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Everything posted by Rooney

  1. Another good option is Digital Imaging Infrared DII-5000. It has a regular day camera and thermal camera on one mount. Also you can blend the regular and thermal images together for better contrast. Their web site is http://www.dii-llc.com/ Good luck.
  2. Rooney

    can pan tilt camera motion detect?

    It is not reliable to detect motion on a moving ptz camera. Presets can work for motion in many ways with a ptz. 1. Mount a wide angel camera in area that is viewed with ptz. When motion is detected in wide view camera is sets off an alrm that is programmed for a preset on the ptz. 2. Beams. 3. Motion detectors. 4. Any other no/nc style input. i.e. a door contact on a gate programmed into a ptz preset. There are ptz cameras now that have what is called auto-track that will follow a person or vehicle as it moves. I do not recommend them though. All someone has to do is send in a dummy the camera tracks while the other person does the crime
  3. Rooney


    Normally what we do is take a metal plate and mount to the I-beams with beam clamps (min. 4) (good sturdy ones not the stamped metal ones) and mount the dome pipe flange to the plate in the center of the beam.
  4. I wonder if you get better upload speed when you flush. Most broadband is faster download than upload. Just a thought. Also, will the insulation on the cable wear down over time because of friction? I would not want to pull it back out again. Or maybe you just attach a new cable to the old one and send it back to the junction for the PHDs to handle.
  5. I have seen this a couple times and it is hard to pinpoint. Here are a couple questions that you can think about. 1. Does it happen at the same time of day or different times? 2. Is there any communication towers or Ham radio operators in your area? It can sometimes pick it up if they have strong transmitters. 3. Do the cameras have audio? If so listen to them and tell me if you hear anything out of the ordinary. If you have a wire locating toner like this http://www.action-electronics.com/tracker.htm you can turn off the power to the camera and place the toner reciever next to the video signal wire and listen. I have heard ham radios as well as radio stations coming over the video feed causing distortion. If so you will need a filter like a pelco gt100. Just a thought. Let me know if you find anything.
  6. Rooney

    Need advice - repeated targeted burglaries

    Another way you may be able to go for cheaper than $1200 is motion activated cameras. They take a picture when motion appears in its field of view and stores to a sc card. They arent that expensive and if the person is moving around the house the system can be relatively hidden. Cameras may stand out to whomever is doing it. All they would have to do is trace back the wires to the recorder and steal it. If it is the person that used to live there it would not be hard for them to figure out where the recorder is. Just a thought.
  7. Rooney

    Mobile surveillance system

    You can also try www.remotesystems.us they have systems that are reliable and have solar option for non powered sites. Can transmit via wireless broadband or cellular. The systems also record on site. VERY stable and theft resistant.
  8. Rooney

    has anyone tried this.............

    One thing you can use is Thermoelectric or Peltier coolers. When power is applied one side gets hot and the other cold. When I use them I put the hot side towards the outside of the enclosure and put a heat sink outside against the location of the cooler. I also put a heat sink with small fan on the inside to circulate the cooler air. They work well and can keep the enclosure up to 40 degrees f cooler than ambient air. Just make sure you size it accordin to your requirements.
  9. Rooney

    anybody else having problems with Paypal?

    Glad you got it taken care of. Identity theft is a major pain in the you know what. Keep a real close eye on all of your accounts for at least the next few monthes. I would also notify ALL of the credit agencies and get a current report so they will keep an eye out as well. Good luck.
  10. Rooney

    Spy equipment manufactures

    There are quite a few companies out there that sell the type of equipment you are looking for. One is The Spy Store. I have not bought any of there equipment but have heard good things from people that have.
  11. Rooney

    anybody else having problems with Paypal?

    I have a seperate account ONLY for paypal. It is not linked in ANY way to any other account. I recieve phishing mails atleast twice a day about paypal and other accounts. I don't even open them. If I make a paypal purchase I deposit the EXACT amount into that account plus any fees if needed. Normally I'll keep only $5 in the account. I highly recommend anyone that has an online account like paypal or any other to do the same. So far it has stopped 3 unauthorized transactions in the last year. The scary part is the 3 that were stopped were to be transferred to the middle east (Saudi Arabia and Yemen).
  12. Rooney

