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Posts posted by G_M




    hi Specs are what sell cameras ......some people go over the top with sales crap....... what make are the cameras


    So true. The CNB 24VF series cameras have mediocre specs. But in real life, they are some of the best analog cameras.




    They work great until they start dieing which is happening to ours, we are up to a 25% failure rate on cameras 2 years old.

  2. A couple years ago I would have agreed in adding CNB to this list but in the 12 VCM-24VF cameras we have purchased I am going on the 4th one needing repair after it just quit.


    Luckily these weren't installed for any customers of ours.


    The bad news is that we unknowingly apparently bought from an unauthorized reseller and now CNB is refusing to provide any support or warranty service. Who knows at what point they were added to the list but that doesn't matter to CNB


    I have a hard time remembering the last time any other brand of camera we have installed quit so something is definitely wrong with these CNB's

