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Posts posted by graphite

  1. Yay! Now it works!


    I use one of those cloud computing providers to backup video remotely. It is a bit expensive if I use too much of HDD, so I needed to know minimal CIFS share size before upgrading to another package. As I only write video on motion and it is a camera directed to an entrance door of the apartment, there will be around 300-500Mb per day, which means I can keep around 2 weeks of video with a 10Gb share - this is even more than I would like to have.


    In my install I have a CIFS share at Linux server in a virtual filesystem with a capacity of ~10Gb (I started with ~5Gb and it didn't work). Now everything worked smoothly, during format it set up 27 containers and transferred around 70Mb to a server (I didn't even need to set a quota now). Then I triggered a motion detection and got a video immediately. So far it works great and I can still stay with a cheapest instance, which costs $5/month (and which I still use for other small projects).


    To summarize: the smallest network storage this camera can use is ~10Gb, keep that in mind.

  2. I guess it is trying to be smart and use min(user_quota, free_space) as a free space, so changing quota may do the trick. Could you try to start with 5GB and check if it formats successfully? If doesn't - double the quota and so on (5GB, 10GB, 20GB, 40GB).

    Up to now we already know that 500Gb seems to be too much and 300Gb works fine, so I want to find out a lower boundary.

    Thank you very much for your help.

  3. Sure, I've seen your post. I've just set a filesystem's quota and checked that it is actually enforced. Unfortunately, it didn't help.

    On the other side, my problem is not related to a too large disk as it is definitely not the case. Can anyone try to play with quota/partition size and check which is the smallest one when camera still works? I failed to find any information from user manual.

  4. Hi everyone,


    I have a HikVision DS-2CD2010-I (Firmware Version V5.2.0 build 140721) camera and I'm trying to set up video recording to a network storage. I have a Linux machine and I've set up a Samba server there. I can connect to it, create and delete files both from Windows and cli smbclient. I've also attached it to the camera and can see it within "Storage" tab, but it always stays as "Uninitialized". I tried to format the drive from camera UI, it fades for ~5 seconds, says complete and then returns to uninitialized state. After that, there is no new files on the server created, but everything that was there is gone, so camera indeed can access the share and delete files.


    Another weird thing is that the camera reports 0.00GB of free space, but correctly displays total capacity. I've checked with smbclient and dir that capacity and free space are reported correctly by Samba server. I've seen some discussions at CCTV suggesting to set a particular quota for the share, but I'm not aware if it is at all possible with Samba on Linux.


    Did anyone face this issue? Any suggestions to try? Any alternatives to consider? I have also an FTP server at the same machine and it works fine, but the camera seems only can upload images over FTP, not videos
