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Posts posted by AMP

  1. One more thing, here's a snippet of http://hostname/ISAPI/PTZCtrl/channels/1/presets from my camera. You can see that each should have an preset ID and a preset name; however, each is set to the same thing by Hikvision from what I see.


    <PTZPresetList xmlns="http://www.std-cgi.com/ver20/XMLSchema" version="2.0">

  2. I'm not sure if that would be a problem if it was coded correctly. The underlying code refers to them by preset number or preset ID, it would just be the web interface that needs to spit out the preset name into the browser.


    In preview.js I see,

    var g_bSupportPresetName = false; //是否支持预置点名称设置

    I tried setting that to true, and it didn't change anything.



    g_bSupportPresetName = $(xmlDoc).find("PresetNameCap").eq(0).find("presetNameSupport").eq(0).text() == "true";



    function getPresets() {
    var szURL = m_lHttp + m_szHostName + ":" + m_lHttpPort + "/ISAPI/PTZCtrl/channels/1/presets";
    	type: "GET",
    	url: szURL,
    	success: function (xmlDoc, textStatus, xhr) {
    		var oPresets = $(xmlDoc).find("PTZPreset");
    		oPresets.each(function () {
    			var iId = parseInt($(this).find("id").eq(0).text(), 10);
    			var szName = $(this).find("presetName").eq(0).text();
    			var oCurPreset = $("#PresetArea").children("div").eq(iId - 1);
                   if (window.parent.g_szDeviceType == "IPCamera" || !g_bSupportPresetName) {  //IPC不支持名称显示


    There's other references to preset name in that file. It looks like Hikvision coded with the intent for preset names, but for some reason it's disabled.

  3. Anyone know if it is possible to rename Hikvision presets on the web interface so that it's not just "Preset 1", "Preset 2", etc and give them meaningful names? It seems like a no-brainer feature, I'm not quite sure why it doesn't seem to be included.


    I don't see an official way through the web GUI, and I've SSHed into the camera and looked all over the place in the code in /home/doc/ for where it might be grabbing the presets so I could possibly manually modify the names. I saw references to "presetname" in ptz.css, ptz_preview.css, ptzCfg.js, and preview.js


    I see it is possible to change the names in the iVMS client, but it doesn't save it to the camera. It only stays with the client. If anyone has any ideas on if this is possible or tips of where else to look, it would be greatly appreciated.


    In ptzCfg.js it looks like it is grabbing them from an xml file "PTZPresetlist" file or something from http://hostname/ISAPI/PTZCtrl/channels/1/presets


    var szURL = m_lHttp + m_szHostName + ":" + m_lHttpPort + "/ISAPI/PTZCtrl/channels/1/presets";
    	type: "GET",
    	url: szURL,
    	success: function (xmlDoc, textStatus, xhr) {
    		var oPresets = $(xmlDoc).find("PTZPreset");
    		oPresets.each(function () {
    			var iId = parseInt($(this).find("id").eq(0).text(), 10);
    			var szName = $(this).find("presetName").eq(0).text();
    			var objStringTest = window.parent.$("#dvStringLenTest");
    			var oPresetDiv = $("#PresetArea").children("div").eq(iId - 1);
    			objStringTest.html(szName);  //用这个来检测字符串的宽度
    			oPresetDiv.children("span").eq(0).html(szName.replace(/\s/g, " ")).attr("title", objStringTest.width() <= 125 ? "" : szName);


    It looks like the file /davinci/ipc_db is where the settings of the camera are written to. I found DB Browser for SQLite http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlitebrowser/ that lets me check out that database. Lots of good stuff in there, that's the mother lode of the settings of the camera.

  4. I have a Hikvision camera that wouldn't work with http://ip/Streaming/channels/1/picture or http://ip/Streaming/channels/101/picture or any variation I tried. I would just get the response:


    <ResponseStatus xmlns="http://www.std-cgi.com/ver10/XMLSchema" version="1.0">
    <statusString>Device Error</statusString>


    Some people talked about firmware versions breaking that. After days of searching for a workaround, I finally found someone mention using http://ip/onvif/snapshot


    That works for my camera!
