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Posts posted by mcburner

  1. I've noticed that a lot of ISP's will block certain ports, say port 80 usually to keep customers from self-hosting sites, etc and grabbing too much bandwidth. Our local ISP here in CA, USA did that. As soon as we changed from port 80 to 8000. All worked. Might have been a problem like that. My 2 cents.

  2. I've noticed that a lot of ISP's will block certain ports, say port 80 usually to keep customers from self-hosting sites, etc and grabbing too much bandwidth. Our local ISP here in CA, USA did that. As soon as we changed from port 80 to 8000. All worked. Might have been a problem like that. My 2 cents.

  3. I can understand the compatibility issues that Geo or any other cards I have encountered have since it would be impractical to test all possible hardware configurations. But, once you have tested successfully with a certain configuration, I would think they would do regression testing on any future hardware of software releases. I have run into compatibility issues just moving from 5.4 to 6.1 with same hardware, but have also run into 5.4 working on one (for example) ASUS board, but not another ASUS model which is very similar, same chipset but maybe different bus speed. Some recommend nVidia mx440 cards, other ATI. Give me a sure fire configuration which is using a 3.0+ gHz cpu and I will stick with it until told otherwise.


    Amen Brother...