    Install RG59 Uderground

    Like they said I would use direct burial or put it in a conduit. Remember though that it will be susceptible to spikes from lightening ,etc. If you use conduit use IMT or rigid conduit with proper grounding. If direct burial. Use proper lightning and surge suppression on both ends. A bonded system will be less susceptible to lightning.
  13. There are people that lease portable systems designed for construction sites. One place to look is www.remotesystems.us.
  14. Try a Pelco GIT100 ground fault filter. It worked for me when I had the same problem. Just make sure you gorund the GIT100 as well.
  15. I agree that it sounds like a ground fault issue. I had a dvmre-16ct that did the same thing. I placed ground fault filters on the trouble feed. I used the pelco git100. The problem went away. If that does not work for you, send the dvr in for repair. The mother board on that particular model has been known to have problems over time. One way to troubleshoot the problem is to connect one camera at a time and see if it reboots. As you add cameras if the system does reboot, remove the first camera you connected, and so on. You may only have one camera causing the problem.
  16. Rooney

    Camera looking at the sun

    Some bullet cameras do not have auto-iris lenses or back light compensation blc. I would look for a camera that has both. Auto iris actually opens and closes the aperture according to the light level going in. BLC compensates the picture, ie. a bright spot in the center is dimmed and the surrounding area lightened to compenstate. Hope that helps.
  17. Rooney

    Best way to do a PTZ Camera ?

    It depends on your use. A pan tilt is good for going approx. 350 degrees unless it is built with full 360 capability. Then you also have to look into the zoom needed and a motorized lens and etc... A ptz camera takes care of all of that. The only problem with a ptz is a blind spot where it is mounted. If that is not a problem I would go with a PTZ. You can get ptz's with good zoom and low light. If you need illumintation for low light a pan tilt style setup may be better because you can mount the illumination on the pt. A ptz camera does not allow that. Hope that helps.
  18. Rooney

    Mailman leaves me more than the mail...

    I probably would not turn him in. Although I would confront him about it if you have the chance to be home while he arrives. I would tell him "Urine trouble buddy" (Pun intended). If he gets smart I would turn him in then, along with a copy of the video. As for the privacy issue. There is none, except. Some states have laws for audio recording that the person being recorded has to be notified. I would look into that before notifying anyone in case there are repercussions towards you for the audio. The video end has no restrictions outdoors on your property. It's hard to believe that someone would do that on a persons property in front like that. He should have pulled over down the road or gone to a bathroom at a business if one is close. Anything other than relieving himself on your bushes.
  19. Rooney

    The correct lens for the job.

    There are many lenses that would work for you. I would go with a 2.8 mm or smaller cs mount lens. Something like this one from rainbow cctv http://www.rainbowcctv.com/specs/13_inch/l28cswi.html The smaller the mm the wider the view. Just remember that camera has a CS style mount. Hope this helps.
  20. Rooney

    Ligthing question for camera with zoom lens

    Color will still see it but B/W will give you a better picture using IR. I think the way you said will work fine. Let me know how it works out.
  21. Rooney

    Camera(s) not working

    It sounds like you are getting video loss from the camera or a weak signal. How far of a run is the camera from the DVR? If you have a coax tester you can determine the loss. Or you can get a signal amp and put it on that channel. Was the video clear before it goes out? Snowy, bouncing, etc..? If you power down the camera for awhile and power it up does it come back for a few minutes then go out again? I'm trying to see if the camera goes out after it warms up. You can also try one of your other cameras in the location of the bad one and see if it goes out. After all this and nothing helps I would say you shoudn't feed them after midnite. (gremlins)
  22. Rooney

    Camera(s) not working

    It sounds like the DVR. I've had that problem with the older dedicated micros dvr's before. Another way to check it is to move the cameras to different inputs and see if the same channel goes out. There are places that still fix them. The last one I got fixed for a bad channel cost $340.
  23. Rooney

    Ligthing question for camera with zoom lens

    The spotlight idea should work well. Another option is to buy an infrared illuminator. The cctv cameras see the illumination fine and it should also light up the license plate good. One that would light up an area of 50 feet runs about $75. You can buy them online.
  24. They are VERY vandal resistant. The military units do not require the security our other units require because they are in areas where there are military personnel. Our stand alone unit has internal sensors that sense movement or shock to the unit. All cabling is internal to disuade tampering. The mast comes in 7-10 meter versions and are designed to withstand over 125 mph winds with 10 sq. ft. sail area at top. They are capable of a mast payload of over 400 lbs. The solar units come in differing configurations to allow the panels to be located to the best exposure. We do not mount the solar panels on the mast for stability purposes in high winds. The systems have a special locking system that enables long range video and point-to-point communications without the shakiness other systems have. Our systems are tested to -40f to 140f and also have gone through 72 hour rain testing and humidity 95% condensing.
  25. We can be your "turnkey" solution. We build portable systems just like that for homeland security and law enforcement.