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Posts posted by lishper

  1. Something is clearly odd about setting this up for Hikvision and accessing this outside of your network.


    I've forwarded all of the ports correctly in my router, but I still can not access the camera through this app or access the web interface by the dynamic domain address.


    HTTP: 8008

    RTSP: 8009

    Server: 8010


    I can access the camera via the internal IP:port without a problem. I can also access the camera using the internal IP:server port in the IVMS app when on my home network.


    If I change the internal IP to my DDNS domain, it doesn't work. I can't access the web interface or view the stream in the app.


    I have SEVERAL other services actively port forwarding on my router without issue I can access all of them via the DDNS domain:port inside and outside my network, including my surveillance software and other non-Hikvision cameras. I can even change those services to forward to those ports I've assigned to the Hikvision (8008-10) and they update instantly and can access them instantly via my DDNS domain:port.


    This all leads me to believe that the odd ball here is the camera settings not getting along with correctly forwarding the ports I've assigned to it.


    I've tried the following in the network configuration on the Hikvision:

    Enabling/Disabling uPNP

    Setting NAT to Auto/Manual

    Disabling PPPoE

    Disabling DDNS


    Anyone have any suggestions? Clearly I'm missing something here because the camera works on the internal network AND I can access loads of other services outside of my network through my router's port forwarding.


    EDIT: After getting frustrated I decided to pull the power on the camera. I let it stay off for a few minutes. I went ahead and turned it back on and now everything is working and I have no clue why. I manually rebooted the device multiple times to no avail. Weird. "Have you tried turning it on and off again?"

  2. Hello, I'm brand new to the forum and hoping someone can help me. I just got a small IP camera that I can view remotely (smartphone) and from my Mac, but I'm looking to be able to record the footage. Is there any good DVR software out there for the Mac that I can record the footage with?


    Thanks in advance.




    The best software out there for the Mac is SecuritySpy. I've been using it for a while now and nothing else compares. It's rock solid, has a ton of features, and the support is excellent. If you have a problem with the software or are looking for new cameras to be added/new features the developer has been great at responding and implementing features. I tried a few others that I can't even remember now and none of them came close.

  3. I've been searching through Hikvisions various cameras and I think this one looks great for what I'm looking for. My only issue is that I can't find a compatible wall mount for this. I live in an apartment and running cabling through the walls is a no-go, so I'd prefer to find a wall mount and then just run the PoE down the wall like I have done with my crappy cameras. Is there a wall mount for this camera or should I look at a comparable model?



  4. I control my cameras with the OS X software SecuritySpy. The web view from SecuritySpy works great on my iPhone and iPad, just going to the web address I have set up. The MP4 streams don't work on iOS devices, but SecuritySpy has an auto-detect feature when you view the web page, and in this case it does a video only Server-Push JPEG stream which works awesomely and is smooth. I'm assuming other programs out there have similar options.

  5. Hi everyone.


    After lurking for a while and seeing some nice results with the Dahua cameras, I'm wondering if anyone has tried using them with the software SecuritySpy?


    I currently have a Mac only household and my current camera set up is run through SecuritySpy tied to a Mac Mini server which then backs up to my NAS. I mainly use it to make sure my puppy isn't destroying the house while I'm at work, but I also like it for the security aspect.


    I'm thinking of adding another camera or two and like what I see with the Dahua's, but according to the SecuritySpy website they don't list them as a supported camera. Has anyone attempted to use these with SecuritySpy? I see a lot of people just recommend getting the DVR's with them and running the software that they come with, but I don't see the point in spending more money to get that when I've already got a powerful server and extremely capable software in SecuritySpy.


