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Posts posted by 1Diesel

  1. I have a 12mm Hikvision 2032 bullet camera that points towards the end of my street where cars pull up to the stop sign. The cars are probably going 10-15 mph as they pass through the camera view, but the camera hasn't been able to pick up license plate numbers. The license plate is always blurry.

    I have the frames per second set to "full frame" on my Hikvision NVR and the quality all the way up (5 boxes out of 5 in settings). What else can I do to make the license plates not blurry during daylight hours? The car takes up a good portion of the screen, so I feel like the license plate should be a little more clear on vehicles going so slow. Am I asking too much?


    This is the view when I do the digital zoom:



    This is the normal view on the Hikvision 7604 NVR:


    it looks like you have to much of an angle. The tighter you can keep the angle the more time you have to get the image. With a 12mm your only going to be able to be 20 or 30 ' away depending on lighting and angle. Ideally you want the plate to take up as much of the image as possible so you have more pixels on the plate.

    I use a 2032 as well,but put a 25mm lens in it mounted under my mailbox. It does a decent job for what it costs.

  2. Install the smart client on your other pc. When it goes to login to local host change it to the IP address on your server on the other machine. Your password will be the same.

    For android download the milestone mobile app and set it up. You will need to use your outside ip address and set a port forward in your router to your server so you can view it outside of your network.

    You also need to make sure you have the mobile plugin installed in milestone. It should have installed by default if you did the normal install.


    Hope this helps

  3. I'm trying to use dual stream and everything seems to set up fine on the management side,but when you open the live view in the client all the images are stills.

    In the management software you can see motion with dual stream turned on. I have latest software and device pack. Tech support said based on their notes and firmware it should work fine.

    Ive tried it on 2032,3332, and the 2632 with same results. I am using Xprotect go and may download essentials and see if its a software limitation.

  4. I have downloaded it in the past,but none of my cameras worked. Since then they have all been replaced with Hikvision. Im looking to either run the client on my mac through vmware or use the web client.

    Im currently using milestone but the client uses 80% of my resources on the virtual machine with 3 cores deticated to it. In playback 100% . I am using 4 3MP cameras.



  5. I've been looking at these as well. I thought the same thing about the 3MP WDR over the 5MP, but have been told by a couple of integrators to go with the 5MP and I will not be disappointed. There are a couple of features that leave questions. From what I understand the adaptive IR can not be turned off or on manually. The Adaptive IR will use some of the emitters when in night mode until motion is detected the ramp up accordingly. Currently these are autofocus. I have not yet seen anything that is not on youtube. The videos do show promise, but I'm still trying to get more info.
