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Posts posted by goldserve

  1. Time for me to give back to the community! I modified and fixed the python scripts to extract videos, create a snapshot of pictures at 5.5seconds into the video and create a new !summary video from the pictures. All I have to do now is to review the !summary.mp4 video everyday and this runs on my freenas server, inside a jail with lang/python34, multimedia/libav, and multimedia/ffmpeg installed.




    In freenas, create a new jail based on busy box template.

    Add storage to that contains the folder to your camera's NFS storage

    Download the files and extract to some directory in the jail

    Edit the paths in config.cfg

    execute the following in the jail and accept everything:

    pkg install lang/python34

    pkg install multimedia/libav

    pkg install multimedia/ffmpeg

    Make extracted python files executable (chmod +x *)

    run ./hikstract



  2. error: logger.main - Can't read 80 bytes for segment index

    Any ideas?


    How do you run the program? If you do it like this


    ./extract_video -i /media/ipcam/datadir0/ -o /path/to/output -l


    it's expecting the index file /media/ipcam/datadir0/index00.bin to contain the video index. Does it?



    I run it exactly the way you said and I also put in -v for verbose.


    FILE 146 =================
    fileNo: 119495468
    chan: 28327
    startTime: 109836406-05-25 03:41:51
    endTime: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
    FILE 147 =================
    fileNo: 268394496
    chan: 22168
    startTime: 5645-07-10 22:22:05
    endTime: 111197427-05-09 10:49:27
    FILE 148 =================
    fileNo: 122015904
    chan: 37418
    startTime: 111197427-05-09 10:49:27
    endTime: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
    error: logger.main - Can't read 80 bytes for segment index


    Looks like either the file structure changed a little and everything is fubar'd now. I can run the python script and that extracts the data fine.

  3. I recently ventured into building my own nas (HP Microserver Gen8, ESXi with 4 virtual machines running) using xpenology (synology) and I have 3 drives in SHR (RAID5) and one more drive that is virtually partitioned into 500GB volumes for synology.


    In the end, my configuration is:


    Volume 1 (6TB, 3 drives, raid 5)

    Volume 2 (500GB)

    Volume 3 (500GB)

    Volume 4 (500GB)


    I can in theory add three more 500GB partitions using the 3TB drive that I have. Knowing the limitations of the Hikvision cameras with NFS and NAS, now each camera can have its own volume and hence, the space and free space never changes and the cameras now work very nicely with the synology.


    Let me know if anyone has any questions regarding my setup.

  4. From another thread, the URL http://IPADDRESS/cgi-bin/configManager.cgi?action=getConfig&name= gives alot of details and I wondered if I can change any parameters so I went ahead and modified some.


    My biggest gripe is that I can not record to FTP and SD card at the same time for redundancy and viewing from SD card in the new playback manager so I modified the following to record to both.











    .Remote=true is actually NFS so i enabled this over FTP to save overhead.


    To enable NFS, enter the following:










    To confirm you have NFS mounted correctly after reboot, telnet into the camera (root/vizxv) and do a "mount":

  on /var/tmp/nfs1 type nfs (rw,vers=3,rsize=131072,wsize=131072,soft,intr,nolock,proto=tcp,timeo=3,retrans=3,sec=sys,addr=

    /dev/mmc0p1 on /mnt/sd type vfat (rw,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1)


    Both SD card and NFS is mounted!


    Happy hacking and report back if you find more juicy config options!
