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Posts posted by cctv_down_under

  1. No thank you!

    You just made a very interesting point.

    I had never thought about that, if your PCI card is out of date you can still sell the computer as a computer or use it (not that it would be worth a great deal), however with a Standalone how can you sell an obsolete one?


    Like I said thats a good point... However with the amount of support hours I am putting in lately I am starting to see Rory's point.


    I hope it all goes well for you.



  2. Thats always the way. the realtime preview cards cost a lot.

    Geo makes an 8ch one as well as a 16ch, this way you can at least save when only 8ch's are used.


    I always quote MUX recording speeds and say " Look your system is 10 times faster".


    Teh other trick is to use a looping switcher for display then feedback to the DVR then they get full size images and clear picture and no delay.


    I use looping switchers a lot!

  3. I agree, however a few things to note, be very carefull putting in that system, I know you didnt do the cabling but all cabling MUST be in special conduit and no pwoer can go near fuel vents etc because of fumes, I have seen some big mistakes done with cameras at petrol stations (as we call them here).

    all it takes is one wire to come loose out the back of the camera and then touch the other one and KABOOM.. Like I said, special enclosures and special conduit and no power near the fumes.

    Also your FPS will also depend on the CPU as you will use two cards, I would check that first with the manufactorer.

  4. Sorry Rory, I should have worded my post a little better, of course the Extreeme stuff is great but its not in the price he was talking about infact it is very expensive.


    I should have mentioned that as i HAVE done in many other posts, Extreeme has some really good gear... you get what you pay for in cameras, wait till they fail, we USED to sell Taiwanese and we stopped for a reason can anyone guess why?

  5. Sue in all honesty WE all are fussy about our products.. I mean you should hear me talk about Geovision... however if anyone ever offers a trial free refund I always grab it.


    I had a look at the card, there is nothing wrong with it, but I cant vouch for the software, we would be very interested to see.


    The one thing all of us forget is the customer does not know what is good and what is not.. I mean I have been so fussy with my installs that even before focussing cams the owner has said it is fine...well he didnt know what to expect therefore he would have been happy anyway.


    Its just that we all take pride in our work and we all have tried junky gear before or had to fix it. I can guarantee that you will not have a great software with that system but it may suit YOUR needs and you didn't blow your budget and you have learnt a lot.


    The point is sometimes you can get away with it and sometimes you cant and some people love standalones (Rory) which mind you ARE more stable and some like PC Cards (ME) and the features.


    You sound like you know computers so this is the best way to tell you...some video cards are better than others and that is why you can buy a Gforce4 from one place (same chips) and a better one elsewhere that is the difference in manufactoring.


    However they run on the same software so not much difference except minor performance.. the thing is a PCI card relies on stability of IT'S software therefore the better the softwrae the better the solution and the less headaches.


    I think you will be fine and we would all like to hear how it goes and if you have never seen better then you wont know what your missing anyhow.



    I hope this helps.

  6. I am not sure who would sell in the US.. In fact we dont even buy from teh manufactorer, however it is so close to the pricing (so we are told).. I think we get it form somewhere else now, will have to check the invoices but you can get it fromhttp://www.koreacctv.com and they should be able to tell you where it is sold in the US.

  7. I dont sell anything under 10FPS per camera but I am fussy, and yes i know you do not need that much, however I like to set mine with the larger resolutions.


    Geovision buffers unused frames so unlike 100fps divided by 10 cams @ 10fps per camera..... If only five of the ten have motion at one time then it buffers the spare unused 50fps on the fly, they call it S.R.T. or smart recording technology.


    Chews space but works very well.
