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Everything posted by lowpro

  1. lowpro

    car reg plates

    That's pretty cool!
  2. A husband and wife are in the middle of a nasty divorce. He takes the family dog drops it off in a back alley. He then proceeds to run it over with his car. What he didn't know was that he was being recorded by some home security cameras. In the news clip it looks like they are hikvision cameras. Different stations ran the story. One of the stations had a really good quality clip of the footage. The clip in this news story seems compressed. The guy was arrested and charged. This youtube link is to the CBS News story. daZSnsOpbKY
  3. My neighbor backs into our babysitter's car. Gonna cost $2k to get her car fixed. ETZJHDDPfAM I just happened to be looking at the monitor in my bedroom when I noticed that the car moved. I waited a few mins to see if he would come over to say something. Nope. By chance our letter carrier dropped off their mail at our house. So I walked over to their house. He was outside looking at his car but again didn't say a word about the accident. I went back inside and gave him a few more mins. Still nothing. I finally went outside and said "Hey, that's our babysitter's car in case you didn't know"....He said "ummm ok?" "Well, I have cameras, and I saw everything..." Him "oh " Swann HD8-7250 NVR with 3mp bullet cameras. Note: Not sure why the video is cropped now and it looks darker. Let me see....
  4. He's a 24 yr old kid that thinks he knows it all. He told our babysitter that the $2k quote was insane! He said that he had done some research and that it only should only be around $500 to $700. I'm guessing he thinks he's a pro now....
  5. Yup, my company is one of those that likes to block things. How do you convert rtsp to rtmp? Just type in rtmp? Can i do it on my nvr? I'm just trying to find an alternate way to view the cams. I also can't get IVMS-4200 to work at my work. Just Safari so far.
  6. Yeah, i've tried Canyouseeme and it appears to be open. But you bring up a good point. It also said that port 554 was open, but it turns out that AT&T had blocked it. Let me try another port. And yes, I'm trying to access the rtsp stream from work. I have an iMac at work and the safari plugin just sucks. I just doesn't seem stable enough for me.
  7. If anyone is interested to know. I did get my Dahua hfw3200s to work with the Swann (HD8-7250) NVR. As mentioned, I had one of the Dahua cameras plugged directly into the nvr. The camera got power but I was never able to get the nvr to see the camera. I also mentioned that I have a small Edimax router that I use to make one of the cameras wireless. The NVR was able to see the "wireless" camera on the network. So i *was* able to get that camera to come up on the nvr. Protocol is ONVIF Management port is 9988 user: admin pswd: admin Not all features work the same way. Moral of the story. The 3200s did not work when plugged directly nto the nvr. You must power it separately and add it to your network not via the nvr.
  8. did you make your own cat5 cables? did you test them afterwards?
  9. Probably good to give some more info on your project. Residential? Commercial? Stadium? How many cameras? And where in So Cal?
  10. Does this help? http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=33909
  11. lowpro

    Motion Over Detection

    You're going to need to install PIR Motion sensors. You'll have to purchase a dvr/nvr that has alarm in & outs. Do a search for PIR motion detectors.
  12. I was kinda having the same issue as you. I was using a Q-See QC808 nvr with (2)hfw3200s 1080p cameras and (3)hfw2100 720p cameras. 4 of the cameras were connected directly into the nvr and the other was on a power injector. On channels 1&2 (1080p) cameras were freezing or lagging for sometimes minutes at a time. What was weird to me was they looked fine remotely via pss. I found out of the issue while at home one weekend when I switched over to the live view on my tv and saw myself still outside watering the grass. I worked via email with the q-see technicians. After 3 weeks of back and forth I just returned the nvr and 4 cameras. I had used the system for almost a year and the Costco package had 18 months of warranty. I originally just wanted them to fix it or replace the nvr, but when it took them 3 weeks (and counting since they haven't gotten back to me), I just wanted my money back. Costco rocks!
  13. lowpro

