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Posts posted by liveinxs

  1. The seller is no help either and I am on the verge of returning it.





    if the guy is of no help and you are able to send it back. then send it back. its from ebay and you already have a problem. say in 2 months time you have a problem you are stuck. the guy has bad feedback and he has not sold much (thats a warning about him)



    for around the same price you could get a dahua DVR (and they come with warranty)



    i can't agree more with tomCCTV, i too purchased a ebay DVR, and i was VERY quick to realize its limitations...especially the customer service, you thought calling Bombay for computer help was bad, try calling Shanghai for DVR help, think about ordering chinese food, but ten times worst...


    customer service is EVERYTHING, case in point, i just purchased a new dvr , let me tell you, this guy spent well over 3 hours between yesterday and today helping me get this thing sorted...THAT is CUSTOMER SERVICE....


    not to mention , the DVR is SICK, has everything you might want...or need...


    remember, you get what you pay for...

  2. The way I see it, the reason these young people are looting everything, is because there is no immediate repercussions to what they are doing.

    Yes but good people wouldnt do it regardless of repercussions or not.

    Cant always depend on the police or the law to tell us what to do, we should know better.



    in some communities, looting is shopping...


    and looting is ebonics for shopping....

  3. this is the reason why it started. the police shot a guy dead for shooting a police officer. were infact the police officer was shot by another officer. and the police tried to hide the fact.





    even if its true the police tried to cover up a questionable shooting, at the end of the day, the guy was a drug dealer,was locked up 4 times for drug dealing, and he was a gang member, the way I see it, justice was served..


    remember you live by the sword , you die by the sword...


    no loss, nothing to see here, move on....

  4. for those who fear CCTV in public, and you know who you are, it looks like its gonna get a lot of use in Britain, it seems they are having a lot of issues with canadians running wild in the streets...trying to burn some town downs...


    they are talking about using plastic bullets, i say they use some full metal jackets or better yet some hollow points, that will stop any other problems...


    it appears the police already pulled some images from the CCTV cameras...





    Anyway moving on, we all know we cant talk about online stores on this forum .. per the forum rules ... dont want to have to ban myself today


    i am a little confused, i was under the understanding, that PRICES, couldn't be discussed, how are people suppose to know who to trust when it comes to buying equipment, if we can't ask for help from other members as to who they recommend...


    I think the idea is we discuss the equipment, etc. Then you can PM people about where they bought their stuff.



    yes , that's what i intend to do, from now on....will save a lot of confusion...

  6. The last picture is Cam2 plus a CNB MIR1000 IR illuminator rated for 60 meters. Note the shadow cast by the bird feeder pole, which is not present in the other pics.


    If this camera were being used in this location long term I would probably reposition the CNB to hit the birch tree a little further out.



    those MIR1000 are some pretty good IRs, for the cost, they can't be beat...



    Anyway moving on, we all know we cant talk about online stores on this forum .. per the forum rules ... dont want to have to ban myself today


    i am a little confused, i was under the understanding, that PRICES, couldn't be discussed, how are people suppose to know who to trust when it comes to buying equipment, if we can't ask for help from other members as to who they recommend...

  8. Here is there list. Looks like they've been adding on!




    Are the phone numbers on 123 the same as surveillance-video? Seems like people have better luck with surveillance-video, although they are technically the same. When I order, I put in the notes that I need exact model numbers, and to contact me if they can't do that. Worked great so far.

    I dont see them on the list.

    Never had a problem ordering CNB from them and their tech support was a great help for other questions, but that last order of KT&C BW bullets, I ordered 6 of one particular model and I got several totally different models.


    Anyway moving on, we all know we cant talk about online stores on this forum .. per the forum rules ... dont want to have to ban myself today



    the list in the above response , is those WHO ARE NOT AUTHORIZED...i hope you guys aren't trying to defuse a bomb, while reading the directions...LOL

  9. Two examples of the CNB BBM-24F (which has a similar if not the same sensor) in a box camera






    The CNB BBM-24F have decent low light compared to other cameras, but very good IR response. For example the Bosch LTC0495 has a better low light picture but the CNB BBM-24F and VCM-24VF have better IR sensitivity.



    the VCM-24Vfs are very sensitive to IR, now i am presently using 4 MIR1000s, and in areas where only the smallest amount of IR was needed, instead of buying addition IR illuminators, i simply gutted a couple of cheap IR bullet cameras, tossed the camera parts out and reinstalled the IR rings, rewired them, and I had a few homemade IR illuminators...

