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Posts posted by therookie

  1. Have a customer that has an Aldelo POS that they would like incorporated into their 32 channel CCTV system. Customer only has two cash drawers they would like to monitor with a text overlay, currently they have an older system so wanting to upgrade them to TVI.

    Any recommendation or experience with a system that incorporates text overlay. Was looking at several Hikvision's, LTS or other?


    Thank you

  2. I have a PC based DVR with 32 cameras (two 16 DH-VEC1604) and need to add additional cameras as well as replace a few. The DVR cards allow up to 525 lines and the system is five years old.


    Would I be in better off biting the bullet and replacing the existing cards that supports higher resolution, replace the system and go with a stand alone that supports higher resolution or just add a third card?


    The system has 2 one terabyte hard drives that I am going to upgrade if staying with the PC based DVR.


    Thank you in advance
