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Posts posted by cbr1

  1. Wondering if any one can shed any light on my continuing problem?

    Ive ran an avtech dvr for two years, its fine when viewed on an apple iphone, i recently changed to a samsung, as has my father, who also uses an avtech device, the problem im having is that the samsung seems to have the power to lock up the dvr, all is fine if the phone is not used to view the cameras, ive proved this many times by sitting at home and constanly logging into my system, it will then lock up, I never have the problem whilst using a pc, my father is having the same problem

  2. good evening all, just back from setting up a system for a friend at a commercial garage, I am running windows 7 ie8, all is fine on this system, the garage owner cannot view on his pc,he has 2 pcs, one running vista, the other windows 7 but both have ie9 installed, i have lowered all security and shut down every thing, enabled all active x boxes, set the viewable site to trusted zone, but still i am unable to get the dvrs active x to run, consequently all he can reach is the dvr, but without picture, all on my system in ie 8 is fine, any ideas would be appreciated.uninstalling ie9 is not an option tho.unfortunatly he has lost the software that came with the sysyem and so far i have been unable to find a program that will work with an x vision dvr.

  3. Hi all, have posted this as I have been totally stumped, been trying to help ivorbiggun get his avtech system online to no avail at all, ports are forwarded on the router, shut all firewalls down, including plusnets own online Fw, still cannot access this on WAN, all is fine on LAN, ports are still blocked no matter what I have tried, as far as i remember the router is a 5 something (2 digits missing from this) running v8 firmware, the router has no dmz, port forwarding is pretty straight forward, pointed the router to the dvrs ip, yet still nothing on WAN, anyone else had trouble with configuring plusnet/thomson?

    any ideas are much appreciated.plusnet deny blocking ports but I am unsure,

  4. I will try to break this down a little for you,

    try to only acces the system on your LAN connection via web browser, your LAN ip will be the one in the dvr that I believe is or should look something like type into your web browser or whatever your LAN ip address is set at in the dvr, if you reach the login page here then all should be ggod on this connection, set the dvr to DHCP in the network settings box of the dvr.If you cannot access the dvr at this point then it would appear that your routers ports are probably not open,( if I am wrong, try putting the dvr into the DMZ zone of the router to see if this helps.)

    IF this works you will know all is good on the internal network, if you are typing in your WAN adress, which is your wide area network adress, whilst on your LAN connection it may not work, your ip adress for WAN connection can easily be obtained by typing into your search engine whatsmy ip, many sites will then give you this ip adress which is the one you must use, when away from the shop,it may look something like this I appreciate the difficuly of setting this up for the first time.as I said in an earlier post, if your really stuck, I will pm my tel. I live in Coventry so visiting is not an option, but should be able to set it up for you via remote from here, hope this may help.

  5. remote password should be as you stated, admin admin, if you type the address ie

    into the adress bar do you reach the dvr opening screen? blue page that then has the password box?

    for what its worth my thoughts are that this is a port forwarding issue thats stopping you from gaining access, as even if you are putting the correct passwords into video viewer it will still come up login error if your ports are not opened correctly via the router.

  6. Helo to all, I am looking for some info to save my very unreliable and absolute rubbish sentient dvr from the dustbin, Yes it came from Maplin!

    took it back today to be told I have voided the warranty by installing a 500gb hd and taking theirs out which was a 250gb, problem I have is that the hard drive is fine, something on the board seems to have fried itself, so the question i would like to ask, is where can I obtain another board that will operate this unit please, and should anyone be reading this because of the title, DO NOT buy a SENTIENT!!
