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Posts posted by vince32837

  1. Gentlemen-


    Please review the pictures of my house exterior. Looking for good camera coverage, if you approach my house you will be on video. Don’t want to go crazy with camera count!


    Please pick the points where you would put cameras and specify dome or standard camera and direction you would point it if applicable. Should it be a PTZ?


    I am going with IP PoE outdoor cameras unless I can get away with indoor camera with Silicone sealant at any location? Indoor camera outdoors I heard you are asking for trouble?


    Ceilings throughout the house range from 10-14 feet which makes my wiring tough is some areas. I think PoE cameras is my best bet, just get a Cat5 wire there.


    Background info:

    1.I went ahead and labeled numerous points so you can clearly pick a point for camera placement.

    2.The only place I could have exposed Ethernet wire internally is the attic of course and the block- wall of the garage.


    Pics 1 & 3: Between points 1 and 2 is the living room, cameras at these 2 positions would have to be mounted through soffit. (probably not desirable) Positions 3,4,5 can come through attic and Position 9, would have drill through cinder-block of the garage.


    Pic 2: Positions 6 & 7 look attractive from a camera standpoint, but they are a nightmare to get to from inside the attic. The front porch archway is barricaded off in the attic. You can see only through 1 ft opening into the open cavity..Maybe use a pole to grab cat5 and pull into main attic?


    Pic 4: Positions 10,1,2 looks nice but again pretty room behind it. That’s the yellow ceiling line. Would have to mount camera on soffit or use position 11. Again position 11 will be tough to get to need grab wire with a hook or pole inside attic.


    Pic 5: position 12,13,14 same deal can crawl to those locations ( position 12 same as position 6 in pic 2)


    Pic 6: position 9 (attic wire) position 15 (block wall wire) 16 and 17: rooms with ceilings right to the soffit flashing.


    Pic 7: 15-17 all through soffit mount; 18 not an option (trim only 2-3 “ wide off house) positions 19 and 20 attic wired. 21 (14 ft celings) inside not an option.

    Pic 8 & 9: looking at interior pool deck. Yellow ceiling line indicated. Positions 22-24 all attic wired good options; 21 is out! That is a bathroom door below 24.


    Pic 10: The kitchen glass(above the orange pic 10 box) and the bedroom glass (below 30-31) is commercial ½” thick glass( house was the model came that way) weakest points of entry are the door below 28 and door below 23, giant slide doors all have standard glass.


    Pic 11: 32 and 33 good attic wiring points, but 34 would need soffit wiring.


    Pic 12 deleted.


    Pic 13: Rear-view of house pool screen entry from 2 doors, below 32 and opposite side (pic 7 below 19)


    Pic 14: front corner of house ( different angle) 10 & 1 would be soffit mount wiring???? From 10 looking down the wall you see large shrub.


    Pic 15: rear of house looking towards front of house at the same shrub (pic 14) 33 could be attic wired. 34 soffit wired.


    Thanks Vince




  2. Your CCTV system will still operate if the phone/internet/tv lines are cut, you just won't have remote access. Unless you have a berg alarm requiring a phone line instead of using cellular, it won't matter if they are cut or not, so I wouldn't mess with the brighthouse equipment at all.


    Your best bet is to put a UPS on your NVR, camera power supply, and any switches or other CCTV equipment.


    fa chris- So even with the outside internet cut, the connection string from CATV modem to router to PoE Switch to IP Camera and the connection from PoE Switch to the recording video PC is not affected? You sure 100%?

  3. Please take a look at the typical Florida wiring job on my house in the picture.


    1) The power company, Progress Energy provides a strong pipe right into the meter metal box..Feel secure there.


    2) The main outdoor electrical panel has no lock, somebody could just open the box flip my main breaker to the house. Do you guys put a lock on your panel?


    3) In my front yard, is the over-priced Brighthouse Cable TV has 2 green domes, they come off easy exposing all the wiring running underground to my house and come up to Box A. Both Boxes A and B, are cheap plastic, All Cable TV, digital phone, and high-speed lines come in from here. What if I have a 4-6 IP camera setup around the house, and someone cut those wires between Box A and Box B? Does the camera recording continue to the PC inside the house or is the party over once wires are cut? I know remote viewing is dead at this point.


    Do you guys protect outside wiring or just leave as is?

    Thanks Vince


  4. Hi-


    I'm an newbie looking to add 4 camera setup for the house. (2-front & 2-back)

    Please take a look at my setup diagram. A co-worker has Foscam Wi-Fi camera setup. It looks decent, but I wanted to step up to the next level quality if I could.


    Q1) Is my wiring correct in the diagram? should the recording laptop be connected to the router or a non-PoE port on the switch?


    Q2) I heard good things about Axis cameras from what I read. I am not dead set on the model camera shown just trying to verify this is how I should set it up?


    If there are better ways to go?


    thanks Vince

