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Posts posted by aliciac

  1. Tom,


    Thanks for your reply. Sorry for the delayed response, was on holiday until yesterday. I tried what you suggested, but it's still not working, so I think I must be missing something.


    I went to a website from my store's computer and obtained the IP address (after searching "my ip" in Google). At home I typed this into Internet Explorer just as you suggested, but it just takes me to a Google search results page. I have installed Video Server E at home too and entered this IP address into that too, but it says "Login procedure failed".


    I haven't reset the cable modem or router in my store and so the IP address has not changed. Also I have tried changing the IP address in my DVR's menu to match the one I obtained from the website, but this too does not work when I log in from home.


    Do you know what else the problem could be please?


    Thanks a million!



  2. Hi again!


    Thanks to everyone for their replies and help, and especially to Tom for his offer, but I have now had the issue resolved. I managed to get hold of a video distribution amp for free from a neighbouring business who weren't using theirs. Although it's an old one, it seems to have done the trick! So thanks again!


    Whilst I'm here though, I wonder if I could cheekily ask for help on another issue!


    It's regarding viewing my CCTV system from home. Basically my system (CPCam CPD505 (also known as AVTech AVC787 I have learnt)) has always been connected to my broadband cable router (Linksys WRT54G) via an ethernet cable by the original installers, but I have never managed to view the system remotely. Included with the system was software called Video Server E, which I now understand to be quite popular with CCTV systems. Well I've installed it on my computer in the store and am able to log in and view everything as normal. In fact the Search option of the software finds my CCTV system in the Device List. At the moment I am logging on with the default user name and password and the IP as and the Port as 80. As I say, this works well, but I suspect it only works because both the CCTV system and my computer in store are connected to the same router using ethernet cables. How can I however access my CCTV from home, i.e. through the Internet?


    I have searched the manual for an answer to this, but to no avail. Also I am a bit confused when it talks about DDNS. Obviously from home the IP address to connect will not be, and I tried the store computer's IP address (obtained from my router's configuration page). Could it be that the router is blocking my access attempts from home? I have a feeling I'm missing something important here. Also, I have a dynamic IP address from my ISP, not static - do I need a static IP address or is there a way around this?


    Thanks very much again! I'm learning lots here!



  3. Hi everyone!


    I'm new to this forum and am looking for some help with a CCTV system I currently have installed in my store. It's a CP CAM CPD505 hard drive based system which I paid to have installed about three years ago together with 6 cameras (although the system is capable of handling 8 cameras). At the back of the system there are MAIN MONITOR and CALL MONITOR ports. There is a BNC type connector from the MAIN MONITOR port going to a small LCD TV (on the TV end is a BNC type connector converted into a Phono plug going into the TV's Video port).


    There are no problems with the system other than that I would like to make one addition. I would like the images from the cameras duplicated on a larger LCD TV simultaneously. I thought I could connect another BNC to BNC type cable from the CALL MONITOR port into the Phono Video socket of the larger LCD, but the CALL MONITOR port only displays a switching between each of the 6 cameras, whereas I would like all 6 to be displayed at the same time.


    Then I purchased a BNC splitter so that I could connect both cables to the MAIN MONITOR port and this works, but the picture on the first LCD has darkened, although is still viewable. This is so whether the second larger LCD TV is switched on or not – simply having a second cable connected to the larger LCD TV causes the complete picture on the first LCD to darken, although the picture is perfect on the second LCD TV. Perhaps I’m not doing something right, and I wonder if anyone here could advise me why this is happening. Do I need to change some setting, or am using the wrong type of splitter? (Bought a BNC splitter from eBay for only £1).


    I look forward to your replies.


    Thanks very much!