  10. Here is there list. Looks like they've been adding on!




    Are the phone numbers on 123 the same as surveillance-video? Seems like people have better luck with surveillance-video, although they are technically the same. When I order, I put in the notes that I need exact model numbers, and to contact me if they can't do that. Worked great so far.



    i don't know if the phone numbers are the same, but i do know they share common addresses...


    i have only ever dealt with surveillance-video, so i can't comment on 123...

  11. well i have had excellent customer service from, and have purchased all my equipment (VCM-24VF) cameras from surveillance-video.com, they are out of NYC....and they are an authorized dealer of all CNB products...which is very important...

    my client's last order with them (123) they sent him all the wrong cameras and never credited the client the difference. The sales agent was totally clueless. But that was just one order.



    yes , i remember you had previously posted this, but all i can speak on, is the quality of service that i have received, and without going into exact numbers, they were by far the cheapest i found, for CNB products...

  12. I am not sure surveillance-video is a authorized partner. CNB uses to have a list on their site with un-authorized partners and I thought they where on that list.



    well your wrong, they ARE authorized , i personally called them, and also e-mailed them, to verify....


    i don't know what list they "uses" to have on their site, but they are authorized...

  13. Can someone recommend a reputable authorized dealer for the CNB, and/or baluns? Or would that be against the rules?



    well i have had excellent customer service from, and have purchased all my equipment (VCM-24VF) cameras from surveillance-video.com, they are out of NYC....and they are an authorized dealer of all CNB products...which is very important...

  14. I typically sell lower~mid quality cameras (Speco/Digimerge/EverFocus) as they are in the price range desired by my clients (small businesses/residences).


    I have a Speco HT7246IHR installed on the front of my shop. I use it as a demo camera when showing clients remote capabilities of various DVR's. The camera is, as I put it "lower mid-range". My cost was about $250. The camera has on-screen set-up capabilities and three ~ four pages of features. Low-light (no IR), 580tvl, etc. (Full specs here: http://www.specotech.com/cart/products/downloads/specs/ht72464750ihr.pdf).


    Today, for laughs, I decided to install what I call a "cheapie" camera next to my existing cam. This camera (color bullet) has no label, no manufacturer information, nothing to identify it/specs. This is similar to a camera you'd buy from EBay, Super Circuits or Best Buy.


    Well...to my surprise, "Mr. Cheapie" has blown away my Speco cam (at least in daylight...waiting for darkness now).


    I was under the impression you get what you pay for in this arena (at least that's what I tell my clients), but I am kinda dumbfounded.


    Your comments are appreciated.



    now this is gonna be fun, you have just opened a can of worms, that will have some on this site calling for you head, and questioning everything you think you know about CCTV...


    let me go get the popcorn and watch this thread instead of TV...

  15. its not really the size of the vehicle exclusively, its the mindset of the person behind the wheel, you see when i was in my Jeep, i didn't mind getting into a fender bender with the jeep, BUT, when i was in my M-B CLK 320, i was a little nicer to those looking to merge...


    so those who drive the company cars and those who drive the " get the F out of my way or i will F'up your nice car with my, i don't give a $hit about truck", are the ones who will always be the winner in a lane merge...

  16. i miss my jeep though, which is alot safer!

    just needs the tranny fixed but thats $2000 here.



    i myself had a jeep wrangler, 1997, i really miss that also, it was lifted and had 37 inch tires all around, it was the best vehicle for merging into traffic, all i did was look for the nicest car in line, and once they saw those massive tires coming their way, i was in like flynn..

  17. I'd like to see that car meet the front of a Dodge Ram 3500 Diesel Dually, lets just say you wouldn't need a casket, i remember seeing those Smart cars in Italy about 7 years ago, while there for a WSB Race, and thinking, that they would never be legal for use on American Roads, was i wrong, you would never see me in one of those death traps...
