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Posts posted by bostonblackey

  1. Already, I have consulted with a installer who suggested a system that might work for my application but my investigation revealed what he wanted to do would expose my system computers and alarm system to severe vulnerabilities. Although, the camera has NIC and MAC which could be recognized by the router, the extended wireless access points and outdoor range extenders for the wireless install would open up security to my network system.


    I am glad I did some study, because the company I intend to hire will solve the problem by using a old computer not connected to the network and make a stand alone system that will incorporate nothing but the camera system. it will cost me more than many would want to spend to have a separate High Speed router and pay for a high speed light internet connection but being safe is more important than the money required. The 700 ft between my house router and my barn probably would not have worked in a satisfactory manner.


    I don't try to tell a professional how to do a job but before I hire him I want him to tell me how he intends to do the job. If a Pro does not want to tell me then I want nothing to do with him.


    I have managed through life by living by the golden rule. "he who has the gold, makes the rule"

  2. I am very interested in your post and have some questions. Since the security camera I am considering will be 700 ft away from the router, I understand I will need a amplified access point such as a AP600EX which uses a bidirectional antenna, and a range Extender wuch as a AP600EX which greatly increases the vulnerability for a scanner to pick up the signal.

    I know most of the devices in my home must have the WPA2 code to access the router and one can restrict the MAC addresses to known devices and password the router it's self, Does this mean that the camera system rely on computer access in order to be operational or are there camera systems that work on SD cards have the ability to contain their own logon and the fact that that log on is broadcast over a great distance produce the vulnerability for scanners to interept the logon and duplicate it for access?


    Are there work arounds for this such as prohibiting remote logon to the computer still leave a vulnerability as once the router is compromised, a hacker could add a foreign MAC address and intercept access from any computer or cell phone connecting to the network?


    A little knowledge would help so that when I hire someone to do the job, I can make sure he is a true professional and does not leave the back door unlocked.


  3. I am a semi DYI but usually hire things done. I like to have knowledge of a subject bedfore I hire a professional as in my long life, too many people who have represented themselves as pro's tried to rip me off. Example, The A/C guy who said I needed a new $5,000 A/C when all it needed was a Start capacitor and when the water softener malfunctioned was told a lie that the manufacturer was out of business and parts were no longer available. I also want to have enough knowledge about what I am getting into.


    I realize that I have a unique problem in needing to have a wireless signal that is far greater then the max range of 300 ft for reliable wireless reception and need amplified access point and range extender but am trying learn about network security vulnerabilities and open network ports that can be exploited in a private network with the addition of a security camera system. I still have question about future expansion and the pro's and con's of integrating a camera system with my home security alarm system.


    I don't expect a pro to give away all the info obtained by years of practice and schooling, but I would imagine a real pro would be focusing on commercial applications where the real money is and messing with home systems unless there is a lack of commercial work.

  4. I have not selected a camera yet but I saw one from securityman IPcam SD advertised through Home Depot for $140 that has a Ethernet Port,wireless antenna, and a sd card. The specs say it can be activated by motion, schedule etc. It mentions in the set up manual to remember to set the clock so my guess this camera will imprint the date and time. It also has plz but i intend to point it at the door. Since the feed room is dark normally if opened at night the person entering would turn on the light switch and if opened in day daylight would stream in. Mounting would be 12 ft from door and so does not need to be a outside camera. I am open to suggestions as I understand that some camera's and software open up network vulnerabilities.

    Thanks for replying

  5. I am looking to set up a MOTION ACTIVATED IP camera with a SD card but have no idea how to time stamp the video's. None of the camera's I see on line mention time stamping.

    The chore that I want to accomplish is to put a camera in my feed room (which is normally dark) to record the time a stable hand comes to feed my horses while I am away. Since the feed room is at least 6 to 700 ft from my house and router, I will have to connect the camera to a sending and receiving system such as an Amped AP600EX paired with a SP600EX that will connect to the router and camera with cat5e or better ethernet cable.

    Any system that I configure must be able for me to download upon demand to my iphone.

    Connecting the barn to the house by ethernet cable is not an option. The video will be NG without time stamp. Also will need software.


    I would appreciate advice

