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Everything posted by liveinxs

  1. liveinxs

    Anti - CCTV

    Nice...its not a Dually, but still purdy......
  2. liveinxs

    Anti - CCTV

    I'd like to see that car meet the front of a Dodge Ram 3500 Diesel Dually, lets just say you wouldn't need a casket, i remember seeing those Smart cars in Italy about 7 years ago, while there for a WSB Race, and thinking, that they would never be legal for use on American Roads, was i wrong, you would never see me in one of those death traps...
  3. liveinxs

    Power adapter for cameras

    sure you have...
  4. liveinxs

    Power adapter for cameras

    first off, you did mean "OFFENSE", just checking, if you did, see following: no offense taken by a misguided or an uninformed statement...
  5. liveinxs

    Power adapter for cameras

    nothing to say, just as i figured....
  6. liveinxs

    Power adapter for cameras

    and now that i think of it, there was just a posting about an expensive Bosch camera that took a dump, obviously not a cheap ebay special.... heres the exact comment , "Im thinking it might have just been some component in the camera that overheated. Ive had the EX82s at the same location for literally 10 years without issue though, same black housing. I also have some cheap cameras there, never lost one of them. BTW the EX30 retails in the $1700-$2000 area." now here you have a non-cheap "eBay special", that crapped out in 3 days......irregardless why it crapped out, it still did.... heres the link for that: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=26451 i have also read posts that speak of using ebay IRs that, were providing just what the buyer was looking for... what i am trying to say is, you don't right away have to down an item just because it was purchased on ebay, and also , i am curious, just what would you accept as a fair amount of time for a wall PSU to last... finally, if you know anything about electronics, you should know there are a vast array of reasons why something would fail...it doesn't have to be build quality...
  7. liveinxs

    Power adapter for cameras

    Let use know how long that Ebay special lasts. yes , lets see, when it fails, i will immediately post the failure date and time to this site, better yet , PM me your home phone number and i will call you as soon as it happens...LOL...
  8. liveinxs

    Power adapter for cameras

    get a wall panel like Birdman recommends, i purchased a 12v 1.5amp per channel, 16 channel panel off ebay, for 50.00 delivered to my home, best way to go... the way i understand it is, the cameras will only pull, amp wise what it needs, so don't worry about using a 1.5 amp power supply on a 300mA camera, it is always better to have more amperage then not enough, if you underpowered the camera will not work right... as long as you stay with a 12v regulated , you should be fine, again check out ebay...
  9. liveinxs

    Time stamp

    the apollo is a dahua. under the qvis name it is the first to have the new hardware. CNB also sell the same dvr its a little more in cost only because it has a CNB badge on it. also with the new apollo plug and play storage (upto 12tb) extra. you can record for months. yes that is the one i was looking at, already spoke with Sean about it, it really does have some killer features, HDMI, a 2 Gig hard drive, all for under 500.00, how can you go wrong... and i know the Dahua DVRs are quality, i always hear Rory saying good things about it....
  10. liveinxs

    Time stamp

    just curious, how many fellow CCTV users , use the date and time stamp on their images that are viewed or recorded... on the DVR that i am presently using, it allows you to remove the date and time stamp, now on some of the cameras, the time stamp falls within a area that i wished it didn't , but unfortunately i can't change its position.. is the time stamp really needed for ID purposes, as my DVR saves files in 15 minute long files, so i am able to narrow down just when a incident took place...
  11. liveinxs

    Time stamp

    i don't know, i really have to get another DVR, but everytime i think i know which one is right for me, something else catches my eye.. so far i have looked at the CNB, EverFocus and the Qvis line...the Qvis is the cheapest, but if the specs are correct, it looks like the best deal, i was looking at the Qvis Apollo HD 16 Channel, the price is just right... would anyone have any input on the above DVRs...
  12. liveinxs

    Anti - CCTV

    well, just in case your tired of earning monies from the CCTV field, you could always look for a job selling the items in the following link, you can kill two birds with one stone... 1.) you can get out of a field that has a lot of paranoid people, or installers just looking to make a buck... and, 2.) you can help those people who don't want to be identified by big brother, while in public.... heres that link: http://www.costumestore.com/
  13. liveinxs

