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Everything posted by cbodbyl

  1. cbodbyl

    Live streaming video to website...

    Not sure if I can help but I've been looking to do the same thing for my WP site using an axis camera. I would think WP would have a plugin for streaming live feeds but I've had no luck finding one. Have you found anything that works for WP? Colin B http://www.zeecure.com
  2. cbodbyl

    Nanny cam recording questions, please help

    You will need a video capture card to record that camera onto your PC. You can get an external one like this http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3504456&CatId=1428 or http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5238925&CatId=1428 They should both come with some sort of recording software. You can also get capture cards at most computer stores so you might want to go in and talk to a sales person to make sure it has the right software that will work with your computer. hope this helps. Colin http://www.zeecure.com
  3. cbodbyl

    Nanny cam recording questions, please help

    Could you post a link to the camera you purchased off ebay? Even the name or model number would help. There are so many different types of cameras out there you will need to give a few more details and I'm sure someone here will be able to help you. Colin B http://www.zeecure.com
  4. cbodbyl


    I don't know how to factory default a Watashi DVR but I can tell you that other DVRs typically require you to power down the recorder, then hold down a combination of buttons on the front panel while re-applying the power. I know this doesn't answer your question but hopefully it will help point you in the right direction. Colin http://www.zeecure.com
  5. LPR can be incredibly effective. I've only really worked with one LPR system before and that's Avigilon. I can tell you their cameras are awesome and the software is easy to use. Not sure what the Milestone LPR is like because I've been so happy with Avigilon that I've never had to go to another manufacturer. Heres a demo video I found of someone using the LPR system. It's not a great video but you can get a good idea of how the software looks and works. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Adtx4bvVh_4&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PLD0F9F41CC21D3BA4 Colin http://www.zeecure.com
  6. cbodbyl

    video server selection

    I've been using 241Q's since they were first introduced and am yet to have a problem with one. I've never had to send one in for repair or even do any kind of hardcore troubleshooting, they just work. Vivotek on the other hand I've had terrible experiences with and I try to avoid them unless a customer specifically request a cheap solution. I've never used Plustek but I wouldn't use a product that doesn't have some kind of local rep or support. If on board storage is important I would recommend the Axis M7014 or P7214 http://www.axis.com/products/video/video_server/index.htm. I've put in a couple of these recently for customers who didn't want to invest in an NVR. They work great, record video to the SD card and can be configured in a similar manner to standard NVR software (record on motion or events, email notifications, etc.) Colin http://www.zeecure.com
  7. cbodbyl

    Image chip from usb camera

    What your trying to do is like changing out your cars petrol engine for a diesel engine. Sure it's possible but the amount of work involved and the amount of problems you're going to create are never going to be worth the savings. Colin B http://www.zeecure.com
  8. cbodbyl

    Multiple DVR connection

    Veracity has some pretty good extenders specifically designed for CCTV http://www.veracityglobal.com/products/ethernet-and-poe-extension.aspx Alternatively you can also look at B&B electronics. They have some nice extenders that run over two conductor wire. http://www.bb-elec.com/Subcategory.asp?SubCategoryId=935&Trail=1&TrailType=Top Colin B http://www.zeecure.com
  9. cbodbyl

    viewing from every Tv in the house

    Looks like a good buy, you might want to check out this thread http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=28989&hilit=rory I have no experience with these DVR's but there's a guy on this forum called Rory who sells Dahua products. Maybe he can give you more info based on his experience with them. He also has some solid documentation and samples on his website http://www.bahamassecurity.com/cctv-products/cctv-dvrs/8ch-hdmi-dvr.asp Colin B http://www.zeecure.com
  10. cbodbyl

    Dahua DVR's and Blackberry

    I totally agree. I write iOS apps as a hobby and love how easy it is to design an App knowing it will appear the same on every device(except maybe the iPad). I can only imagine how difficult it must be to have to deal with Blackberry's collection of poorly designed interfaces. They're the masters of their own demise. Colin B http://www.zeecure.com
  11. cbodbyl

    Quick question about switches

    This post is depressing me and my carrier pigeon internet... can anyone say "uploading. Please wait" Colin B http://www.zeecure.com
  12. Unfortunately the higher the resolution the worse the low light capabilities, generally speaking. The 3346 will be better in low light than the 3367 but neither one is going to be great if the lightings bad. Look into getting some infrared lights, or preferably white lights if your neighborhood allows it. Hope that helps, I can't think of another megapixel camera that would be much better anyway. Colin B http://www.zeecure.com
  13. cbodbyl

