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Everything posted by Harrar

  1. Harrar

    Viewing On Internet...Help Needed!!!

    A couple of questions. What type/model DVR did you get? Does it have the manual? Is there a PC hooked up to the router, also? You'll need to find out what ports your DVR needs for Internet access and then forward those ports thru your router to the DVR (http port 80, at least). If your ISP blocks port 80, you'll have to change the http port in the DVR to something other than 80, i.e 81 or something above 1024 for security purposes. Portforward.com will give you excellent instructions on forwarding your ports. Depending on the model DVR, they may have a free DDNS service they offer. All you have to do is register it. It probably supports DYNDNS also. If so, you can set up a free account with them and enter the appropriate info in your DVR's networking section. One note with the DYNDNS service: if the device's updater program isn't up to their standards and it constantly checks for updates, they will block your DYNDNS account for abuse. Some routers and DVR's have a terrible update program that runs constantly. If you have a PC on this network, you can download DYNDNS's updater program to that and it will manage the dynamic IP for all devices on the network. Hope this helps.
  2. Not familiar with this model but it sounds like you need to open up (forward) some ports thru your router to the DVR to make it accessable thru the internet. At a minimum, I would assume port 80 (http). Your manual should tell you exactly what ports need to be open for internet access and portforward.com will help you in setting up your specific router.
  3. Harrar


    The big problem I see is playing back events. With all the different camera brands you use, are they all capable of recording to the NAS?, in the same format?, use the same playback program? The advantage of NUUO or Geovision or whatever NVR you use is the software takes care if the integration of the camera recording, storage and playback.
  4. Harrar

    "decoder not found" error

    Did you add your site to the "Trusted Sites" under IE8's Internet Options. This should stop the blocking. Remember to uncheck https.
  5. Harrar

    Panasonic WV-CW864A issue

    Is this camera the furthest away from the switcher? The reason I ask is, did you check or set the cable/data compensation for the channel this camera is on? Wrong settings here can lead to a dim display and no control since video and data are going out over a single coax.
  6. Harrar

    cheap POS for geovision

    Here's a quote from the FuturePOS website: "Web Cameras for Surveillance Protect your business from fraud and theft by using Future POS's built in Surveillance Module and ordinary web cameras. Future POS can monitor your business with event-driven video and real time surveillance plus a write a log of all video activity for your records." Sounds like they incorporated it into their system. Here is the link to that page. http://www.futurepos.com/WEB/features.htm You may want to contact they directly about your project.
  7. Have only tried PTZ with auto-zoom at one customer as an experiment. This was a car dealership having a problem with vandalism late at night. To make a long story short, to many things were triggering the auto-zoom feature and we never got it quite right. Anyone know of a good auto-zoom PTZ????
  8. Hi William .. What is LPR?? "Face Recognition" - do you mean that it can distinguish Tom from Tim .. Mary from Maria? That's cool! How do u find the accuracy of the Object Counting? I mean .. Artificial Intelligence can only identify till a certain degree of accuracy .. btw .. u using GeoVision too?? Yes, we use Geovision systems almost exclusively. The "people counting has been fairly accurate as far as the customer is concerned. You designate your entry area and then your exit and the software counts and adds/subtracts to let you know. It's very easy to tru out and test. As for LPR, that's a License Plate Reader. Basically it's a specialized camera with OCR. Only thing it's really good for is reading plates. Setup us a pain.
  9. Couple of uses we've tried: For missing objects, we had one retail site where a woman said her purse was missing. They went back thru the video using missing object to quickly find when it disappeared. The person who "snatched" it was identified and tracked with the other cameras to his car and the info was relayed to the police. Object counting has been used in some area bars on band night to keep track of people entering and paying a cover charge. Since entry is restricted to one door, object counting would allow the owner to see his take on the cover charge. It's a little involved though because you have to set up ins and outs in the program.
  10. Harrar

    Panasonic WV-CW864A issue

    Does this camera work when it is the only one attached to the switcher? Have you swapped out the switcher? You mentioned that it worked for a while. It may have taken a "hit" and can't handle the additional load of the ptz verses the still that does work.
  11. Harrar