    Newbie: Need help designing system

    ok, now that your asking, i will work on it, when i get a chance...
  14. liveinxs

    Anti - CCTV

    I'm well aware of the story. So the knee jerk reaction is to spend billions in a massive CCTV system to catch these one off situations that occur every once in a great while? What if the slaughter had been captured on tape and was now available on youtube thanks to a CCTV system being hacked? We ended up with the TSA and homeland security thanks to these same types of half assed attempts to "feel" secure without actually being secure. If we all had our GPS bracelets they could've found the kid immediately before he was harmed... we all put a different value on privacy. Don't try to blame me for a kid's death because I'm against a CCTV system monitoring all public areas. no one is blaming you for the boys death... i am just stating a FACT, if not for the cameras, the identity of the killer might have gone unknown.... and i haven't heard ONE person say we need more cameras due to boys death, you say you are aware of case, if you did have any knowledge of case, you would know it was a private owners camera that captured killers image, not a big brother camera, the ones you seem to fear...its ok, i am sure they are not watching you, you can remove the aluminum foil from your hat, you are safe, relax, go for a nice walk, oh, wait , a camera might see you...LOL
  15. liveinxs

    Anti - CCTV

    you know i was thinking , how anyone would not like the idea of cameras in the public arena, then i remembered the recent murder that took place about a week ago in NYC, the murder involved a small little 8 year old boy, just in case you haven't heard about the case, the boy was on his way home from day camp, he had been asking his mom to let him walk home by himself a distance of approx. 7 blocks, and she agreed to let him walk a few blocks by himself, and she would meet him half way between home and day camp... well the little boy got confused on his way home, and asked a man for help, the man offered the boy a ride home, but the boy never made it,,,about 3 days later, parts of the boys body was found in a dumpster, and the rest of the boys body, specifically his feet were found in the refrigerator of the man who offered him help when he got lost... the way they found out who was the man who took the boy, and murdered him, and cut him up...was through video from a CCTV camera that was placed in an area to monitor the street... so don't tell me any crap about your privacy, this little boy was slaughtered, and if not for the camera, this POS would and could still be on the street to do this again... heres a link to story: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/police-volunteers-search-for-9-year-old-hasidic-brooklyn-boy-who-vanished-while-walking-home/2011/07/13/gIQAaByyBI_story.html
  16. liveinxs

    Newbie: Need help designing system

    Can you plz post sample pix from your CNB cams Thx I would strongly recommend this link http://lmgtfy.com/?q=basic+electricity+101
  17. liveinxs

    Newbie: Need help designing system

    my whole system is comprised of VCM-24VFs, 8 cameras, and for those areas where there is ZERO light, i use the CNB MIR1000, these IRs are cheap. and put out a lot of light...
  18. liveinxs

    CNB VCM-24VF vs. EverFocus ED610/MVB

    well i can't comment on the EverFocus, all i can tell you is that, my whole 8 camera system is comprised of VCM-24VFs and i have to say i am extremely happy, for what i paid for each camera, i hit the lottery, these cameras have ALL the major features, at a price that is great for all...
  19. liveinxs

    Anti - CCTV

    Then you are in a very good area. Cant walk around midday here without a 50-50 chance of having multiple issues. And having watched American TV shows it would appear its much worse there. Then again a couple Canadian TV shows makes Canada out to look like South Central .. so hey Rory, don't let anyone bullsh**t you,,in the USA, there are plenty of places that are very dangerous, case in point, i live in new jersey, specifically Bridgewater, NJ, but there are places like Camden NJ, that are crime ridden, in fact the State Police had to come into that town to help...look it up, Camden NJ is one of the most dangerous places in the World, besides Afghanistan....
  20. liveinxs

    Anti - CCTV

    your on the right track numb, don't let some bone heads dissuade your beliefs, again , i repeat you do nothing wrong , you have nothing to fear...
  21. liveinxs

