Please post your /etc/exports. I am trying to get HIKVISON DS-2CD2032-I firmware V5.2.0 build 140721 with a Raspberry Pi. The Pi shows an "authenticated mount request" like everything is fine but the camera NFS test shows "Mounting to NAS server failed. No permission." Any ideas why it is not working.
My /etc/exports is:
/mnt/camStorage *(rw,no_subtree_check)
I got it working. The problem seems to be that the hikvision camera connects to the NFS server as root with UID=0. I was able to make it work by adding no_root_squash. That is not very secure so I created a hikvision user and hikvision group on the NFS server (Raspberry Pi). Then I changed the owner of all the exported files and directories to be owned by hikvision:hikvision. I configured /etc/exports with this:
The anonuid and anongid are the actual UID and GID from my /etc/passwd and /etc/group files. Now it all works great.