    POE network card

    Found this one. Haven't tried it myself but it has possibilities for future use. http://www.directindustry.com/prod/korenix-technologies/industrial-ethernet-switch-card-29418-410948.html
  12. Password field still grayed out.
  13. The Password field is now greyed out. It won't let you enter anything.
  14. No joy. Keeps coming up with login failed. Tried some "default" passwords also 4321, 0000, 1111, 8888. No luck. Is the http port the only one needed by this unit? Some require command or data ports to be forwarded thru your router for internet access also. Does the manual say anything about other ports?
  15. Tried accessing your site as list in your post ( http://www.lais.co.uk:8080) and came up with "Webpage not available" error. Then tried http://lais.co.uk:8080 and got to your Web Application Manager. Message appeared that if your browser doesn't support active X click here. I received the message that Active X is now downloading. (I use IE). I broke the connection before the Axtive X fully loaded. It appears your site is accessable. Just drop the www from the address.
  16. Harrar

    Recording high def

    The only thing I've seen that comes close is Mobotix using their MxPEG format and played back using their free MxControlCenter or MxEasy software. You can zoom in and pan around the recorded images just the same as in live view without much pixelization at all. Certainly more that 3x.
  17. Just a quick suggestion. Check with Comcast in your area and make sure they don't block port 80 for non-business accounts (take their answer with a grain of salt). If so, you may need to set up another http port in your unit.
  18. Want a really strange thing to try... Check and see if your popup blocker is set on this computer. If so, turn it off or add the ip to its white list
  19. Have you tried accessing your home from a friends computer? Seen instances where LAN's in some companys are quite restrictive in allowing access to remote servers and such thru firewalls but open their wireless network to the internet with VLANS isolated from the main LAN.
  20. Harrar

    System Design for Counseling Observation

    Haven't heard of any cell phones that work with them but they do work with softphones. Several from Counterpath are even mentioned in the Mobotix manuals.
  21. Harrar

    System Design for Counseling Observation

    Another option to monitor with a Mobotix is just use an IP phone like the Grandstream GXV3140. You can talk and listen with this SIP device (which I've used) and supposedly you can monitor the video at the same time with the right firrmware (so they say). Sound quality is very good and it eliminates the extra computer all together.
  22. Have used Geovision NVR with pure IP and data capture at several fast food places without a problem. You may be confusing NVR with the Geo Hybrid DVR.
  23. Harrar

    System Design for Counseling Observation

    Just quote them a Mobotix Q24. http://www.mobotix.com/eng_US/content/view/full/25611 Looks like a smoke detector. Has built-in speaker and microphone, easily attached to their network, can be viewed live using IE browser or free MxEasy software. After adding in the cost of a camera, microphone, amp, headphones, speakers, cabling for each and now the customers network requirements, this would probably end up a cheap solution.
  24. What type of cameras do they plan on using? Analog, IP or a mixture of both? If it's straight IP's you won't need a capture card but will need a lot of storage. Personal preference is Geovision though some will disagree. Specific models will depend on how you want to use them. Are you going to be recording 24/7? Motion Detect only? How many FPS you want to assign to each camera? Camera distance from server? Guess what I'm saying is that there is a lot more than just slapping a card into a computer and away you go.
  25. Harrar

    "decoder not found" error

    One thing you may want to check, actually several, is go to Program Files directory of the viewing computer and see if you have all your Remote ViewLog folders listed. Should be labeled V7100, V8100, V8200, etc (one for each system software version you're trying to view). Make sure the folders contain the programs and DLL's for the versions you're trying to view. Also go to your WININT or WINDOWS folder and ensure you have the Geo Vxxxx folders there also. If missing you'll have to redownload from the remote site. It's been my experience with some registry cleaners that they will "clean" entries that have not been used in a while and not necessarily all of the entries. If this was the case, you'll have to delete the folders for that particular version you're having problems with and either load from the cd or the remote site again.