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Everything posted by cctv_down_under

  1. cctv_down_under

    Camera Fading in and Out

    make sure you crimp that center core as well or solder it, metal can expand and contract
  2. cctv_down_under

    Lighting Information needed

    On its way... i hope it helps..its pretty old school
  3. cctv_down_under

    Lighting Information needed

    I cant remmeber what my exchange server allows...I will try...please remove your email address by editing your post after you read this...you will get spammed otherwise
  4. I think both have their advantages, however I dont think it is as important as having whichever OS embedded on chip. If left alone XP Embedded is very stable, but it is scucceptable to change and virus, so both are good but both should be on chip...until more DVR's adopt XP or Vista on chip I am sticking to Linux
  5. cctv_down_under

    nv5000 stops recording ?

    Does the dvr have an autoreboot schedule to clear memory, or does air conditioning or something kick in at that time of morning?
  6. cctv_down_under

    Lighting Information needed

    If you can take 9mb PM me
  7. cctv_down_under

    IR question/confusion

    No more wires, but yes generaly a full body camera, there are some that arent but I wouldn't touch them, its not hard to set up, its pretty much out of the box. 1/2" Black and white would be good but more expensive than 1/3" black and white and need to buy 1/2" lens which is more expensive. All I am saying is that if you want good performance then a true day night is the answer with IR lighting provided, without IR lighting you can geta fake day/night where the filter isnt removed but it changes to black and white...it wont pick up the IR well though. If you spend the money....Ganz, Bosch or Panasonic make excelllent true day night cameras. You could go for a no name brand but if you were doing that I would stick to only banck and white as less moving parts.....less hassles
  8. cctv_down_under

    Lighting Information needed

    9mb way too big
  9. cctv_down_under

    Transport CCTV

    where are you located?
  10. cctv_down_under

    IR question/confusion

    Cost effectively Blanck an white cameras will be the best replacement, they dont have the filter...but then it makes it hard to say "he was wearing a red shirt". True day night cams use the mechanical filter and obviously with moving parts its much better to buy quality
  11. cctv_down_under

    Lighting Information needed

    I havea video presentation on this but it may be too big to send
  12. cctv_down_under

    Power supplies

    Use the rackmounted Altronix ones, they have a lifetime warranty
  13. cctv_down_under

    Disappointed in Record Quality GV1240

    Change your video source properties in Geo to one that supports SW interlace....IE 640x480SW instead of just 640x480 and upgrade your video card
  14. cctv_down_under

    CCTV Camera Performance Check

    Test the peak signal on an oscilliscope
  15. cctv_down_under

    Underwater PTZ?

    Bosch sell pressurised PTZ's for marine environments, but I still dont think that could be submerged...i am pretty sure that extreme cctv moondance might be ok, never had a close enough look
  16. cctv_down_under

    Standalone software to set up PTZ camera?

    Hate to sprout Bosch again, but thats why the Bilinx opiton is cool, programmed up the coax and run through software
  17. cctv_down_under

    Camera Fading in and Out

    Try unplugging the cam from power and let it bleed out all power...leave it for at least 20 mins, then power it back up and tell me if the picture is now fine at the time of power up...perhaps its just some dodgy caps
  18. cctv_down_under

    IR question/confusion

    try to understand that light has a pretty broad spectrum...although we cant see most IR light some cameras can...but if we didnt sheild the camera from IR light then the colours and response of the camera would be affected...the Ir light isnt just there when you have a lamp...sun and other things give of IR. Each colour camera therefore has a filter to block IR light coming into the camera, this is why with a true day/night camera the filter is removed when low light levels are detected to allow IR light to pass through to the sensor. Cheap colour bullets will have not have a removable filter and therefore they block the IR light
  19. cctv_down_under

    problems with GV-Net

    Plug in your GV Net, then put a multi meter on the terminals, then try to click on the arrows to move the cam, measure any voltage difference...if you get no difference then nothing is coming out, try the same from the keyboard to ensure you get the same results. Perhaps the keyboard provides termination of the TX signal and your camera does not?
  20. cctv_down_under

    GV 650, Camera Problem Please help!!!

    What you are possibly witnessing is Frame Interlace...when two fields becme one frame, try switching your video source to one that supoorts software interlacing. for Example 640x480SW. Make sure your video card is a decent one
  21. cctv_down_under

    CCTV Camera problems

    I would bet its just the camera, however if the camera has a phase level switch...then adjust it...i doubt it will if it i cheap...some cams hava r g and b button on the back or a tune dial, this adjust the amounts of red green and blue in the picture
  22. cctv_down_under

    How long can RG 59 work Cat5e?

    For your reference, any of the XF full body cameras from Bosch can use cable compensation to enhance the length of your run, by the time you consider switching to NVT and baluns or perhaps a distribution amplifier, it works out about the same to upgrade to an XF cam for example I think you can then run about 600 Meters on RG59, which is more than I usually need. No I dont work for Bosch anymore....haven't for some time actually
  23. cctv_down_under

    What are casinos using

    Casino's are a bit different, they tend to standardise on MPEG2 as it is the Best compression, they also thend to run a front end matrix...quite oftne analogue controlled that works by interfacing to controls of Indivisual 1 camera DVR's IE 1 DVR per camera.......you heard right 300 cams = 300 DVR's, the reasoning is that if a single dvr fails, you only loose 1 x camera until replacement..and spare untis can be matrixed into play instantly
  24. cctv_down_under

    PTZ panning above horizon 90 degrees

    This is why at airports they still use pan tilt heads, sometimes a dome ptz is not always the best
  25. cctv_down_under

    PTZ camera which connector ?

    Some PTZ's put the control signal on a seperate frequency in the coax, this means one cable only.....I only know of three brands to do this though