    Anti - CCTV

    The impression of other people in the area is it's a "bad" neighborhood. Reality is I could walking at midnight and never have a single issue... peoples perceptions vs the reality are two different things. Police will roll up in no time, most crime is property theft, very little violent crime and that's almost always against people who know each other, yet the gated community people have fear driven into their head from news reports. To each his own I guess, I had the same mentality before I moved here. Like I said before, cameras are mainly for asset protection, not violent crime prevention. "police will roll up", that sounds like ghetto slang, most of the people i locked up spoke like that, just where do you live...you haven't answered that question....
  22. liveinxs

    Anti - CCTV

    Red light cameras can help to prevent quite nasty accidents so long as people are very aware they are there. but I agree with you that law abiding people have nothing to fear from CCTV it can only improve their safety. In some jurisdictions, they can be misused by government to track the movements of individuals unfairly, but in the free world, the USA and the UK have legislation to protect us against that. There is also the right to film or photograph in public to consider, you can't legislate for one type of camera and not another because it would be unenforceable or at least riddled with difficulties. There is no point. Local Police fully support my using a PTZ camera to film individuals that loiter in the area and that regularly behave in an anti-social manner in public. One neighbour has been placed on a reduced tenancy because the video I supplied my landlords and police has shown a pattern in the troublemakers being associated with particular households in this street. I have no sympathy on those who object to CCTV in public places. I give them the benefit of the doubt that they are genuinely worried for the right reasons but governments make legislation to protect against misuse of such systems and generally CCTV is there to protect the innocent and the vulnerable. I had a cursory read of that book, you are right I think it would be worth a read. I may buy a copy to understand the other side of this interesting debate. Yes CCTV does enpower the operators ( I feel mine has changed the dynamics of the game), but most have CCTV to protect their interests and those of their customers and that extends to police and government protecting us in fact more so official departments. Good thread.... PS I live in a reasonably good neighborhood, I am damned if I will allow it to gain a bad reputation. Once that gets established it attracts the wrong sorts and puts the right type of neighbors off, coming to the area. THATS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN HERE! I WON'T ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN. hey numb, i thought you might like it, stirred up some good conversation,,,again , as i said, do nothing wrong and you have no worries... i think whats worse is this ez-pass we have in the states, in fact some states use it against drivers, by way of speeding tickets, the way they do that is, say you have a stretch of road where the speed limit is 65mph, now a driver goes from point a to b, now going the posted speed limit 65mph, it should take you 20 minutes, BUT when you get off at an exit and it only took you 17 minutes, they are able to show that you exceeded the speed limit and send you a ticket in the mail, no points, just monies for the state... yes the book is pretty good, it talks of the writers efforts to go from one place to another and not be traced via cctv, also states that there are some 4.2 million cctv cameras in Britain...
  23. liveinxs

    Anti - CCTV

    the way i see it, and this comes from a retired firefighter, before that i was a policeman for 11 years, your police force can't be too good/effective, if you would describe your area as a Bad neighborhood.... you don't say what state you live in, i myself reside in new jersey
  24. liveinxs

    Anti - CCTV

    i really don't have any problem with cameras in public, could be used as a deterrent against those wishing to commit crimes... the way i see it , is if you aren't doing anything wrong, what harm could they possibly do, as far as red light cameras, again, if you don't run a light , you have nothing to worry about.... just as the cameras could be used against someone, they could be used to help someone... in fact, just today, i received this book, i thought it might be a good read, plus i got it for only 3.96 used, delivered to my door,,, it looks brand new, amazon is a good place to shop....
  25. liveinxs

    TV to set up cameras

    if anyone is using a TV/Monitor to set up image AT the cameras, through the extra video out port, which or what type of monitor are you using,,, i was looking at this TV, it has the required RCA input... http://www.amazon.com/Haier-HLT10-10-2-Inch-Handheld-Black/dp/B001OXKPDO/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=IKSTB940HB57G&colid=31QL4BSN37OB2