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Posts posted by LeroyJnr

  1. I'm sorry to ask such a lame questions but I've tried searching everywhere and I couldn't find anything on terminating 2 Pin Nylon Line Plugs anywhere. I'm only very new to CCTV and DVR installations but I've been using them for years in an operational sense. I recently purchased a Lilin multiplexer from a friend and some of his cameras had unusual terminations on the cables. Instead of the standard manufacturer connections my friend had been using 2 pin Nylon Line Plugs which is fine (i don't really care) but two of the new cameras I purchased are just naked wires needing to be terminating. I'm happy to do this myself but first I'd like to see a tutorial video or text with photos to make sure I'm doing it correctly. In the past i've always found great tutorials on youtube but they had nothing on these plugs and I couldn't find any on this site either


    Can anybody help me out please? Any assistance is greatly appreciated

