash mine. Just wondering if anyone has a suggestion for a housing which will stand up better to salt water, salt spray and just a lot of salt? I was considering spraying the housing with a coat of silicone just to help protect the finish but figured there might be something out there that you folks who live near the ocean or have done installs in similar conditions could recommend.


    Thanks a lot.


    Oh and sorry for shifting this thread away from the primary subject. Someone needs to post another wild install picture or story.


    Indeed. Certainly there must be some insane install photos out there. It could become a Sticky here. Even ones which turn out all professional looking and such but with a high degree of difficulty such as, well, mounting a camera in a waterfall to monitor fish impacts on the rocks below would be information worth spreading.

  9. I could have used that snow, or least some cold, a few weeks ago when i had heat/sun stroke out in the field in 90 degree + heat .. the area where the camera was that I was working on, was like an oven ... we've had a long long long hot hot summer


    Nasty. I hate being on a steel building in hot weather. Helped a friend install a camera system at his acreage in late June when it was in the mid-30's Celsius. Had to wrap the cables around a communications line from the Quonset (Galvanized Steel building -might as well have been on top of an oven when I mounted the cameras) to the house while standing in the bucket of a tractor. I would post a picture of that but that might not be a good example of "Professional Installation Procedures".

  10. How do you guys deal with the cold up there?? I see the one pic has snow on the roof. I can't imagine.


    That was a month ago. Temperature was in the mid 20's Fahrenheit with a quick dump of snow, so not bad. It has warmed up since.


    Winter is okay for doing installs. You just have to pick your days so as not to cause damage to the cables when you are running them outside by flexing them too much. Just keep your hands warm and only out of gloves for short periods of time. I had a customer call who needed a repair done on his Trango receiver last winter. It was about -15c that day (a heat wave considering how cold it normally was) and I had to climb up a 65' high tower, found that a wire just needed to be cleaned up at the contact point. Lightly sanded it and reinstalled it. Not so fun but money is money.

  11. Oh! I just remembered I took some pictures from another repair I did for a customer. He had the system installed this summer and a connection failed to one of the cameras. The customer had the installer move a camera up on the house from the original position so he drilled a hole THROUGH the eaves trough, nearly hit the heat tape in the trough and then sealed it up with silicone. Of course, the trough began to leak water onto his outdoor light. The customer mentioned to the company that installed it that I was located nearby and that I would be able to repair the connection. That was great as far as they were concerned but it turned out they will not pay for the repair. I sent these photos to the surveillance company manager, never got a reply and when the customer went in to see what they were going to do he was told I have no idea what I'm talking about and that everything was fine. I included the shot of the front door in my email and politely explained that it looked pretty sloppy. Oh well, I guess I just don't know what I'm talking about......LOL






    It's a pretty old house owned by retirees, but still no reason to make it look like that.

  12. here this is a funny one i came across the other day .. check the wiring on the other side of the wall. Not a client of mine BTW.


    You know, the company I am doing this re installation for did unsuccessfully try to track down the installer who put together the original system, probably to draw and quarter him. Maybe he is now doing installations in the Bahamas. Did you look to see if there was any speaker wire run to conduit boxes on the roof?

  13. This could turn into a pretty long topic of discussion.


    My supplier in New Orleans sent the following picture to me a while back when I first started on my nightmare repair. It is a DVR which was housed in a barn. Probably with the animals. Apparently it smells as bad as it looks.




    You know, I really should ask them to send me up that DVR (if customs would allow it through), combine it with the mutilated RG-6, the speaker wire, conduit boxes, maybe some used transformers and the cameras I will be removing and just offer it to the next jerk that calls me wanting a used multi camera system with all the bells and whistles but who only has $250 to spend including installation...... I would have to record their reaction to that one when I show up with their equipment.

  14. No soldering. That is fused/melted something or other, but not one of the prongs. I could not find them. Those yellowish/pink wires used to be clear speaker wires and are still live. They were taped to the prongs on the transformers. The installer didn't believe in connectors other than to put a splice in the RG-6 every 30-50 feet or so. - And he was using 1000' spools of the stuff. An electrician is coming to trace the live wires that I could not trace to their source. I found one that runs into the side of an electrical outlet box. I give the original installer a 9.5 for originality and a 0.5 for execution.

  15. The camera worked! Sort of. It generated a kind of really low resolution B&W image before it would go gray screen. Also the image was reversed in that what was actually to the left showed up to the right. Out of 15 cameras 5 kind of work to different degrees of bad and really bad and one is acceptable. I asked if I could have the old camera as kind of a keepsake and possibly a donation if and when someone opens a Museum of Hillbilly Engineering, so I will remove it and take the thing home when I return with their new cameras in a couple of weeks. Now I will also have the perfect offering for those cheapskates who call me and want to know if I have any used cameras available.


    Also, here are a couple of shots of the roof mounted and not-so-sealed-after-all conduit boxes with the indoor use transformers mentioned above:






    I know this should really be under the Installations section. My apologies.

  16. lol, he booby trapped the connectors?


    He ran 110V AC power up onto the steel roof using clear speaker wire to sealed junction boxes holding indoor use 12V DC transformers. Of course, the boxes were not sealed after a while of sitting out on that roof through temperatures of 30c to -45c weather and they leaked, shorted out the transformers. One even blew the prongs right off the transformer. I have managed to track down the AC wires to a few outlets, but it is a rather large building so locating the others will continue to be an enjoyable experience.


    A text book case of malicious hillbillyism if I ever seen one. 27 hours just to run new cables, install a power panel for the cameras and redo the connectors. Then probably another 12 hours to take out all the old coax and put up new cameras. I feel bad for the owner.
