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Posts posted by Mweston

  1. Quite frankly, I think you need to delete this thread and try to move on with your life. You're letting him get to you and that means he wins.


    Be prepared to protect yourself, if the best way to do that is with a gun then make sure you are well trained. There's lot of classes around for that, find a reputable training school and take some classes.


    Reinforce your door and door jamb. Look up door jamb armor if you just have a wood door frame.


    If you need legal advice, find a lawyer, you won't get good legal advice here.


    Stay in constant contact with the police and keep track of case numbers to build a file against him.


    This guys is clearly an asshole but your not helping your case by publicly putting this out there and saying you will "shoot to kill". He may be all talk but in the unfortunante situation that you do have to defend your life with deadly force, you will be investigated and you don't want anything out there that can be misconstrued.


    I have a friend that recently shot and killed someone who kicked his door down, it was a clean case of self defense but still took a year of his life in anxiety, news reporters knocking on his door and crime reports labeling his house a murder scene. It's not something to take lightly.


    He'll get what he has coming to him and hopefully eventually end up in prison for a long time or move.



    And side note: the descriptions of your YouTube videos are also a bit strange. You sound angry at google for putting ads on their videos that they host for you for free. Video hosting is expensive, if you don't want ads use another service that you pay for.

  2. you cannot get color and use ir at the same time with any camera...there is an ir filter that engages in color mode that blocks out ir light....there are junk cameras without the filter or you can disable/remove the filter on some models but the colors will look terrible so it would be pointless.


    Hmm ok. I thought I remembered a discussion on here of some saying that they somehow were able to control the ir cut filter and bw/color settings separately and it worked out better than being in b&w due to the mixture of regular white light and IR.

  3. Has anyone come up with a way to use a Dahua camera, particularly their mini PTZ SD42212SN-HN in color mode at night with external IR illuminators? So I guess I need a way to put it in night mode but still get a color image.


    I'd like to use a combination of exterior white lights and external IR lights which I think will be ok in color.


    What other cameras will this work on? I think I've only heard of vivotek being able to do it. How about Hikvision?



  4. I'm looking to install some pinhole cameras (Hikvision) through sheetrock/stucco but I'm worried that they will be too "straight" of a view when I need something more on an angle.


    This is the camera: http://www.hikvision.com/en/Products_show.asp?id=9620


    For example I want to mount one next to a door but still see if someone is standing next to the door. Could I insert it in the wall at a very slight angle instead of straight out? I need to stay with a pinhole for HOA reasons


    Here's a diagram of the area:



    Are there any discrete mounts that let you mount at angle? I was thinking of making some kind of JBox Cover with a pinhole in it at angle but it seems that any type of angle will require it not to be flush and pretty obvious. Or maybe the Hikvision pinhole will be a wide enough of an angle to mount flush and still see the wall next to it?

  5. I've seen this topic discussed before but want to see if anyone has anymore input. I'm in Texas with a dome IP camera above my front door, bullet on my balcony and mini dome on my garage eave.


    I also have 2 other neighbors with cameras installed and the HOA has asked us all to remove them.


    They stated 2 reasons:


    1) changes that were made to the common area without written prior approval from the Board of Directors and 2) the legal implications for the association (all owners) for reasons ranging from a perceived right-to-privacy to the Texas Occupation Code which requires an association that allows security cameras on the common area (exterior) to have them monitored by a licensed security professional.


    The Association's attorney advised the Board to have the cameras removed immediately from the common area (exterior). Therefore, the Board asked RealManage to send out the letters on their behalf. The developer is more than willing to reimburse you the $450 you spent to have your unit wired differently. They feel very badly that they were unaware of the law(s) surrounding this matter at the time your unit was wired.


    In all my searching and speaking with an attorney I do not see any "legal implications" to one recording their own property.


    Has anyone successful fought this or know of any laws in Texas relating to a homeowners right to security?

  6. This is kind of a basic question but I plan to setup my own home surveillance system and I'm wondering where the ethernet from the camera needs to connect to? I want to use a dedicated Mac as an NVR so is it possible to run all of the cameras via cat5 to a POE capable switch then another cat5 wire from the switch into any ethernet jack in the house? Or does the switch have to connect back to my router that the computer (nvr) will be connected to via wifi?


    Planning to use Dahua dome cameras and a mac with VitaminD.

  7. Sample night time video of same camera but under different name,





    Thanks. Not bad but I'm seeing prices of about $600. I think I might try to go with the Dahua IPC-HDB3200C and see if there is enough street light to not need IR


    yeah, either from ebay $339 or china is the lowest for now.


    I ordered the HFW3200C from China and camera is due to be delivered next week.


    The HFW3200C is a great camera. It would be my first choice but I'd prefer a dome as it is for a residential home and trying to avoid any HOA problems or anything too obtrusive.
