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Posts posted by night_solstice

  1. Using a NVR would limit me to what cameras I could have connected to it




    why would a NVR limit you


    As I mentioned, I use a combo of 4 different types of cameras at my home: Dahua, Logetech Alert, Foscam and Microsoft LifeCam. I'm currently testing a 5th type (Lorex).


    At my work, since I just wish a low-cost solution: Foscam and LifeCam (connected to PC's)that I had kicking around so I can get a visual of my server rooms to add to our remote software. Being able to see the lights on the server is a benefit, but not enough to warrant a higher cost of 'true' cameras.


    In my environments: Home and Work, using the USB cams are a great benefit to monitor the areas the PC's are in without adding to the network structure), and in my limited playing with NVR's, I find they work best with the same model cameras, but don't always play well with a 'mix' as I have at home.


    In my cases, the BI software gives me the greatest range of devices, and the options I wish. If I was going to buy a 'total' package I'd go with a NVR with 8 cams, but I like to mix and match.

  2. Another reason I still use BI vs a NVR is that I have currently 4 different types of cameras running. Using a NVR would limit me to what cameras I could have connected to it, and the ability to make a quick software configuration change as I 'test out another type of camera' is perfect for me. Both solutions have their place, just up to you figure out what's best for your needs.

  3. I picked up the PT-02820MP 2.8mm, F2.0 Mega Pixel CCTV Board Lens as the 3.6 was sold out at the time. Pleased with the picture, but severe loss of image at the corners and sides due to the lens not being long enough. I'll probably add some tape around the lens edge to remove the IR bleed and live with it, but definately looks like you're looking through a tunnel. I tried backing out the lens to make up the distance, but lost way too much focus.


    Ordered the 3.6 when they came back in stock and will try that when it arrives in case it's a bit longer than the 2.8mm one. I'd rather the tunnel look over the 6mm that came with the camera as it much too high of a focus for what I need.
