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Posts posted by TheBestofTheBest

  1. While this is a school building I am not expecting have little kid running around any time soon. Right now we are looking towards making it into small offices.


    From what I've read 300 is about right for some high quality cameras such as,Dahua & MINKING.


    I haven't been able to find an installed who knows anything about quality equipment.


    I have received quotes of more than 20,000 for under 8 cameras. I don't want anybody retiring off of my inexperience =)... who would?



    Looking forward to what you guys have to say =)

  2. Hello Everyone,


    My first post here .


    We are in dire need of some honest help. We are looking to establish an excellent IP camera system that is least likely to have down time and have excellent video quality. We are thinking of establishing at least 8 cameras for the time being and perhaps expand to 16 later on. We are willing to spend up to 300 per camera. I do know that there are many very affordable 'quality' Chinese options that are available for much less than that.


    I have labelled our vacant school property . Measurements are in feet.


    We will need to have remote viewing & motion sensing email alerts. We do have high speed internet at the location.


    What would you do ? What cameras would you get? What additional hardware would you get?


    Any and all advice / suggestions are most welcome.


    Thank You,


