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Posts posted by AKalm

  1. I have an IPC-HDW4300C so I'll test it out on there a little later tonight. The service that does the upgrade varies from firmware to firmware. Some version block firmware by language or compatibility, but ultimately it can all be corrected quite easily if you make a mistake.


    ConfigTool on port 3800 is the simplest way to load firmware and will work even if the web UI is down.


    I will be working on a list of firmware and a compatible camera list to facilitate the process.



    ~ # logView -r all 1


    user name:admin



    14:24:51|[Manager] info CLocalClient::CLocalClient(0x0x13381c8)>>>>>>

    14:24:51|[Manager] debug CLocalClient::login() successful! username = admin

    admin$language -r14:24:56|[AmbaVideo] mt9t002 register 0x3180[0xA089]!


    14:24:56|[crypt] LANGUAGE: copy_to_user

    14:24:56|[libpdi] SimpChinese

    14:24:56|[Manager] trace Crypt Language is: SimpChinese


    Wondering why it can't copy any language to user? Might be that part corrupted? Tried all possible firmwares and solutions found online but still the same..

    Anyone has an idea?

    Pasted the result already above, and the result below is with a newer firmware (20141205):


    01:22:17|warn Src/Comm/Alarm.cpp:706 not support pir alarm.

    01:22:17|[Manager] warn CCommonConfigManager::getConfig AlarmOut is Json::nullValue!

    01:22:17|[Manager] trace CConsole::registerCmd had been register!!

    01:22:17|[Manager] trace CConsole::registerCmd had been register!!

    01:22:17|[Manager] info CLdapUserManager::initialize() tye login times is 3

    01:22:17|[Manager] trace CConsole::registerCmd had been register!!

    01:22:17|[Manager] trace CLog::attachFilter

    01:22:17|[crypt] LANGUAGE: copy_to_user


    01:22:17|[Manager] error Src/Locales.cpp:140 system has no supportLanguages.

    ====================== assert failed ==========================

    Time : Mon May 22 01:22:17 2000


    =========================== TRACE START ===================================

    Tid:956, Exception type : SIGSEGV

    01:22:17|[libInfra] debug ThreadBody Enter name = Console, id = 968, prior = N1,

    PC:[0x00701574] (0x007014f8--0x0070158f) Unknown

    PC:[0x40373e70] (0x40373e68--0x40373e7f) __default_rt_sa_restorer_v2 + [0x0]

    PC:[0x403a69e4] (0x403a69d4--0x403a6bdc) fputs + [0x10]

    PC:[0x007015d0] (0x007015a0--0x0070166b) Unknown

    PC:[0x004e42a8] (0x004e4178--0x004e45c7) Unknown

    PC:[0x004d203c] (0x004d1fdc--0x004d203f) Unknown

    PC:[0x004d229c] (0x004d2234--0x004d22cf) Unknown

    PC:[0x0001f9dc] (0x0001f1bc--0x000216a7) Unknown

    PC:[0x4035a834] (0x4035a720--0x4035a940) __libc_start_main + [0x114]

    PC:[0x0002b47c] (0x0002b450--0x0002b4af) Unknown

    =========================== TRACE END ===================================

  2. I have an IPC-HDW4300C so I'll test it out on there a little later tonight. The service that does the upgrade varies from firmware to firmware. Some version block firmware by language or compatibility, but ultimately it can all be corrected quite easily if you make a mistake.


    ConfigTool on port 3800 is the simplest way to load firmware and will work even if the web UI is down.


    I will be working on a list of firmware and a compatible camera list to facilitate the process.



    ~ # logView -r all 1


    user name:admin



    14:24:51|[Manager] info CLocalClient::CLocalClient(0x0x13381c8)>>>>>>

    14:24:51|[Manager] debug CLocalClient::login() successful! username = admin

    admin$language -r14:24:56|[AmbaVideo] mt9t002 register 0x3180[0xA089]!


    14:24:56|[crypt] LANGUAGE: copy_to_user

    14:24:56|[libpdi] SimpChinese

    14:24:56|[Manager] trace Crypt Language is: SimpChinese



    Please someone help! No one had this issue yet online, can't find a solution.

    It all goes good, until it reaches the language copy to user. I have a HDB4300C.


    01:58:43|[Manager] trace CConsole::registerCmd had been register!!
    01:58:43|[Manager] trace CLog::attachFilter
    01:58:43|[crypt] LANGUAGE: copy_to_user
    01:58:43|[Manager] error Src/Locales.cpp:54 system has no supportLanguages.
    ====================== assert failed ==========================
    01:58:43|[libInfra] debug ThreadBody Enter name = Console, id = 982, prior = N1, stack = 0x42798dcc
    Time : Sun May 21 01:58:43 2000
    =========================== TRACE START ===================================
    Tid:970, Exception type : SIGSEGV
    PC:[0x00641568] (0x006414ec--0x00641583) stack_sig_hook + [0x7c]
    PC:[0x403c1e70] (0x403c1e68--0x403c1e7f) __default_rt_sa_restorer_v2 + [0x0]
    PC:[0x403f49e4] (0x403f49d4--0x403f4bdc) fputs + [0x10]
    PC:[0x006415c4] (0x00641594--0x0064165f) __wrap___assert_fail + [0x30]
    PC:[0x0041977c] (0x0041964c--0x004199e3) Dahua::Manager::CLocales::config(Json::Value const&) + [0x130]
    PC:[0x00409f80] (0x00409f20--0x00409f83) CLocales::config(Json::Value const&) + [0x20]
    PC:[0x0040a0dc] (0x0040a074--0x0040a10f) ILocales::instance() + [0x68]
    PC:[0x0001eb84] (0x0001e470--0x000202b7) main + [0x714]
    PC:[0x403a8834] (0x403a8720--0x403a8940) __libc_start_main + [0x114]
    PC:[0x000283e8] (0x000283bc--0x0002841b) _start + [0x2c]
    =========================== TRACE   END ===================================


    Tried all possible firmwares, older ones will let sonia still to run, so can login as admin admin, but no web interface, can't see on configtool etc. Newer ones stopping sonia straightaway when "can't copy the langauge to user"

  3. Seems like my HDB4300C became reboot-loop bricked after setting the IP to DHCP, since then I can't find the way to restore properly. I've tried nearly all possible firmwares through port 3800 with config tool, even the ones which I was sure won't work.

    The main error is that the language/region chip seems to be empty, and sonia cannot start because it says "system has no supportLanguages".


    21:49:04|[crypt] LANGUAGE: copy_to_user
    21:49:04|[Manager] error Src/Locales.cpp:140 system has no supportLanguages.
    ====================== assert failed ==========================
    Assert(0) failed
    File <---> Src/Locales.cpp
    Function <---> virtual bool Dahua::Manager::CLocales::config(const Json::Value&)
    Line <---> 141
    ====================== assert failed ==========================
    Time : Sat Feb 26 21:49:04 2000


    Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

    Thanks in advance!
