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Posts posted by amuso

  1. I actually think I managed to track down the manufacturer, so I have sent them an email to see if they can provide any insight on the matter.


    It seems it might be produced by FJ Lang Lang and called LVR6008B-D (http://www.alibaba.com/product-gs/488326401/Discounted_16_D1_H_264_Network.html)


    Also tried a bunch of different URLs, with no success:














    Also tried other ports than 8888, such as 80, 554 and 558. However I am pretty 100% sure it uses port 8888 since that's all that needed opening in the firewall for external access with the Naway and Naway+ app.


    I did actually do a bunch of tcpdump / network sniffing from both the Windows machine and iPhone to see if I could find an URL to extract. However it all seems encrypted as there is no plain text URLs to find. A bunch of traffic did get captured, but didn't make much sense.


    Thanks for the tips. If I find out more I will post updates. Maybe someone else has other URLs for us to try out ? Might be something generic.


    Port 80 lists mini-httpd/1.19 19dec2003 as the webserver.

  2. Hi,


    I recently bought a analog 8-channel DVR. With it came some Windows software (DVR Client 3.6.4) that uses a lvrweb plugin (also seen called lvr client and lvr view).


    I am wondering if anybody has any experience in accessing their video streams directly, either as still JPGs or MJPEGs or something similar ?


    This DVR uses port 7777 to communicate with the client software. However on port 80 there seems to be a webservice that uses the mini-httpd software. Port 8888 is also used by an iPhone app (Naway / Naway+) to display streams remotely, or locally wirelessly.


    I would really like to capture single images from either all, or single cameras without needing any dedicated software. Ideally it would be nice to be able to access the h.264 streams the iPhone app uses also.


    I've attached a screengrab of the software that came with the unit. There is no company or contact information to the manufacturer. Hopefully someone here has a bit more insight into these matters...


