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Posts posted by benoson

  1. maybe this can be help :




    Press "STOP" button five times and it will reset the DVR to factory default.

    default passwords "111111"


    I bough the same like you have, no brand name only type of DVR but I still know from china cause I have the manual book include.


    Probably your DVR from china too.

  2. Anyone use this type of DVR ???


    I am using this DVR but doesn't get the name of DHCP client table on my router, I did reserved it on menu router including IP and MAC number by the name "DVR" manualy but in status menu on my router didn't detect the name is only IP and MAC. How could this happend with it?

    also when i type the IP address on my browser to view the remote can not view it, what's the problem ??


    all setting DVR IP address and MAC i got it from software to detect it to get to know (network magic)


    please help.... might be something wrong with my network LAN setting ???


    NB: i type to ping the DVR IP address is ok, I get 64 point.


