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Posts posted by bartnovsky

  1. Get static jpeg:

    Get jpeg stream: (if jpeg's set to stream1)


    Thanks a lot! This works just fine.

    As i understood later my problem was that sanyo enumerates streams altogether: both h264 and mjpeg. And it is stated in two places in the settings:

    at one place (for outputting streams) it is as follows:

    stream1 - h264

    stream2 - mjpeg

    While in other place for mjpeg the settings state to get stream:

    stream1 - VideoInput/1/jpeg/1

    stream2 - VideoInput/1/jpeg/2

    stream3 - VideoInput/1/jpeg/3

    stream4 - VideoInput/1/jpeg/4

    and for h264:

    stream1 - VideoInput/1/h264/1

    stream2 - VideoInput/1/h264/2

    stream3 - VideoInput/1/h2643

    stream4 - VideoInput/1/h264/4


    It's really confusing! I don't even hope you understood what that meant... sorry) - but that's the way sanyo firmware behaves.


    So the right way to capture mjpeg stream in some human program (ffmpeg, vlc etc.) turned out to be simply



    Anyway that's in past.

    Thank you, shropna!

  2. I have Sanyo vcc-hd2500 and i can't get jpeg picture from my camera somewhere except for damn IE (which i am actually supposed to use according to Sanyo).


    Is there a way to view jpeg from this camera in any program (some browser, vlc, mplayer etc.), using some url?


    In my case network settings say (there's screenshot in attachment) that access name for jpeg stream is "VideoInput/1/jpeg/1". For h264 stream over rtsp it works almost fine: i just type rtsp://ip_adress:554/VideoInput/1/h264/1 in vlc and can watch real-time picture. In the case of jpeg nothing works: http, rtsp.


    Please, help if you know how get this over.


  3. I've got VCC-HD2500 and i also would like to upgrade my firmware.


    I red the post and called to my local service support of Sanyo (it's in Moscow) and the guy told me "Sanyo doesn't provide firmware update, not even to us". What to say... So my question is:


    does anyone know the telephone number somewhere (Japan, UK, Germany) where i could be provided this precious ftp with login and pass to download the firmware?