    Q-see QC808 - 5 cameras on 8CH

    You'll have the options of 1 on screen, 4 on screen (1~4), 4 on screen (5~, 8 on screen or 9 on screen (includes the network usage window) Yes, for the 5th camera, you'll have 3 black boxes if you are looking at the 4-way split.
  14. Sorry Richard I was assuming. A quick check of the 402 specs reveals that it doesn't. I am really quite surprised as it is an industry standard feature. I have never come across a quality PIR without this feature It is a bit like selling a car without a steering wheel. @ Lowpro - please think twice before displaying your ignorance. I said " the led is an indication of sensing not triggering". "Sensing" and "detecting" mean the same thing to me. Having spent 8 years doing component level electronic design in my earlier life leaves me with a pretty good understanding of electronics. If you want I could go into the workings of an PIR but at this stage I'll just say that the led is simply a visual indicator attached to the IR discrimination circuitry while the O/P is dependant on the o/p relay tripping which is after the processing electronics has done it job. The two most common faults for PIRs are the IR sensor and the output telay/ driver circuitry. How you relate the relay not tripping to poor installation practices is beyond me, may you could shed light on this. Wow, you are really reaching. If anyone is displaying ignorance, it's you, for assuming from the start. Don't you worry, I have a pretty good idea when my PIR is working, or not. And it won't have anything to do with covering the bright red LED with a piece of black tape. " title="Applause" />
  15. Wrong ! The led is an indication of sensing NOT triggering. I have experienced lots of PIRs where the led is coming on but the relay is not tripping. I can't understand the mindset of someone who would put tape over the led instead of using the disabling facility already built in. WRONG! Do youself a favor and READ the install manual. It says "The LED indicators lights when the unit detects moving object" If you do have a lot of experience where the relay is not tripping, then maybe you should learn how to be a better installer? oh and by the way, this unit does not have a built in way to disable the LED. http://www.optexamerica.com/sites/default/files/resource-uploads/LX-402,%20802%20manual.pdf
  16. I seriously did cover part of the led with some black electrical tape. The red LED was way too bright at night time. So i covered most of it but left a little exposed so that I would be able to still tell that it was working. Now I can walk up my front door walkway and look up to see that i'm still triggering it.
  17. I use an active splitter to split the hdmi out of the nvr. One output from the splitter feeds the living room tv and the other feed gets sent via an active hdmi extender to my bedroom about 55 ft away. Ran (2) Cat5e cables. Works great. http://www.monoprice.com/Product?c_id=109&cp_id=10110&cs_id=1011012&p_id=6532&seq=1&format=2 http://www.monoprice.com/Product?c_id=101&cp_id=10113&cs_id=1011306&p_id=8204&seq=1&format=2 For IR and Mouse control....I ran another Cat5e cable and I just wired the sensor and the mouse into the 1 Cat5 cable.
  18. You know, I'm not totally sure, mine run about 120ft. What kind of length are you talking about?
  19. yup, you have a pro. And I gave you a con.
  20. Also easier to tamper with, if it is too low.
  21. sounds like a solution. Do you mind sharing what you went with? Wireless seems attractive but expensive, I see plenty of Shenzen ones on ebay but don't understand what base unit would be used with these? I could probably run wired ones but I'm not sure where to start with those, any recommendations would be welcome. I bought 2. One is a Optex LX-402 (IIRC, Outdoor Model for sure) and other other is an indoor Optex that I am using outdoors. Both are working fine. http://www.optexamerica.com/security-products/lx-402 Edit: The other is a MX-40PI http://www.optexamerica.com/security-products/mx-40pi You would need to run 2 wires plus 12v power to each sensor. 2 of those wires need to make it all the way back to the rear of the nvr unit to get wired into the I/O strip. Really easy actually. Look over the manual for the nvr and read up on the I/O ports.
  22. Mine would work for a few days and then get stuck again. The replacement that I received hasn't had an issue.
  23. You can also try turning the camera upside down. I also had the same problem and had to send the camera back to get it swapped out.
  24. I have the same system as you. Only real solution to it is to install some PIR motion detectors. I installed two sensors outside and now I hardly ever get any false activations. Do a search on here for Bosch, Optex or DSC.