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Everything posted by CCTVINSTALLER


    Where to put microphone ?


    XP embedded

    Thanks for that link rory, i did email geovision and they gave me the following response: Thank you for your e-mail to us. For your question on Windows embedded, we are afraid the suggested operating system platform is not supported at this time and GeoVision products specification states support for Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003. The Windows embeded is considered to be a special for its ability to allow the removal of unwanted or unnecessary program files. Hence, our test lab has not focused any testing at this time. We hope the brief confirmation is enough for you and please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any further doubts or questions on the suggested matter. Best regards
  3. Do you guys use xp embedded when building geo/I-view systems?? How do you get hold of it, my distributor doesnt sell it, do i have to contact microsoft?

    Is this feasable?

    I suppose you could, but once you've done that, you'll get 1/4 of the resolution on that one channel (with quad). A switcher would probably be better idea.

    building a PC for a GV-816

    Can you use win xp pro embedded to build Geo systems?

    System design help needed!

    Yep, Geovision definitely springs to mind when you talk about PDA View, you can also check out the I-view cards, they seem to have PDA software, not sure if you can control PTZ cams though, you'll need to contact hermin on this forum regarding I-view
  7. Wondering if some of you more experienced installers with geovision could share some of your installs for bigger systems, 16 cams+ and what features you used. E.g. Casino, hotel etc


    MCS, i see where you're coming from, im a geo fan too, however ive started cutting down on the amount of installations, i prefer standalones for most of my jobs now, mainly because my distributor is giving 3yr warranty. Problem with Geovision is, its got too many features, that may sound a bit silly, but for 90% of my customers, all they want is the ability to record, playback and backup an incident, rest of the time they dont even look at the system. I dont want to give my customers a PC Based system, which 1. they're not using to the full potential, 2. They have to go through all that headache to backup up 5mins of video when one of my standalones can do it by a click of a button 3. Headache for me when the guy says 3 months later, i want a monitor at the front of the shop, (Looking at the i-view cards for this issue, found out all the cards have a tv out!) If you're going to use the features, then fine its probably one of the best products out there, and most cost-effective for high frame rate recording, networking and all that, if not you're wasting you're money.

    System Suggestions

    Hermin, with the Digi-1600Xp how many days recording would you get say on average using Mpeg4, 320GB and round the clock recording. Only thing i like with geovision is they use their own compression method, for one of my clients i gave him a gv800 for a bank, 380GB (400gbSATA before partition) and he was getting nearly 30 days recording no problem with it.


    Hi Bison, if you're in australia, there's a company called altechvision, www.altechvision.com.au

    Recording TV in

    Hi Guys, I was wondering if this was possible, i want to record a TV program using one of my Geovision systems (The apprentice ! I have a gv650, so i'll have one channel connected, ive managed to get the video and audio recording using a scart lead. Now here's the problem, Geovision records in 5 minute intervals, how would i go about merging all the video and audio files in one file? I know i could just get a DVD recorder, but im a Brit and i like making life difficult for myself , any suggestions would be appreciated, Cheers!

    Which Manufacturer

    So would it be possible to say use a different software other than the one the manufacturer has supplied to you? E.g. maybe you prefer one software over the other

    Recording TV in

    True, i just wanted to see if it would be possible. Anyway, got my hands on a Philips DVD Recorder from one of my distributors, Rory so whats goin on bahamas, thinking of moving any time soon?

    Which Manufacturer

    oops, this should have really been in the hardware section
  15. You'll need one of these units: http://www.newegg.com/app/viewproductdesc.asp?description=15-100-114&DEPA=0 http://www.starkelectronic.com/pitvpro.htm They convert VGA to video out, I have seen monitors with direct connections but theyre a bit expensive

    Interesting Stuff

    check this out: http://www.cctvlabs.com/video_black_box_flyer.pdf

    Need Help - CCTV MN-CCD-400B

    If you take a picture of the rear of the camera, that would be helpful and the guys on this forum can recommend what type of cable to use from there on. Generally, you will most likely need siamese cable to hook up the cameras

    DVR's for Casino Usage

    What's the difference between vendoma and hkvision?

    Multimonitor DVR client view

    Lol, just reminded me, still haven't seen oceans 12 yet Thats great, 8 years, PC based wouldn't be too much of a prob then. Dont see why he would want to view them 3 seperate screens when he can have a quad view and always has an option to view 1 in full screen if he wants. Ill pm you a screenshot, of the multiview in action if you want

    Multimonitor DVR client view

    Hi, If you have pc building experience, Geovision would be ideal for the situation you mentioned. You would have a geovision dvr in each store connected via broadband. Then the multiview screen would bring them altogether in one screen in the main office. you also have the ability of remote playback also the remote EMap facility means you can view the layout of your cams in each store. check out www.geovision.com.tw also i would browse some of the threads in this forum, you'll pick up a bit of info on geovision.

    CCTV in the news.

    Lol, yea i was just reading that today in daily mail, looks like some sort of webcam www.geocities.com/digitalsystems1
  22. Tom, which is the best free firewall, i remember you mentioning it in another post but i cant find it!
  23. you can also use the free utility on www.trendmicro.com to check for viruses.


  25. CLick start, Run, services.msc, scroll down to Remote Proceedure Call (RPC), double click it, click the recovery tab and change from restart the computer to take no action, not sure how safe it is to turn it off though. We used to get a similar problem with "lsass.exe is shutting down your pc" after couple months, we found out it was the sasser bug!