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Posts posted by camstop

  1. Hiya guys wave.gif



    First of all congratulations on a great site and although i look in often i aint peosted enough yet



    This thread is addressed mainly to the UK or European members because we seem to have quite a different DVR market over here



    So UK guys. What DVR's are you using and how reliable have they been?



    I've been installing DVR's for the last 3 years now and i've pretty much gave up on VCR's now if i can get away with it



    I was using Viseoswitch for a while as well as DM but in the last year they haven't dropped their price enough to use them over some of the cheaper brands so i've been using some of the Dynamics own brand ones and just installed a COP one last week which i was very impressed with for the money



    It feels a bit of a struggle on times to get some of the bigger players to compete with the likes of Dynamic, COP etc on the budget end stuff so often i just use these two in the last while



    I think i'll stick with the COP ones for a bit, especially on budget jobs



    I cant bring myself to sell a DVR that hasn't got a CD-Writer in it because i feel with the "Data protection act" that we have here you need one really and i know it don't comply 100% but my local police have always been happy to take a CD-R as evidencewhistle.gif




    What Do you UK guys use?