    Looking for Camera Recommendations

    I would look at Axis cameras, their cameras are genuine commercial grade unlike Foscam. Axis also has wireless options as well as cameras with on-board storage (using an SD card). They also have the largest market share when it comes to IP cameras which doesn't necessarily mean they're the best cameras but it does mean they're the most commonly supported camera. You will find almost any video management software, NVR, or iPhone/Blackberry/Android app will support their cameras. I think your long term options with Foscam will be very limited. Colin B http://www.zeecure.com
  14. Are you sure they don't support the Axis P3367-VE? I haven't had much experience with NUUO but I know with most other NVR's there is simply one driver for all Axis cameras. Chances are it will work they just aren't able to confirm it yet. However if you are looking for an alternative to NUUO I would recommend and Exacq Start NVR, they definitely support the P3367-VE. By the way, nice choice of cameras, I've used both those cameras before and they're really top notch. Colin B http://www.zeecure.com
  15. I've just begun work on what will be my second iPhone/iPad app and I'm starting to wonder how many people in the industry actually have these devices. So my question is, what technology do you use and why? Here's a list of my gear: Blackberry 9800 - I kind of regret getting this phone and will likely upgrade to an iPhone towards the end of this year. My wife has an iPhone and every time I use it I wonder why my Blackerry can't be that fast and easy to use. iPad 2 - I love this tablet, I can't really think of much bad to say about it, I'm using it right now to type this post! I've even been able to use it on clients wifi networks to aim and focus cameras. Lenovo G550 laptop - This is my primary work PC. It does the job and allows me to troubleshoot just about any camera or network. Mac mini server - For the heavy duty stuff like coding and video editing as well as the usual server tasks like central storage, email, and calendar management. So what's everyone else using? Colin B http://www.compatiblecameras.com
  16. cbodbyl

    More for the Installation Hall of Shame

    Take note of the orange extension cord powering this disaster. Colin B http://www.compatiblecameras.com
  17. cbodbyl

    viewing from every Tv in the house

    Correct, just watch your cable distances, VGA is pretty good at 50feet, HDMI on the other hand, I've never succeeded in getting it to work on a cable longer than 50 feet. What kind of recorder are you using? Does it have both a VGA and HDMI output on it? Colin B http://www.compatiblecameras.com
  18. cbodbyl

    viewing from every Tv in the house

    Hey Mike, The VGA will work and if you're only hooking into one tv that's probably the simplest way to do it. Otherwise the link you provided would also work and is an easier way to set it up for multiple tvs'. Colin B http://www.compatiblecameras.com
  19. cbodbyl

    Does this look normal? (PICTURES)

    Looks fine, the only thing I would highly recommend is changing the clear dome for a smoked dome. That way your neighbors or criminals can't see what direction it's facing. Oh and one last thing, you might want to put some video blanking on the camera if it's able to see into areas where people have a "reasonable expectation of privacy". Not sure where you live but where I am in Canada there are some loosely enforced laws that prohibit security cameras from seeing too much of a private dwelling. Colin B http://www.compatiblecameras.com
  20. cbodbyl

    viewing from every Tv in the house

    I'm assuming these are analog cameras you're talking about, it sounds like you need a video modulator. The modulator will 'inject' the cctv camera feed onto a channel that you can view on the TV like you see in apartment buildings. The DVR to LAN connection could then be used to view the cameras from PC's on the network or even remotely. Don't just buy any modulator though, you will need one specifically designed for the type of cable feed your customer is using(like digital or analog). You will also need to know what channels are open for the modulator to use. If you live in Canada you can message me and I can recommend a great company that has custom tuned modulators for me in the past. If you're using IP cameras and a NVR then you would have to look at adding video cards to the NVR and running cables to each TV. Hope this helps. Colin B http://www.compatiblecameras.com
  21. cbodbyl

    Static IP for the outside world?

    I would give your ISP a call to find out what a static IP will cost. Depending on your current internet service I've seen upgrade charges range from $5/month all the way up to $80. Doesn't hurt to call and ask. DNS is a great solution but I find static IP addresses to be far more reliable and easy to troubleshoot if they do fail. Colin B www.compatiblecameras.com
  22. Hi all, I've been a member here for a couple of months now but have just taken part in founding a new website http://www.compatiblecameras.com The site is a collaborative effort to create quality free resources for the entire industry. Feel free to contact me with any feedback you might have, we appreciate it and take your feedback seriously. Thanks, and looking forward to contributing more to the forum! Colin B www.compatiblecameras.com Follow me us on twitter @compatiblecams
  23. Have you looked at Exacq? Avigilon is a great product but might be overkill for one camera. Last time I checked you could get a trial version of the Exacq VMS that comes with a license for one camera. It can do everything you want. Colin B www.compatiblecameras.com
  24. cbodbyl


    Anybody found any useful cctv apps for design, camera/lens selection, etc. There seem to be a million camera viewer apps, I'm wondering if anyone's tried the others?
  25. cbodbyl


    I'm thinking about sales and system design tools, like lens selectors and storage calculators. Just wondering if anyone has tried these and how they work.