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Everything posted by AndyA

  1. AndyA

    Secuirty Installer Licensing??

    The Island why do you ask where about vancouver are you?
  2. AndyA

    Secuirty Installer Licensing??

    I'am go to look into more but does'nt sound like they any more then stamp it and call it day
  3. AndyA

    Secuirty Installer Licensing??

    I will have take anythey look into but they said nothing about background checks and finger prints Make me wonder
  4. AndyA

    Secuirty Installer Licensing??

    Here it just seem be the Govment atempted at Cash grab I mean I take Pride my work and do good Job I do the work So it is wired Correctedly and Safe and does'nt go burn Builds Down. Buy License does'nt make you Quaitly of your work any better. I mean any one could just go pay fees They don'nt care if you do work right or check it Anything It just seem to be what the point in give them Money Just wondering how other feel about it I should add I'am in canada so laws problay diffent
  5. AndyA

    Secuirty Installer Licensing??

    How does it realy get rid of the Rif Raf I think that stupid and they defetion of person / company needed it is any one that touch any thing related to Cameras It could be Network Cam by they Defetions
  6. AndyA

    Secuirty Installer Licensing??

    Acord to Bc Goverment Just pay the money and your in I think that stupid. I mean Just cause you gave the money to them pay them they fee does'nt mean you do any more better of job then any one else
  7. I found seting that cut down they is enviorment effect on geovison camera that you can edit it work pretty good before hard disk where get filled in no time
  8. Hello Maybe I have setting wrong but they way to deal rain and enviroment changes beside purchase the avp dongle? Or any one give me some pointer setup motion so does'nt fill up hard disk like less a day
  9. Hello can any suggestion on the video from camera 4 they always mothion on it I am think maybe the Ir lights cause the issues? here is Screen shot video with dot in camera 4 IT record all time the dot do not existed during the day only night I am sure they ir lights Suggestion? The Camera face ground in atempted to capture lincse plates Not my setup but if was make stop montion record get rid dot that that be great
  10. Hello work on clean up some wireing issues 4 cam one cable seprated ps cable Has any one done this not my choice try not end up wire job it was done before i got involed urgh I would rip it out but I'm curios if any one done this had work ? or did they end up with ghost or bad image on camera They where not great image before I think problay related 4 cam in 4 cat 5 Also power is 14 camera 12 volt at 560 amps so I need figured out power sluppy that urgh I hate people cut corners I'm think might be easy to run new wire to all camera but I want know any one had done this had work before?
  11. HI Consider how aver media treat they customer on warrenty I would highly suggested GeoVison At Least the company I got mine stand behind they producted Where Aver media want me buy second card to replace the new card I just got from them Then they let me send old card back for Credit Due to need new rev card for intel sandbrige They can't even do credit card hold to swap out one care of same model to new rev of that card fix issues not only did they do that mad Mistake on price wound'nt even honor they own qoute
  12. I problay just keep it quad intel so i think cover pull out some cable Out Curios what would you charge for rip out cable I think that kinda small point Cause get hardware Upgrades New Dvr System Etc Sales so I think worth plus we pull old cable out as same time we install new one lol so not like we had do extra work they pull strings basicly
  13. Hello ljarrald I would'nt think it was the camera are rated for 12 760 with ir run is maybe 20 ft for that camera other one have no issue ? Shot ir? Cause camera fine in the day
  14. Well they went with new cable we pull all new cat 6 and starting over Ya They can also be worse things I always been Fan do right not have to do over 3 time but that anythey storie So far new install only use they existed Camera they Suck so new dvr geoviosn new wireing new ps and then soon to be new camera
  15. Hello All And Yes we started to rewire The Place Due Fact Split pairs for Video and that we need Do some Cerment work Due to fact that we can'nt fit enoght cable in the condit between build I'm guess that why they decide Do 4 Camera on 1 cat 5 + Power Wire Also Had Dead Camera look like it too too much voltage Anyways Few Camera are work New Wireing Need to check Blaun Cause I think they took voltage and cooked them I Have Question Are Video Balan bnc connector polarity sensitive? I guess Balun or two Might be Messed up Sorry I mean Power Sluppy that will run 12 x 560 Millamp Camera 2 x 24 volt Model posted at this Url http://www.clintonelectronics.com/store/product.php?productid=154 What Is Antispider I have no clue That what Camera have Label They Cliton Electronic Cameras Model CE-B707 I guess since they daul voltage camera I can un them all at 12 volts So How big Power Sluppy Do need Ampage wise It shound be 14 x 560 MillAmps
  16. HI Numb nuts Look for power sluppy that will power all camera Half Camera don'nt even specs wrote on them so I'm asume 12 volt at 560 Mili amps? The camera that do have specs are them are 12 / 24 volt at 560 mill amp http://www.clintonelectronics.com/store/product.php?productid=154 other camera are something like this closet i cound find http://jincctv.en.made-in-china.com/product/noUQSxKyYXcm/China-Vari-Focus-IR-Waterproof-CCD-Camera-JN-2309-.html Right now they all on one set power wire for all camera
  17. Nice Idea Tom it go end up get rewired They watch switch out to ip camera anyways when they analog camera die
  18. Hi Numbs Nuts Ya I tottaly agree with hack job But some time what possable I think this case we just go end up Rip out too I hate do my job half ass it just not worth it As you Said The Sad point This company did wireing before Cut so many corner It just stupid It sucks For client To pay for job be Basicly done Twice but that life think of use the Exist cat 5 as pull string It might be possable I''m think we pair split extend for Camera I"m not sure good will be for pulling string Mind they also power cable they that cound be used for pull On plus side they pretty big condit They enoght pull cable in most the spots I tottaly know what Mean Do it right Or don'nt do it Consideing Other Hardware Install they This Small Part of job Power Gates with control keypad for acess I still look for some adivce I think two power sluppy unless some point in direction of company make one with enoght power for camera I can do two if have two
  19. AndyA

    AVer Media Warrenty Bad Customer Services

    I got thoght distrobutor of they product Buy Yes The Idea had cross my mind am go to send back to them they go deal with avermedia not impress with aver media warrenty thought
  20. Hello Has any one else notice avermedia warrently polices Sucks We order brand new card from distro Got that card it was nv6480 Hybrid Dvr Card Talk to the aver media tech support about green screen issues aka sandybridge he said they was newer vesion of that Card fix that issues to just rma card to them Stupid Aver media want me to buy a brand new card Full msp on they card that has know Design issue Even they Tech think this is stupid they won't put hold on credit card to exchange I would think company that security buiness wound understand imports of work Secuirty Cameras and customer services They Card had issues They shound post that on they site that need a fix version of the card for sand bridge but IT Does'nt say card does'nt work site on sand bridge I talk to aver media tech support even they agree it disapointing I Would suggested any one look this card look else where It just truely lacking in Want to resloved the issues I don't think I shound have to buy second card just to do exchange to get fix version of the card that has know issues they new version of that fix it winch they say Credit the money back when get old one back but based on they Services already am not too sure Aver media Can't even ship cad other cross ship with out me order new card that stupid Just post this as warning to any one think get avermedia Card
  21. AndyA

    NV6480e, cameras show blank green screen

    I got new averemedia nv6480 I got black screen issues phone them up they told me new version of card they will do rma for card to new model just thoght let any one know have issues give them call hope resloved issues